Speaking of January weather, I remember when the actual temperature was -30+ below the weekend of our middle daughter's wedding. The guys were up a couple of times in the night to start vehicles, and the evening of the wedding people were bundled up for the event. The church was full, and the dinner was held at the church after the ceremony. The dance was held at the college nearby, but fewer ventured out for that. It was bitterly cold! We still had a good time of course.
We continue to have things happening like glitches with the furnace, the fireplace, tires, battery, etc. Now we have a strange noise in our pipes when you flush a toilet. Yep. You can hear sounds in the wall pipes and Joel has figured out it is a vent for outside that has ice around it. He is not going on the roof to try to fix it for now, but will wait for the ice to melt. We ALSO ordered new curtains for a bedroom from Target. When they arrived we thought we had four panels all the same but after washing them we realized that one panel did not have anywhere to insert the rod! Nothing. It was just a big piece of material which also was NOT sewn right, even lacking stitching.....seriously?! Joel took it back to the Target storen le and we now have reordered one. Let's just hope it comes as a curtain!
Speaking of Target, we made the trip across town to get groceries, pick up a prescription, and look for curtains (before ordering them) and ALL the freezers and fridges had STOPPED working due to the new generator being on the roof and freezing up! All the food had to be tossed! SO, no groceries from Target.......
We watched Only Murders in the Building Tuesday night. We are less and less impressed with it. A litle too edgy. I really enjoy mysteries, but after tuning in to another old favorite on Prime that has new episodes, I realized that I don't watch the darker more violent stuff anymore. And I like it that way! I'm pretty much sticking with my Hallmark Mysteries.....Lighter, fluffier, and this old body does not react so strongly to them.
Speaking of this old body, I saw the retina specialist on Tuesday (all is stable) and the urologist on Wednesday...Kidneys/stones are stable. Insights and answers to some of our questions were helpful. I seem to just be "one of those people" who get recurrent UTI's....and the best news we heard from the retina doctor was that I more than likely will "die before I go blind". We'll take that as good news! I am walking 25-30 minutes a day "in circles" on our main level and grateful I can do so. My eyes rebel against the snow and bright white so when it is a sunny day I am hiding in the house with some of the drapes closed to give my eye a rest. IF you noticed I often speak of my "eyes" even though only one has vision. Hard to change after 75 yeasr.
Joel has had "fun" snow blowing in the bitter cold. He also has spent a lot of time in his office rewriting his second book. He will preach in two churches tomorrow since last week both churches were canceled due to the nasty wind chills and blowing snow. He has not been walking due to that same weather challenge. He gets his exercise though as I watch him run or go up and down the stairs here several times a day. Today he made it to Gabby Grandpas Saturday's coffee. He has been going to our church's Wednesday night adult program where they are watching "The Chosen" and discussing the episodes after a neal at the church.
Today has given me pause. It was 4 years ago today I finished radiation at Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN. We were so excited to get back home although we definiteley missed the great people we had met. Soon after arriving home the pandemic hit and our world changed! BUT today I give thanks for 4 years of being cancer free. Having had Stage 3A breast cancer, this is a gift!
We were able to watch a granddaughter run in track again today live stream. So great to be a tiny part of her college world. Another granddaughter was also to run at her college but an injury has her sidelined this week. A third plays softball so hope to catch some of her games in awhile.
So as I close this week's Scribbles I am giving thanks for a warm house, a working furnace, sunshine today, good reports, Hallmark Mysteries, new curtains....well at least three of the four panels needed! Grateful for grocery stores, online shopping, ALL the delivery trucks that bring things to our door. Grateful for our morning devotions and studying book of John. Grateful for 4 years of freedom from cancer. Grateful for texting that keeps up connected to loved ones and friends. Grateful for phone calls...love hearing voices. Grateful for emails............and so much more!
Enjoy your weekend!
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