While reading a devotional this morning, the writer spoke about Acts 12 where Peter was in shackles in prison. Those who loved and cared about Peter prayed and prayed and God sent an angel into what looked like an impossible situation and set him free. He was in chains and being guarded, but an angel walked right in, broke the shackles off of Peter's wrists and they walked out of the prison together without the guards even noticing. Only God.
The writer went on to write about the importance and power of prayer for our lives. It sets people free! Prayer opens up our line of communication with God. Of course He knows our wants before we even ask............He knows our needs for ourselves and others.........but the Bible tells us to pray. Pray without ceasing. Speak to our mountains. Ask and you shall receive. It is all laid out in Scripture for us.
The past 13 days there have been countless prayers being said for my sister Jo. Her journey began long before her heart attack in the wee hours of that morning, but it became a crisis that day. Her open heart surgery the following day was being lifted high by family, friends, and friends of family members as at age 87 she had triple bypass surgery. Because of texting we were able to stay connected with her progress hour by hour with my sister Janelle. It was with fear and worry we received the news that her heart would not restart after surgery. Eventually she was put on an ECMO machine that kept her heart pumping and her lungs breathing. She was transferred to the University of Minnesota where they could manage the ECMO and her needs. It has been a difficult, day by day, and often hour by hour journey for her but the prayers continued and expanded to include more people than we could imagine petitioning God, speaking to her body, asking, declaring, and whatever form of prayer others used. It was amazing and and humbling. And then God.............
First she came off the ECMO machine and her heart started............then she was taken off the balloon pump that was supporting those precious heartbeats...........then the drugs that had her in an induced coma were removed...............then yesterday the intubation tube was taken out. There were a few steps, and some ups and downs in between, but yesterday when she asked Janelle for her phone and curser for texting, we all were rejoicing!
We have all talked about how tough she is. We have talked about the amazing care she has had...........those angels in white coats and masks that have persevered to save her life. And those doctors and nurses have commented on how surprised they are by her.........but we all know that beyond her toughness and determination is God's healing touch and the power of prayer. She has a long way to go, but she has gotten over so many hurdles already. We can only be on our knees giving praise to God!
Covering those we love in prayer is always our first line of defense. And it can be our line of offense too! If we believe what we read in the Bible, we know that when we pray, Red Seas part, Jordan rivers stop flowing, mountains move, hungry lions cannot open their mouths, fires cannot destroy. And our prayers can bring an angel too.
When I was in my early sixties I started having flashbacks of sexual abuse I had experienced as a child and had suppressed. I found myself fearful of many things, and one night when Joel and I went for a walk in the dark on a path in our association, I became frightened of what could be "out there" waiting to harm us. Joel prayed for angels to be with us. Suddenly he stopped and with a shaky voice and tears in his eyes he said, "Missy, there are three angels walking behind us, protecting and guarding us as we walk." He could not really visibly reach out and touch them, but he could in his spirit "see" them and the feelings their presence brought, had him in tears. Yes, our prayers can bring even bring an angel!
Sometimes we get discouraged because we pray and pray and don't see the results we desire at the time we desire. I get that. I have been there many times. Sometimes we stop expecting answers to our prayers as problems get bigger or persist. Yet scriptures tell us to keep praying...without ceasing. Persist. Persevere. Give thanks before we see what we are praying for come to life. Never give up. And remember, that there is power in prayer..........because Jesus is in us we have the authority to pray. We have the command to pray without ceasing. We have the privilege to pray with expectation. And maybe when we do? We will have angels come to protect, guard, or rescue us. Our prayers can even bring an angel!
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