Monday, August 27, 2012

MBM: Wherever You Go

Memorial Box Monday was created by Linny over at A Place Called Simplicity.  You can stop over at her cyber home and read the full story behind it, but in general what we share is to show God's faithfulness and provisions, encourage others and help us remember how much God loves us!  Today I am sharing an edited version of a story I shared a few weeks ago.

"I speak to you continually : through sights, sounds, thoughts, impressions, scriptures.
 There is no limit to the ways I can communicate with you."
 Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

 One of the ways I know God is trying to get my attention is when I receive the same message from more than one source. It may be through the scriptures, a devotional, an email, nature, or the words of others. When I feel God is speaking to me I look for confirmation two or three times, to make sure it is a Word of Knowledge and not a word from Renee!  

Last week I went to a family reunion at one of our children's homes about a six hour drive from here. For most people that is not a big deal, but for me it was huge. Major. You see, I had been very ill for several years with Lyme and coinfections, and CFS and my reactions to chemicals, gas, etc. was so strong that I seldom left home except to go to the doctor. Traveling that far was major, going into someones house was major, being exposed to the fragrances of 37 people was major. Having the strength and energy to make this trip? Major! I had not been gone overnight from my home only once in 8 years and that was for cancer surgery. I had not traveled that far in 10 years, and I had not been back in this area for 16 years. This was big.

But the Lyme bacteria and its buddies were dead now, and I have been improving and healing and I wanted to go on this trip. We made plans, stepping out in faith. I told my sister Jan a few days beforehand,  "I am stepping out in faith and going!" Immediately I felt overwhelmed with fear. What if?????? What if????? I asked my hubby Joel to pray and I did the same. We were both a bit apprehensive.

 God, speak to us! 
 We need to KNOW if this is YOUR will. 

Not long after I opened my email and read a devotional by Rick spoke about STEPPING OUT IN FAITH, the same words I had spoken to my sister. As I read on Rick spoke about Joshua and I remembered that I had read Joshua 1:9 three times that week as it came up in devotionals and online.

 "This is my command, Do not be afraid or discouraged,
 for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go." 
Joshua 1:9 

 I immediately felt the fear leave and an excitement take it's place. I knew I was to go. Joel told me later that while he was meditating he heard in his heart these words,

"She needs to go. I will be her place of safety."

That brought to mind a verse that I hold close to my heart:

"I will lie down and sleep without anxiety,
for You alone, Oh Lord, will be my place of safety."
Proverbs 4:8

So, I went. I had a great time! I did better than everyone expected and we both have many memories to cherish forever from those days.  In obedience I listened to God and let Him be my place of safety.  And He was!  Stepping out in faith can look so scary, but God is faithful and He provides just what we need.  Always remember, God will be our place of safety. 


Sandi said...

Thanks for Sharing, Renee! I love that you posted this. I feel like God speaks to me in a similar way. His directions are almost always repeated through different sources. I thought He might have just done that for me so that I would listen. (Hee hee!)

thesleepyknitter said...

Thank you for sharing your story of God's care for you, Renee.

Stacey said...

God often does the same for me! Great testimony and glad for the breakthrough for you!

Janet said...

Wonderful testimony! Faithful God! Blessings to you Sweet Knee Team Friend! Janet

Alisha said...

How I rejoice with you!!!

So many have been praying and keep you in prayer! I wrote this in an email sent to you late Feb. 21st: "Renee, you bless my heart beyond words. I stand in awe of God and believe The Lord will heal you physically so you can visit each of your children at their homes!" I believe this- each child and physically healed!

We serve a MIGHTY God, The One who HEALS!

Thank you so much for sharing this story. May God bless you abundantly today!

Hanna said...

Wonderful and awesome testimony!

Renee said...

Hi Sandi, Thanks for coming by. I feel like I need to hear something more than once .....hard headed I uses!

Renee said...

Thanks for coming by sleepy knitter

Renee said...

Thanks for coming by sleepy knitter

Renee said...

Hi Susan, thanks for coming by. I love how God works in our lives.

Renee said...

Thanks Stacey!

Renee said...

Hi Janet
Thanks for coming by knee team friend!

Renee said...

Ah, yes Alisha, I remember now that you jarred my memory. God bless you friend.

Renee said...

Thanks so much Hanna!

Mom Of Many said...

Thank you, my sweet friend, for sharing your life with us. And one day, you will come to Phoenix and I will hug your neck for real!! Love you so much!! xoo