Saturday, August 7, 2021

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from hot and humid Iowa where we have once again had a bit of rain to help our thirsty land.  It is August, and by it's end we will be ready for fall!  

This past week has gone by quickly due to watching the Olympics and working up to 2 hrs a day on the limbic system impairment retraining.  I have seen some progress in energy.......since day 3 in fact and it has given us hope for some of the other symptoms to subside too,  The basis behind the training is the belief that the limbic system becomes impaired within many people from trauma, whether that is from an accident that sets up pain pathways or an event or many events in your life.  It is interesting and makes sense when I watched the DVDs.  Any improvement is a good thing!

Speaking of good things, it has been fun to watch the athletes in Toyko.  Hats off to Biles who took care of herself while dealing with the "twisties" and the death of her aunt.  And the way the other gymnasts stepped up!  They were able to shine and that is a good thing!  We watched women's beach volleyball take the gold, the the women's diving competition was amazing with the 14 year old from China....,It still surprises me that I like the Olympics so much when I don't watch any other sports but a bit of girls HS softball,  We try to make the effort watching the Vikings, but no one would be surprised to learn we just don't have the "team spirit" needed.  

It took several days for me to stop missing our grand dogs.  I just kept expecting them to be there all the time.  Our house is pretty quiet!  Even though Joel misses their company, I am pretty sure Joel does not miss all the walks. (grins) 

One of my sisters and her whole family went on a special trip to the Black Hills this past week where they, plus another sister and her oldest and family joined them to have a small service in Spearfish Canyon for Gr. Jo.  This area was one of Gr. Jo's favorite places as a child and they were able to sprinkle a few of her ashes in the area.  The Black Hills are a big part of our family history.  My Uncle was sheriff in Deadwood back in the 50's and we lived out there and in other places of South Dakota.  I started Kindergarten in Deadwood.  My grandmother had a cabin in Spearfish Canyon where she lived alone against one of the hills away from town.  She was one tough lady.  Looking back I see so many strong women in my family.  Four years ago we drove through Spearfish Canyon on our way home from northern California and Bethel Church.  It is so beautiful there and just felt like "home" to me.  I expect my family's history was on my mind, but it is a great place!! 

Spearfish creek

Spearfish Canyon

My grandma standing by her well in front of her cabin

Joel has a Saturday morning coffee group he likes to go to called, "Gabby Grandpas".  They meet outside which is a good thing since our county is now in a "High" area for Covid Spread.  Our new cases have doubled since last week.  We are back to wearing masks in public places indoors.  Our choice.  I am still amazed at how people react to that.  We were at Target Friday and I glanced at one woman in line and she, maskless, smirked at me and rolled her eyes before turning her back on me.  I am assuming here that she was letting me know that masking was ridiculous.  At first it annoyed me and then it saddened me that she is allowed to make her own choice, but I am not.  She has all the answers and I do not.  I have read more than once people speaking out and saying the vaccines are being given because there are too many people in the world and this is one way of getting rid of a few.  One of the nurses I have believes the vaccines are killing more people than Covid itself.  I don't know where all this comes from, and for me it is not the truth, but it is not up to me to tell her what to believe.  Ya know?  I am vaccinated and grateful.  Do I feel invincible because I am vaccinated?  Absolutely not,  I am still cautious and careful.  Just like with the flu vaccine, we do not have 100% protection.   Bottom line, "Lord have mercy on our world" seems to be a prayer we need to express 24/7.

As I have mentioned before, when the heat and humidity rises to a high level I am always drawn back to the Philippine Islands, the most humid place on earth I am sure!  One example:  We took our young kids wooden Fisher Price puzzles along and from the humidity the wood all separated and came apart!  Infections came quickly on the skin from the humidity, and the term "Filipino time" made so much sense because you needed to move slower to nto deplete all your energy in the heat.  It would be consistently 85 degrees by 6 am and be in the 90's every day, with humidity at 80-90%.  It took us awhile to adjust to it, and then when we came back to the states in May of 1976 we all got sick from the "drop" in temperature!  We were COLD when it was 65 degrees.  We would go to the resort area of Baguio up in the mountains and wear jackets because it was only 65 degrees....I don't miss that heat and humidity combo!  I miss others parts of living there, but not the weather.  

Last night we watched a Diane Keaton movie called "POMS".  It was both sad and very funny.  Can't say I was comfortable with the language, but overall the movie was funny and we enjoyed a good laugh.  Laughter is such good medicine!!

So this week I am grateful for air conditioning, for a change of seasons that will come, the Olympics, the DNRS retraining, some of Gr. Jo's ashes being in one of her favorite places, walking, biking, family history in Spearfish Canyon in the Black Hills,  homemade bread, masks, vaccinations, God's mercy, phone calls and texts, more energy, laughter, and so much more......

I hope my scribbles have you thinking about your own week, and your own family history.  Enjoy the weekend!

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