Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where this past week's snow storm dumped six inches or so of the white stuff in our area. But Spring returned and today, on this first day of a new season, the snow is already gone most everywhere.
And speaking of gone most everywhere........the nasty side effects I experienced from my second vaccination for Covid are mostly gone. On March 12 we went in for our shots and at 1:30 am Sat. I woke with chills, fever, aches and pains, headache, etc. I don't remember the last time I felt so sick....maybe chemo? The laundry list of symptoms had me in bed sleeping all day Saturday adding in 10 more hours of sleep Sat. night just for good measure? Joel slept several hours on Saturday too and 10 hrs Sat. night. He was still feeling "punk" Sunday but by late afternoon was doing much better. For me, it was three days before I dressed and Tuesday the symptoms all left except for fatigue. It just keeps hanging on...... slowly it is letting go one prayer at a time. I don't like that I take so long to recover but this body is pretty beat up. "It is what it is!" I am just grateful I am vaccinated and can soon hug my family. Hallelujah!
Speaking of family, today is our daughter-in-law's birthday........Happy Birthday to M. Hope your day and your year are filled with blessings!
Speaking of birthdays, I also am celebrating~ my 73rd today. Sometimes I ask how did I get here? The answer is by the grace of God, a lot of prayer, and some determination. Recently someone described me as a survivor but that is not a term I apply to myself. I am more like a warrior....fighting my battles of which there have been a few. Sometimes that warrior part of me gets in the way of letting God fight for me, but I am working on that! So, today, I am just grateful to still be here to laugh, cry, ponder, grow, and live life with my Joel. It doesn't mean I don't want "more". I definitely do! I still pray for and expect healing, I still dream about traveling and having more energy than I know what to do with. Fear still wants to take up residence...........BUT I just try to stay grounded in gratitude.
Speaking of Joel, he surprised me with this metal framed wall hanging of a country church for my birthday. I love country churches and rustic artwork is my favorite right now. This past Thursday I told Joel I thought i felt good enough to get out and go somewhere so we went to Hobby Lobby to look for puzzles for my birthday. We saw this wall hanging and really liked it but it was not on sale and I don't buy when things are not on sale plus I told Joel even though I loved it we probably didn't need another thing for our walls.....This morning when I was putzing around I went into the dining room and stopped short as this wall hanging was sitting on a table leaning against the wall! I had not noticed it! What a nice surprise!
Speaking of being grounded in gratitude, today I am thankful to be 73! I am grateful for Joel, our family, our friends, our daughter-in-law celebrating another birthday, sunshine, texting, birthday greetings, being vaccinated, birthday surprises, melting snow, Amazon gift cards, the power of prayer, and so much more.
Enjoy your weekend!
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