Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our small corner of the world where the day is bringing a blend of wind, rain, sunshine and clouds.  Our resident rabbits are enjoying all the "goodies" available, as the rain continues to help everything grow.  The whole family comes out to nibble (mom, dad and 2 babies) and even though one row of our hostas looks a bit ragged, we don't mind.  It is worth it to Joel to be able to sit out and watch nature at work and play.  We do "talk" to them, asking them to nibble on all the weeds that seem to grow in abundance here where we do not use chemicals on our yard.  We also have a Wren family in our special made Wren House that grace us with their singing every day.  Now that we don't usually turn on the TV until late afternoon or evening, in the blessed silence we can hear nature through our open windows and doors.  So delightful.

Speaking of delightful, We have been able to visit on the phone and in person with a few this week.  We had another social distance visit with friends who are back from Tucson.  They will soon head to S.D. and do what God has called them to do.  We also visited with a granddaughter who was celebrating a birthday.  She makes us laugh.  What joy!  Phone conversations have fed our souls and hopefully fed the souls of others.  Here for each other, so important.

When radiation ended for me, we were looking forward to a year of more freedom and hope for a healthier life.  And then the Coronavirus invaded our country and brought the US nearly to a halt.  People were divided by what to do, what was being done.  They still are.  Then the awful death of George Floyd filled our screens and when we thought nothing more could implode our world as we know it, our country exploded and is still imploding.  People are divided by what to do, what is being done. I have run the gamut with emotions; fear, sadness, anger, and at times peace. I am weary of my own voice.  I am pondering a quote I saw ~ "People don't want to hear your opinion, they want to hear their opinion coming out of your mouth".  I must ask the question, is this me?  Our listening ears continue to be for those close to us And of course my husband who continues to be my rock.  And is my listening ear bent toward's God's voice?  His whispering?  What is God saying?  There has been a song that has been coming to mind this week..........."Lord, listen to your children praying......"  In a good relationship everyone listens to each what is God saying to us?

Our mini deck garden is growing!  We have used some of the basil in a brown rice pasta.  The cucs are even getting flowers.  So exciting!  Now we wait and watch, watering these few plants and speaking to them and over them.  Yup.  I don't only talk to myself but I talk to these living plants, encouraging them to grow!  Okey dokey.....

We went to Hobby Lobby this week, my first time in a store in three months.  I was desperate for a new puzzle and not willing to pay the prices of those few I found on Amazon.  The shelf was nearly empty and there were only three I felt I could choose from and I picked one out.  It graces the end of our dining room table and I find myself drawn there when my mind gets cluttered or stress rises.  I really enjoy it.  I don't really miss shopping at all.  But I do miss getting out and seeing people.  I had my usual 3 week eye injection this past week too, which went well.  We were laughing because the same "ladies" that I deal with were around when Joel went in for his eye check up a couple of weeks ago.  He left his western hat in the car and was wearing the required mask....and neither one recognized him.  They had never seen him without his hat ( it protects him from fluorescent light glare) so they did not know who he was.  They both said they would have had no problem knowing who he was if I had been with him.  We are pretty much joined at the hip I guess........

Grateful this week for listening ears, for God's guidance, for Joel's listening ear, for sunshine and rain, for growing gardens, bunnies and wrens.  Grateful for friends, for doctors and nurses, for our nearly 52 years of marriage.  Grateful for books, for music, for sermon messages that stretch us.  And so much more..........

Enjoy your weekend!

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