Good Saturday to you from our corner of the world where snow, wind, and chilly temperatures have been part of the conversation this week. Still, how can we complain, with such a mild winter so far, and all the conveniences we have in our lives to keep us warm inside and out. I am so grateful for our heated seats in our SUV. How spoiled are we!?!
The weather had Joel and I talking about our childhoods and he expanded some on what I already knew about him. He shared that they did not have indoor running water, toilets or showers until he was 14 years old. They had something like a makeshift compost toilet for winter nights but otherwise used an outhouse. They bathed in a big metal tub, or in the summers they went to the lake to bathe....or even went out in a rainstorm to wash off. Even though he does not see those years as unusual at all, it may have something to do with how much he has always loved taking showers.
Talking with Joel about his recollections had me thinking about when we lived in The Philippines. We lived off the base for the first 15 months and if the electricity went out in our house -which it often did- our toilets would not flush. We had a nice shower, but the two older kids had a big plastic kiddie pool type tub to bathe in. We used the kitchen sink for the two babies. We were grateful for the nice house we lived in, as more than once we saw Filipino people outside showering or going to the bathroom. We relied on the electricity so much because we had lights on every corner of our home to help "protect" us. There were no cell phones, nor did we have a land line phone so when Joel worked nights sleep for me was fitful, especially when the only lights were candles. Today I am thinking all our modern conveniences and cozy neighborhoods are such a good thing! Just looking back a little today...............
Although, this weekend it is a time to look ahead. The country has a new President and Vice President and they are in our prayers as they inherit a pandemic and all that entails. Our country is a mess for many reasons, but we cannot let that keep us discouraged, fearful, or for some, angry. I hope we return to a place where we can have different beliefs and opinions without being verbally attacked, threatened, or physically harmed. And I pray that this pandemic will not be seen as political, yet another way to divide us. It is a bloody nasty virus and does not care how you vote............
This week I had appointments with the dermatologist for a melanoma check up and yesterday the oncology nurse practitioner for a three month check up. Both were good exams and for that I am grateful, but what I wanted to share briefly was how God showed up for me at both those appointments. He sent a couple of human "angels" to minister to me. On Thursday at the dermatology clinic someone mentioned to me that they had also had a bi-lateral mastectomy. As we talked, more nodding and agreeing went on with what that means for every day life. Friday while at oncology someone else shared with me that she had been on the same journey as me! We talked at length and what I have been experiencing she could mirror back to me. Down to details. It was such a gift to know that the symptoms I am experiencing are pretty common after such trauma occurs to the body. I took great comfort with her words and unity in our journey. Don't you just love it when God provides just what you need, before you even know you need it? Only God.
And speaking of only God, I am going to ask my readers, friends, and family to pray for a woman named Christie Purifoy who has written the book, "Roots and Sky", one of my very favorites. She is battling a bad case of Covid and has shared on Facebook how difficult it is for her ( she also has asthma). It has not taken her ability to write with great expression and I am sure that so many others with Covid appreciate her voice. And then there is sweet Ruby, my friend Linny's daughter who came into this world with very difficult circumstances and medical problems. Linny has written her story in the book, "Rescuing Ruby". Ruby has had another severe seizure but this time it has continued to affect her brain. Linny shared on Facebook that Ruby cannot use her left arm or leg and appears to not be able to swallow. She continues to stay above baseline as they call it while neurologists work hard to help her. I would also ask for prayers for the family. I'm pretty sure I read on Dwight's page that several in the family also had been having Covid. They have nine still at home. We shared a meal in their home in 2015, it was such a delight to meet and hug in person!. Linny is asking for continued prayers for Ruby. Thank you for adding yours.
When we were younger we watched the PBS series, "All Creatures Great and Small" based on some great books by James Harriet. PBS has revamped the series and the first two episodes have been really good. It is such a relaxing, sometimes amusing show to get get lost in. I think many of us long for a simpler life right now, wouldn't you say? I don't mean a life of isolation, but a life free of so much stress and drama. I am all for the days before the pandemic, but I expect we will have a new normal to live with for years to come. Oh, yes, things will definitely improve, and God will use this for good in some way as he promises, but 2020 is one of those years that has us at a crossroads now for how we will do life. And I am not talking just about the pandemic. The world is watching........and I believe, so is God.
Joel's latest book order arrived. It is so fun, still, to see his name in print. I finished the book as a reader and seeker and am re-reading it as I do with some. I have my pencil in hand to underline. I also fold down the top of a page if it is a place I want to return. By the way, I am NOT folding down a page on 2020 although there are a few good things that came out of it!
So this week I am grateful for skin-on ministering angels who brought me comfort and useful information. I am grateful for being able to watch the inauguration on our TV and hear a great young poet, some powerful prayers and a delightful concert. I am grateful for Ruby and her family, Christie Purifoy's words in print, good medical exams, Joel's book, the healing class we are taking online, talking with a childhood friend, our easy access to showers and toilets, and so much more.....
Enjoy your weekend!
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