Saturday, January 12, 2019

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday morning here in our corner of Iowa where winter continues to confuse and surprise with temperatures warm enough for Joel to ride bike in January.  Snow is not just lacking, it is nonexistent here although south and north of us it keeps showing up!  So strange........those who like to predict keep saying, "If it is nice now what is coming!"  Well, hopefully nothing!  There has been plenty of wild weather this year, but so far we have avoided it.  I remember when our daughter and her hubby were married many years ago in the first week of January.  The temperature was -37 that night. Not the wind chill......the temperature!  Beyond cold!  That is was in Minnesota and we don't see that kind of weather here.  Cold, yes, but not Alaska Cold! 

Joel headed to Target today to purchase an electric hot water kettle for us.  I was given one 1-2 years ago and used it every day, all day.  I drink hot water and it was always so nice to have it available.  Then the kettle decided it's only temperature was the boiling point.  We went a whole day without one before we realized how much we depend on it.  A new Mr. Coffee electric tea/water pot is now sitting on our counter and all is well in the Dahlen house.  We are certainly spoiled......Ha.....

Speaking of boiling point, we have been on this health journey for three months now.  It finally caught up with my hubby.  The continue taking care of me, getting me to appointments, doing the cooking, laundry, some cleaning AND working part time.  I'm thinking it took him a long time to reach his "boiling point".  Not boiling, but more like a saturation point of needing some relief....release......we both are there.  Must be time to watch a few episodes of Fraiser on Netflix!  We need a good laugh or two.  Seriously, I am so blessed to walk with him through not only this, but our 50 plus years together.

 I was reading a beautiful Guideposts story on Facebook today about a couple who were both diagnosed with terminal cancer only a short time apart.  They shared their journey of how they learned to cope and live a full life in the day to day moments.  Their "two years to live" has them still living nine years after their original diagnosis.  What a wonderful testimony!

My energy has improved enough off the treatment pills and on the antibiotics, so I am up more and actually was able to help with getting food today AND get our Christmas decorations put away a little at a time.  We will take it!  Any improvement is just that.........improvement!  Today we will head to the ER at the hospital since the cancer center is closed on the weekends.  I will receive IV antibiotics there today and tomorrow in their small "infusion room".  Who knew all these places existed?

Have any of you watched the show, "Tidying Up" on Netflix.  It is about a woman from Japan with helps people organize their homes, their lives, and of course that overflows into their relationships.  I watched one episode and could not relate to all the clutter, piles of laundry, and utter chaos.  I am past the years with kids and ALL that involves.  We have always been organized.  Last night Joel was talking with the nurse giving me the IV and they were discussing how to load the dishwasher.  He found a kindred spirit in that both of them separate the silverware before washing it.....and keep big plates in one area, smaller in another.  And when you put away the silverware of course you have the spoons actually "spoon" each other so you can get more in the holder!  They bonded over their need to order!!  Ha.....

Hope you have a good week.  Our's was a bit rough, but we are taking things one day at a time with a few Fraiser episodes thrown in. 

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