Good Saturday to you from a cloudy, gray day here in Iowa. Low temps and high humidity are making this a "I want to curl up with a book" day. Our resident baby squirrels are out and about now making their way into the world. They are fun to watch as they cautiously scamper across our loose rock around the tree and house out back. Exploring the world away from the nest!
Speaking of that, three of our grands are off to college again, one for the first time. Cautiously they make their ways into the world away from their home "nest". Often challenging for the parents, especially if they are just sending them off for the first time. Lots of prayers lifted I am sure, as they make their way in this world. We remember it well, And surprisingly enough, I remember 55 years ago going off on my own to college and how much I missed the family. I was both excited, scared, and wondering just what was ahead for my life. I do remember after I had been there a couple of weeks, calling home and crying. My family got up from the Sunday dinner table put away the leftover food and took off to drive two hours up to see me. That was a long distance "in those days" and I always remembered that day as special!
On Tuesday we were able to spend nearly 3 hours on Skype catching up with dear friends. They are such a blessing!
Earlier this week was spent preparing for two procedures I had on Thursday morning.....the Oncologist wanted to rule out problems with my stomach or intestines because of the Iron Deficiency took 4 months to get in because of Covid back up. I was quite nervous about it, but they found nothing in my stomach or duodenum and the intestines were clear except for 1 tiny polyp in the colon,. Yay.....Hopefully we are done with tests for awhile.........When I woke up Friday morning I realized that I did not remember getting dressed, eating applesauce, or getting to the car after the procedures Thursday. I did not remember the ride home either. I guess I asked Joel at least 6 times what the doctor had said. He kept a close eye as I slept the afternoon away on the sofa.....Don't you wonder what we say to the doctors and nurses while under "conscious sedation"? When Joel came out of his two years ago he started talking about how much he wanted a cheeseburger! Every time he woke up he would say.....BURGER!!! I want a burger! Finally after a half hour of it I said, "Joel you are annoying me! Stop asking for a burger!" Haha......On the way home my brother-in-law stopped at McDonalds and bought him a burger. When we got home he ate the burger and then slept 4 hours...........We still laugh about that.
It is Labor Day weekend and as we were chatting with one of our sons this morning we asked him if he remembered what we used to do on Labor Day. He said no, and we said ~ clean out the garage! We were not always very good at having fun I'm afraid. We had to chuckle because he was doing the same the garage. Subconsciously ingrained? Hmmmm
We thought about going somewhere this weekend once we realized it actually was Labor Day weekend......but with Covid rearing its ugly head and cases multiplying in our area and medical procedures this week we figure maybe a ride to a nearby lake may be our only venture out. Although tomorrow there is an antiques in the park event in a nearby town. We went a few years ago and bought a church pew that sits in our entry way. We love it! I guess we could watch a movie.........or maybe we should ~ clean the garage~?! There's a novel idea!
We have an extended family member going through a tough time.......and tough surgery and recovery. What I love about our family is that they are a praying family! We know the power of prayer and I love that we share requests with each other and send them off to our kids, and we have generations of family praying for each other. What a powerful gift! What a privilege to pray! Spending time talking with Jesus about our needs and desires. Of course He already knows what we need, but He tells us to knock. He tells us to pray always and constantly.........about everything. I am loving our praying family! So thankful for them all.
Speaking of thankful. today I am grateful for medical procedures that rule out....that bring answers...I am thankful for the rain we have had, the baby squirrels that are growing up, the grands who are blessed to go to college and their parents who support and love them, thankful for the privilege to pray, for the prayers of family and friends, for a long Skype talk with dear friends, for texts, phone calls, and emails, for our own church pew that speaks of our long history in ministry, and for so much more!
Enjoy your weekend!
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