Over the years Linny has also helped me through my own journey with fear. When she shared yesterday that being alone for her means not being safe......that when you are alone bad things happen to you.... It caught my attention as that is exactly what I unknowingly believed. God has been healing me from those beliefs and I have been walking in freedom, but recently Holy Spirit has been rooting out more of what needs releasing deep inside, and once again being alone at night has become challenging for me. I know in my heart Jesus is with me.....I understand I am not that little girl anymore. I know I am safe, and yet my body wants to respond like the child I once was.
Last night Joel was gone for the evening and as soon as I closed up the house the old feelings surfaced. The key here is that they are old feelings that no longer speak the truth. They cannot be my focus. So, I turned on praise music and decided to watch a teaching by Havilah Cunnington at Bethel Church. I had to laugh when she said she was going to speak about fear! Linny's post and Havilah's teaching! Just what I needed......Only God!
2 Timothy 1:7 tells us we do not have a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Notice that fear is called a spirit. A spirit sent by the enemy to cause us harm. But the Bible rejects that and tells us we have a spirit of power....the same power that raised Jesus from the dead...right inside us. And a spirit of love.....and a sound mind! The Bible says "do not be afraid" at least once for every day of the year. "Do not be afraid" was spoken to Moses, to Mary, Joshua and more! Guess it must be pretty common to deal with fears of one kind or another, but out of love God does not leave us unprepared.
Whether you are afraid to be alone, afraid of spiders, elevators, or the dark, God wants you set free. He knows the power fear can have in our lives and He reminds us to "fear not, for I am with you always." And He means it.
Fear is mostly just False Evidence Appearing Real. It is a spirit. It is an open door to the enemy. Fear is used by the devil against us and is not to be tolerated. Left alone, it just grows bigger until it consumes your life.
Ann Voskamp, who blogs at A Holy Experience, could not leave her home for years due to fear. It consumed her life. She still is challenged by it at times, but with God's help and out of obedience she trusts His Word, and is a mover and a shaker in the world. As Havilah Cunnington said last night,
"When we obey God He begins to put the super in your natural!
Figured out your fears? Just remember, when we trust and obey God, He puts the super in our natural. He sets us free to be who He created us to be! Only God!
I am always encouraged by visiting here...and the acronym for FEAR is excellent. So glad you honestly shared your experience with fear and that of Ann Voskamp too. I wish I could memorize your last paragraph! (o:
Dear Renee, I haven't read anything of Linny's since they moved to AZ. Got to check her out again. Love that her testimony helped you. I will check out Kris V. at Bethel. Got to tell you I'm reading 'The Beginner's Guide to The Gift of Prophecy by Jack Deere'-a friend lent it to me, after I took the spiritual gifts test and it showed up. When I was a new believer, I used to get dreams and words of wisdom on a regular basis-so felt that this was a gifting of the Lord. Then it became less and less. Now I'm hungering for it again. Submitting myself totally to His will and plan but asking for a fresh stirring up-know what I mean.
I love sharing here with you.
Blessings and hugs.
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