Monday, August 20, 2012

Conversations In The Garden: Living Water

"Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare,
'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'"
John 7:38 (NIV)

As many of you know, I enjoy going into the garden of my heart to have conversations with Jesus. I find a quiet place, pray for the Holy Spirit to calm my mind, control my thoughts and let me hear only the voice of our Lord.  I have been delightfully amazed with what I learn during these times I visualize visiting with Jesus.

About a week ago I shared how I had gone into the garden and when Jesus and I went walking on a path up the mountainside, there was a huge boulder on the path that made it impossible to go around, over, or under! I knew immediately that it was the childhood abuse I was dealing with. After speaking out on this difficult truth here, and sharing my story with family and loved ones, the boulder had a split from top to bottom the next time I went into the garden!  I still could not get through it, but I knew it was only a matter of time.

This week when I was back on the path with Jesus we came upon the boulder. I peered into the large crack and saw a stream on the other side. As I watched, it came trickling down the path,then through the crack making its way down the mountain. My first thought was "living water". Living water was making its way through the boulder.....through the abuse. Jesus was healing me with a stream of living water!

Without thinking I still asked  Jesus what else I needed to do so I could get past the boulder.  Did I need more memories to surface?  Did I need to continue homeopathy?  More counseling?  He took my hand and began to lead me over to a path that had been hidden by the trees.  As we climbed up this path I glanced over to my left and saw the boulder below me.  My thought was,  "It does not seem so big from here." I then realized that Jesus,  JESUS was leading me past the boulder--the abuse.  Jesus was holding my hand and every time we prayed for the healing of memories, He was healing me with living water, cleansing me and moving me forward past the big boulder blocking my way.

When I wrote about the abuse for the first time I shared that people may have wondered where God was when I was being hurt.  I shared that I believed "He was right there holding my hand".   I am so grateful He reminded me that He STILL is!

No matter what life brings our way, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves facing today, we are never alone.  God is always with us, He keeps a firm grip on us and He desires to heal us with His living water!


Ginny said...

A absolute beautiful post, Renee. Loved reading this, because He is there but for me it's so easy to try and fix things on my own instead of relying on Him.

sharon said...

Wonderful post Renee. He is always there carrying us or holding our hand even when we don't realize it. I am praying that Gods healing continues for you.

Gayle said...

Such treasured beautiful words. Thank you for letting us take a glimpse into the healing paths the shepherd in bringing you through.

Renee said...

Hi Ginny
I am the same....wanting to fix things on my own. He is patient!

Renee said...

Hi Sharon
Thank you for your prayers. God is healing me .

Renee said...

Hi Gayle
I am praying that my transparency helps someone else.