Saturday, December 30, 2023

Saturday"s Scribbles

Good Saturday to you as we say good-bye to 2023 tomorrow.   Weather wise. It is a strange ending.   Yesterday Joel was mulching leaves again.  It's chilly but it's the end of December!  The animals seem a bit confused by our lack of winter, for sure many of us humans do!  Today the sun is shining for the first time in many days.  Good to have her back!

Speaking of being back, we were able to have our family gather this past week.  So good to have them back and our house be full of people, food, laughter, and conversation.  We savor those rare times and give thanks for each one who enters in to stay awhile.  Family came from Wisconsin,  Minnesota, NW Iowa, and South central Iowa.....They started arriving Tuesday afternoon and were all here by Wednesday morning.   Wednesday was our "Christmas Day" with a big meal, pie and cake, plenty of cookies, gifts, and good conversation.  We also can add in a walk by the river for Papa and a few grands, setting up a new TV by our tech grand after the oldest mechanical engineer grand helped Papa create a top for the TV stand so the new TV would fit!  The gals do most of the cooking and organizing and the guys do most of the clean up and dishes.   AND lets not forget there were plenty of hugs....boy do I love the hugs!

It fascinates me and makes me proud to see our grands doing so well in life.  To watch them embrace each other with great love and acceptance.  It blesses us to watch their relationships fine tune and grow as we welcome newbies into the family.  We ache for them all when they are gone, but oh how blessed we are to have them all in our lives.  Our hearts are bursting as we sit now in our quiet house, give thanks.....and hold tight to our memories.  We. are. blessed.

It was a busy week preparing for the gathering, and our own Christmas.  On Christmas Eve we watched Lutheran Church of Hope and another service before heading to our local church at 5:30 pm.  We saved our "Christmas" meals for when family would be here, but ended our meals with homemade pies....Joel's pumpkin and mine sweet potato pie with almond flour crust.  So good..

Speaking of so good, my energy has been better the last 2 1/2 weeks.....balance still wonky or more wonky....but improvements are being experienced and for that we are grateful. I'm walking indoors....Joel outside on nice brisk days.  

Well, people, 2023 is coming to an end and I confess, we are ready for a fresh start....praying that 2024 is filled with more abundant life and less difficulties.  Besides our own dramas, we have family and friends who are fighting cancer, reconvering from surgery, going through tests, hospitalized with heart issues, dealing with issues of body, soul, and spirit.  There is no lack of suffering in our broken world.  BUT there is always hope.  We have seen HOPE show up in the manger, on the cross, within each of us.  The HOPE that passes all understanding.  We hold on to it tightly, believing God and his Word.  In that we do rejoice and give thanks. 

Speaking of giving thanks, we have so much we are grateful for this week...Grateful for our home being FILLED to capacity ( 25 for dinner) with our big family.  Grateful for laughter, insights, our amazing family, gifts received.  Grateful for texts, phone calls, prayers....Grateul for worship services.  GRATEFUL for in person hugs, the sounds of laughter, the gift of love.  So so grateful for all this and so much more.........\

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles




                A Church In The Foothills

Every year about this time I reflect on a special Christmas service our family attended in 1978. I have shared this before, but thought I would write it from a story I wrote for our local newspaper several years ago.

When my husband was in the seminary we spent his Internship year in North Central Montana. Malta’s Parish consisted of four main Lutheran churches, a hot springs resort chapel, and a tiny church in Zortman, Mt. ~ a historic mining town nestled in the foothills of the Little Rocky Mountains. Joel and his internship pastor ministered to all of these areas.

The services at Zortman were held once a month, with most people driving around 75 miles across gravel roads to attend church and worship together. The small Catholic church sat on the top of a high hill and was one of only a few buildings in this small town. I believe at that time there were 9 full time residents in the place. People from the surrounding area often came to enjoy what the Little Rockies had to offer, and the small café/bar provided nourishment when they visited. We had the privilege of being a part of the Christmas service the year we were there, and it is tucked away in our memories forever.

Our family drove the long distance through snow and freezing temperatures that December, arriving with many others shortly before the service started. Everyone gathered at the local cafe/bar beforehand, with all of us dressed for the bitter cold in snowmobile suits, snowsuits, insulated underwear, heavy boots, scarves, and warm mittens. When it was time for the services to begin, everything in the little town closed up. It was dark outside, and as we left the cafe many of us were given lanterns to carry up the long hill to the church. We were one of the last families to leave, and in doing so we were able to watch the glowing lights move up the steep winding path as the people walked the trail to the church on the hill.  As each person carrying a lantern entered the sanctuary, the church filled up with light. What a beautiful sight to see!

Once we arrived in the sanctuary, we all huddled together on benches to keep warm. The wood burning potbelly stove, which stood in the corner of the room, gave off a warm glow and provided the only heat in the church. Our hymns of Christmas joy were especially meaningful as we sang along to the old pump organ. Joel's breath was visible as he preached the Christmas message. For many reasons, the Christmas story of Jesus being born in a humble stable held special meaning for us that night.

When services were over, we all walked back down the hill guided by the lanterns and moonlit sky. All those who attended went into the local bar/café for coffee, dessert, and more fellowship together, before heading back out into the cold and traveling home.

The service in the Little Rockies is forever a beautiful memory etched on our minds. Across the world people were coming together to worship our Lord and Savior and celebrate His birth. It did not matter whether we were worshiping in a big cathedral in New York City, or a tiny “borrowed” Catholic church in a small historic mining town in Montana. The focus was the same ~ giving glory to God for the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord!


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you all on this cool, gray rainy day in mid December! snow, but rain forecast for the day. The geese are making quite a bit of noise lately.....they probably can't believe this is December in Iowa either!  Joel has been walking down by the river, usually around 4 or so and the geese are active then, getting ready to go feed.  I told Joel that a lot of us elderly eat supper around 5pm (we do not) just like the geese!  

It has been a quiet week here again in "Lake Woebegon".  A fictional place that Garrison Keillor has spoken and written about for decades.  Lake Woebegone is a place where the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and the children are above average!?!

So, quiet here.....mostly a week spent finishing up shopping, getting Christmas cards and newsletters off, and getting gift cards purchased for our Christmas gathering ....right after Christmas. 
Last Sunday Joel preached at two different churches south of Mason City and I watched live stream.  He continues to fill in one Sunday a month so they can have communion, baptisms, etc.  So many churches are lacking called pastors in our the whole midwest.  Sad state of affairs.  Joel is filling in at two churches where he was an Interim....twice over the years!  He knows the people, good people, and enjoys what he is doing.  

Speaking of Sunday, tomorrow will be the third one in Advent.  Joy!  Joy at remmebering the Savior's birth.  Joy in knowing that Jesus will come again.  Joy.....remembering that the JOY of the Lord is our strength.  

Speaking of Joy, Joel and I watched a movie Thursday night on Hallmark called  "Heaven Down Here".  It really was quite based, comical...had us laughing a lot....I'm planning to watch it again to take in some of the great statements made.  

I was telling my friend L. about the movie this morning.  We have been friends since I was 11 years old.  Her faith is strong and most of our conversations revolve around faith, who and what we need to pray for, and how Holy Spirit is working in our lives. We both have dealt with the good, the bad, and the ugly in our lives, but we have never walked alone.  God walks with us....with us all.   

Speaking of life's journey, I read an article today written by George Jerjian regarding retirement.  He was 52 when we was told he had six months to live.  That turned out to be a wrong diagnosis but he retired due to his challenging journey back to health.  What he discovered in his sixties was that he was bored, discouraged and felt like he had no he unretired and started his own business.  He has written 10 books to encourage others on their own journey through what I call the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Gratitude was something he learned to practice and embrace along the way.  Very intersting...

With that, I am closing this week's scribbles by giving thanks for the much needed rain....little as it is....Grateful for taking a couple trips to stores this week...Grateful for articles that make me think and movies that make me laugh and cry.  Grateful for the Christmas shopping getting done and Christmas cards getting out.  Grateful for Joel's walks by the river and my walks inside.   Grateful for geese, deer, birds, and more. Grateful Joel is still preaching.   Grateful for L. in my life.  Grateful for phone calls, prayers, texts, and emails.  Grateful for each sunrise and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this cold, blustery day in Iowa.  A few snowflakes are swirling around in the air but nothing much is sticking to the groud yet.  Our "warm" December seems to be over....we'll see!  Next week we are heading for highs in the 40's again.  

Joel was able to catch a sunrise yesterday morning and then he sat on a chair in the dining room and watched three deer grazing in the yard.  They seemed to enjoy the Lilac bushes a lot!  

Speaking of December, we have the house decorated, the tree up and filled with ornaments, and the Christmas cards getting addressed.  Getting the newsletter ready was a challenge for a number of reasons.  In all honestly, looking back on the last year has been difficult.  Too much medical drama....too many days of little energy for me....too little travel, or other activities.  Putting that aside, we also had trouble with printing....Joel put a new colored ink cartridge in the printer, but it did not work at all.  We cleaned the cartridge heads, etc. but nothing but blue or yellow showed up in the photo.   Eventually he went back to Target, told them the problem, returned and exchanged the cartridge and yippee!  It now works!    

I got out the old CD/cassette player and we have been listening to some Christmas CD favorites like James Taylor, Alabama, Vince Gill, Kenny G., and YoYo Ma.  We have an Alexa, Bose speaker, and our phones, but there is just something about the CD player and old familiar songs......

It has been a quiet week here.  We did head to church Sunday morning.  The temperature was close to 60 on Wednesday and in mid 50's on Thursday so Joel was working on a wood project outside and also cleaning up the yard one more time.  We even had the back deck door open to bring fresh air into the house.....but alas....those days are over I expect.  We headed to the Dollar Tree this morning to start picking up the cards for the family.  Then over to HyVee to get a few groceries.  My big outing of the week.  Just 2,  3/4 full bags cost $108 today.  This took me back to the summer everyone was home and we were feeding a family of ten.  Our biggest bill of the month was for groceries!  I also was washing a lot of laundry with kids working for the summer and needing clean uniforms or work clothes.  One week I did 20+ loads.  Not kidding.  Those days are long gone for sure.  

It is a quiet house now, with fewer groceries to buy, and less clothes to wash.  When everyone comes to visit it usually takes us a few hours to adjust to the noise level...and it is delightful!  The laughter, the stories, the hustle and bustle in the kitchen, the games being played on the dining room table,'s all good.  

Last night we watched the Norman Lear special.  I had forgotten some of the shows he created.  He was an interesting man for sure.  Thinking about old shows, we have been catching M.A.S.H late in the afternoons again.  I remember when we came back to the states after living in the Philippines and Joel felt that M.A.S.H was not descent for us to watch.  Years later it became one of his favorite shows.  Three's Company also was off limits by us.  And now?  The ads on TV are worse than the shows we used to think were so bad.  

I have little to say this week, so am giving thanks for warmer weather, a festive house, decorated tree, and newsletter printed.  Grateful for Advent.....Grateful for a quiet house with no medical drama this week.  Grateful for our old CD player...and Kenny G playing as I type.  Grateful for  money to buy groceries, gas, and everything else we need.  Grateful for TV shows, movies and specials to entertain.  Grateful for texts and phone calls.  Grateful for so much more...

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this first weekend of December 2023.  It is chilly but most of our snow melted the past couple of days and I am good with that.  Yesterday three deer came into our neighbor's yard to graze, get rid of bodily fluids (yuk) and take their time looking around.  Later in the day Joel and I went for a drive to look at Christmas lights and we saw 5 more deer in our association heading to their home in a nearby woods.  Two nights ago Joel heard a coyote "talking" in the night.  Nature has been busy this week.  Wish we could have seen the NorthernLights, but we were too far south.  Our daughter and family saw them Friday night....happy for them and a little jealous.  

Speaking of Northern Lights we got a phone call from a long time friend who at age 91 is still busy serving God.  She plays piano in the memory care section of her Senior Living fcacility and also has a morning Bible study.  We have known Marge since 1971 when we were living in Salt Lake City, Utah.  She and her husband Dick went to the church we were attending.  They were older than us and took us under their wing.  We have remained friends over the years as we moved and they moved and we eventually ended up in MN at the same time for many years.  Dick has gone home to Heaven now.  They were and are the most gracious, generous, and caring people who blessed us richly over the years.  The reason I connect this story to the Northern Lights?  When we told her our daughter and family had gotten to see them she said, "OH how wonderful!  It is on my bucket list to see them myself!"  Pretty cool to have a "bucket list" at age 91.  Pretty cool to be blessed with a friend like Marge too!

As I sit in the corner of my living room typing I am looking out on a big mess of red and green tubs scattered around the dining room....Christmas decorations are in the process of being put out.  Some date back to is like unwrapping old friends when we take out the tubs and start recalling the memories that come up with each item.  Of course while I decorate I listen to James Taylor or Kenny G's Christmas music.  I really prefer the familiar this time of year.  

Speaking of familiar, has anyone else noticed that so many of the Hallmark Christsmas movies have a "familiar" plot line....over and over.......As I age I have also noticed that the main characters are usually young so I find it more interesting when plots include someone over 50!  woohooo!  Still, with the slim choices we have to choose from on TV, we turn to the Hallmark channel a few nights a week.  I do prefer the slower pace and happy endings!  

Joel was actually out mulching yesterday with the lawn December.  Just getting rid of the pesky leaves.  The mower is now put away and the snow blower is primed and ready,  Joel's eye is doing great!  My follow up was okay....STILL needing more fluids and salt.  Seems like I am putting salt on everything now.  Well, not my daily yogurt yet!  haha Joel got in a few extra miles on his bike too, so got in 1075 this year...and hit 10,500 miles on this bike odometer.  I think a total of close to 20,000 miles in past 20 years with this bike.

Advent is a special time of year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and as we now wait and prepare for the second coming of Jesus. There is much speculation on that, but the bottom line is...we don't know when....but we know how to be "ready".  Believe....Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent.  HOPE.  So much to hope for....and can we even have faith without hope?  Hope for what is in what we cannot yet see?!

Today I am thankful for HOPE.  Grateful for Advent, devotions that give us focus.  Grateful for Christmas tubs to unpack, decorations to display.  Grateful for good reports, melting snow, Christmas music, deer that made us stand motionless in awe and laugh at their antics.  Grateful for a phone call from an old dear friend and the memories of so long ago.  Grateful for Northern Lights (on our bucket list too!).  Grateful for Hallmark Christmas movies.  Grateful for pictures, texts, emails, and phone calls.  And soooooo much more!

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this last weekend of November.  The cold has settled in here with a high of 30 forecast for today.  Joel put the outdoor lights up late yesterday....there were warmer days for it earlier in the week but a trip to the cornea specialist in Des Moines had him getting his cornea scraped on Monday and a few days of rest to follow.  Life is full of surprises.   We are grateful it could be done and that our brother-in-law was able and willing to drive our vehicle.  I was unable to go because I had a follow up appointment with my urologist six days after my overnight hospital stay for a kidney infection and passing a small stone.  Pumped full of antibiotics and saline for dehydration and low sodium I was sent home the next day.  Again, life is full of surprises.  

Medical drama aside, we had a nice Thanksgiving for two.  It was a quiet day, but we enjoyed good traditional food, and feel very blessed to have spent so many Thanksgivings together.  Loneliness can set in when it is just the two of us, so my heart goes goes out to those who are alone for the Holidays.   

Looking back on Thanksgivings over the years I think of the first one after we were married......we were separated by "Uncle Sam" and talked briefly on the phone since each phone call was costly "back in the days" before cell phones.  Another one that stands out is our 2nd holiday together when I made my first turkey and had no clue there was a "bag" of goodies in the cavity OR that I should uncover the bird to brown it~  Haha  And of course our often told story of our Thanksgiving in the Philippines where we were in the middle of a typhoon....ran out of gas for the stove and the electricity was shut off.  We had jello, chips, pie, and a little half cooked turkey.  We had candles for light for 4 days if I remember correctly.  During that typhoon ( went throough 7 in 2 1/2 weeks) our maid Amphy stood at one door with a broom pushing water back out under the door and I did the same in the livng room at the main door.  Joel was off at work as a meteorologist in the Air Force.  Quite the experience! Another year my whole family gathered here and we took over the chuch fellowship hall and kitchen, cooking a BIG dinner for the many many who gathered.  Good memories......

Speaking of memories, as I write this today I am listening to Christmas music, and a few songs from my favorite oldest Alabama Christmas "record"/CD is playing.  It oridinally came out in 1985 and in CD form in 1998.  It brings up old memories of when we decorated the tree as a family while listening to this music.  It is the kind of memory that can make you smile while shedding tears at the same time.  

My sister Jan's phone "broke" over Thanksgiving week and I have to say, I have really missed her texts or replies to mine.  It is really a gift to be able to stay connected so easily,  She and I still like to talk to each other......voices are so important. Texts are good, phone calls are person is the best!  I like to share a story about when we were in the Philippines and phone calls were out of the question, cells nonexistent.  We decided to send tape cassette recordings to each other.  One day she got lonely and decided to listen to one of our cassettes.  As she heard me talk she started to cry but then as it went on she realized it was HER talking about her family!  We sounded so much alike that she was crying at the sound of her own voice.  

Lots of reminiscing this week.....lots of memories......lots of wishing that wishes could come true......smiles....and tears......and so much to be grateful for during this Thanksgiving weekend.

I am so grateful for Joel's continual love and support.  So grateful his cornea scraping is over and he's doing well today.  Grateful my hospital stay was brief. Grateful for good food and of course pie and whipped cream for dessert!  Grateful for memories that make us smile and even those who bring tears.  Grateful our life story continues on....Grateful for Alabama Christmas songs, the outdoor lights up, and the tree will be next.  Grateful for a warm home, a fireplace, phone calls, texts, emails, and photos that bring family close....and so much more!

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this Veteran's Day.  It is a day to remember and honor our veterans that serve or have served our country.  We live in the land of the free because of the brave who protect and serve.

Speaking of that, I am giving thanks today for the eight years Joel served in the Air Force.  He was drafted into the Army in July of 1968, but knew he did not want to serve "on the ground" so enlisted into the Air Force.  He spent half of his eight years in training or in college (paid for by the government)  and then served 4 years as a meteorologist, forecasting weather for pilots.  We were stationed in The Philippines when Saigon fell to the "enemy".  Quite an experience.  We are grateful for the years he served and I am proud of Joel for his service.  Thank you to all who have or are serving our country.

Speaking of Joel, he is still riding his bike, although not as much. He has 1,050 miles and looking ahead as long as the weather holds.   He spent time raking and bagging leaves this week plus working on a sermon for tomorrow's two services.  He drove me to Mayo Clinc and the chiropractor this week too.  The time change is limiting outdoor work for sure.

Speaking of time change, is anyone else finding it more than a little challenging?  The first three nights I woke at 4:30 am for the day.  Not cool.  Two more days at 5am and finally this morning I awoke after 9 hours of sleep.  I just wish the country would listen to the people on this ....MOST want it to stop.  I am one of the "most".  

Speaking of time.....our grandmother clock stopped working this week when Joel was setting it for he time change on Sat. night.  We have had this clock since 1975.  When we lived in The Philippines we took a picture of an Ethan Allen clock down to a small Filipino business and asked them to make the clock they saw in the picture.  They did!  We were able to get the insides from a pilot who flew to Taiwan...the clockworks came from Germany but were put together in Taiwan and he brought it back for us!  That worked for years....then stopped so we bought a different kind of clockworks that worked for nearly 20 years.  Now we just reordered again a new replacement and Joel will put that together too.  We feel pretty lost without hearing our clock bong on the hour.  After gracing our home for nearly 44 years, this grandmother clock is like a family member!  Ha  Looking forward to hearing the chimes again soon...

My Mayo lymphedema check up went well and we received some good dinformation regarding the chest wall cartilage...the sudden knee issue....the low energy....and how the arm is doing, which is okay.  We have been so blessed by the Mayo Lymphedema Clinc and especially my PT, Jenny.  A real gift! Speaking of gifts, I walked down along the river again yesterday which was nice.  VERY COLD but nice!  Fresh air and nature......what's not to like? This morning my sweet hairdresser came to the house in the midst of her busy schedule and cut my hair.  She has been doing it for so many years and I am so grateful for  her willingness to do so.  Her faith is strong, we are grateful for each other's prayers and the history we have.  She and her family were members of the church Joel served from 1996-2006.  

We were able to get to Trader Joe's while in Rochester.  We save soooooo much money going there and buy in quantity...almonds, cashews, almond butter, almond flour, almond torillas, etc.  Plain organic yogurt is over $2 cheaper per carton. That is serious savings that add up.  

We have given in to the Hallmark Channel's Christmas marathon of movies....and watched a couple.  Options are slim at night for decent TV.  Speaking of TV....we have a nice one that was a gift around 5 years in today's world that is old.  Sometimes it turns on, sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes it gets stuck on a channel....the solution to ALL issues?  Just shut it off, unplug it and wait 5 minutes...then plug it back in,  turn it back on and we are good to go!  Kinda like our phones and computers, right?  I sometimes think as we age we need one of those options.  Shut it down, reboot and restart and we are good to go!  hahaha  

Today I am grateul for quick fixes....and for Joel's willingness to "figure things out" when fixes are not quick.  Grateful for the many years our grandmother clock has served us well.  Grateful for Joel's 8 years of military service and for ALL who have served.  Grateful for my Lymphedema PT.  Grateful for safe travel, for a walk by the river again.  Grateful for Trader Joe's and being able to go and buy in bulk.  Grateful for our family, friends, and all the phone calls,texts, and emails.  Grateful for a hair cut!  Grateful for the love and prayers that sustain us.  Grateful for all this and so much more...........

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this first weekend in November.  The weather has been up and down but in the low 50's now.  Joel has been busy raking, mulching, and bagging leaves, cleaning eaves and eavestroughs and getting ready for winter in Iowa.  The squirrels seem to be busy doing the same.  Joel is soooooo close to his 1,000 mile goal for biking this year.  The weather has been cooperating too, so he should hit 1,000 today.  Yay!

Yesterday Joel drove me down to the "river road" below our cul-de-sac, and I went for a short walk along the river.  I can't climb the hill for now due to my knee/back issue and wanted to get out and get some fresh air in a familiar place.  We have walked the river road for years, and I hope to again.  Mostly I walk indoors for now.  

Last Sunday Joel and I made him some apple crisp.  He had picked the fallen apples from the college campus ....they go to rot each year!  It was a lot of work, but he enjoyed it all week!  He did say that next year he was going to make an apple pie...much easier! Of course that would be with a boughten crust!  We also made homemade chicken soup again.  Just that time of year.....

Last night we watched a 20/20 episode on ABC.  We don't ever watch that or Dateline unless it peaks our interest.  This one did, but what hit me was hearing that there are an estimated 14,000 unidentifed bodies  in unmarked graves in our country.  14,000 Jane Does or John Does who somewhere have family that wonders what happened to them.  How very sad.  It also took me back to our son Kevin who died of congestive heart failure in Colorado.  We wanted to bring his remains back here but did not have the authority for that.  We went to visit his grave in 2015 and it took us a long time in an enormous cemetary to find his "unmarked" grave.  There was a record of his buriel and who he was buried next to, but no stone.  After talking with the man in charge of the cemetery we discovered we could legally get him a gravestone.  We went right "across the street" and found the perfect stone for him, ordered and paid for it and within a few weeks it was in place.  It gave us such peace.  Everyone deserves to be "known" in life and in death.  I go back to those 14,000 unidentified bodies and unmarked graves across our country and how sad it is.  Someone is missing each of them.  Someone cared.  

It was Halloween this past Tuesday and so cold here we were not sure how many kids we would have.  Turns out....many!  We gave out 7 bags of mini candy bars, mostly to older kids.  Joel enjoys handing it out.  He had two guys come for candy and they both had beards.  NOT kidding!  Joel asked them how old they were and they said, "20".  What????    Yep.  they were 20 and trick or treating~  Joel got a good laugh out of that.  He said they were polite and nice, but a "little old" to be trick or treating!  Maybe from the  nearby college?~  

Our two older girls will be coming home tomorrow from a week long adventure in Scotland.  It has brightened our days to "see" through their eyes the fun they are having and the places they are exploring.  What a precious time for them. 

So with that I give thanks for their new adventure.  Give thanks for a walk by the river, for Joel reaching his goal this weekend!  Giving thanks for Halloween and the good laugh Joel got over the "older" boys trick or treating.  Grateful for the leaves getting taken care of....for my husband's strength and mindset he has of "work is a privilege".  Grateful for homemade soup and apple crisp for Joel.  Grateful for all things Fall.  Grateful for all the pictures, texts, and phone calls.  And so much more...............

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this last weekend of October.  The temperatures have dropped dramatically.....Thursday it was 65 and Friday 's high was in the morning..dropping throughout the day.  Today's high is supposed to be 33.  The snow showers have gone north of us so far, but definitely the cold front is giving us a taste of what is to come.  Winter.  

This past week Joel was able to bike more...somtimes twice a day as he gets closer and closer to his personal goal of 1,000 miles this year.  He'll make it before long.  He has spent a bit of time raking leaves too, after high winds and heavy rain this week.  The groud is blanketed for sure.  He'll preach tomorrow at the church in town where he served for 10 years.  

We had our Covid boosters on Tuesday.  We both felt fine but I woke before midnight that night with aching, chills, and just plain feeling funky.  Wednesday I was sofa bound covered in blankets.  I napped three times and got 9 hrs of sleep.....I was actually quite surprised by how the booster hit me this time, but it is only temporary.  Today I feel my usual "normal".  Of course my normal could be someone else's wack-a-doodle!  haha

Speaking of wack-a-doodle, the last two weeks have us shaking our head again.  A week ago our youngest daughter was in a bad car accident, totaling the car.  She ended up having surgery to put a steel rod and screws in her arm.  She is pretty much covered in bruises and has a few hairline fractures, but she is going to be okay.  Praise God!   Thursday one of our grandsons was in a bad car accident after a semi crossed over into his lane, caught the bumper of his car, spun him around and sent him into a cement barrier.  He came out of it okay even with the car being totaled.  Yikes!  Praise God he is okay.  A couple weeks before that his oldest sister was T-boned by a car, but not injured and the car fixable.  Praise God again!  Adding Joel's little fender bender to the mix gives me pause.  Enough with the car accidents already.  Bottom line, life is so unpredictable..

Speaking of unpredictable, this last massacre in Maine is so heartbreaking, so senseless, so frustrating.  Sadly the when and where of these events may be unpredictable but we can predict that they will continue until we all decide enough is enough.  Back in 1985 we became aware of a priest and two others being murdered  in their church in Wisconsin.  This was really rare then.  It was around that time that Joel's life was threatened by a church member.  Credible enough that our home was filled with armed police and we were escorted out of town.   Very long story short, we lived with this man's threats, stalking, phone calls, etc. the whole 6 years we continued to live in that Minnesota town.  It made us aware of how unpredictable people could be.  How violent.  Is hard to fathom that we have had over 560 mass shootings just.  this.  year.  With the continued war in the middle east, the massacre in Maine, and the thousands who solve their frustrations with violence.  It has us petitioning....."Lord have mercy".  

I have been looking at the pictures I have on my phone sent in a quick second from across the miles or the country....or ocean.  It is such a gift.  My mom would have loved it!  We sure do.  When our kids go on a trip they "take us along" with photos they send.  We have received them from Europe, the UK, Utah, Nashville, and more.....cell phone photos connect us in great ways.  When we miss an event, there it is in a picture.  If they just want to say hi......It is all so good!  

Speaking of good,  our middle daughter had a birthday this week.  She is a pure joy and we are so thankful for her.   Happy Birthday N.  

Thursday and Friday I felt the urge to "sort" and "purge" and "organize"  I had little energy to spare but used it to clean out two cupboards and one large lazy susan cupboard with Joel's help.  I sorted through my favorite large basket that has held devotionals, etc. for years.  I have a narrow wicker basket in the kitchen that holds all my essential oils....purged.  Vitamins checked and if outdated...purged.  Old shampoos, etc. purged!  I just could not get enough sorting done.  Spring cleaning in the Fall!?!  I cannot connect this urge to anything specific but it is a bit comical.  Can anyone relate?  I still have this urge to sort and purge so I expect it will continue!

Time to end this with a generous dose of gratitude.  SOoooooooo thankful Sarah is recovering from the car accident and the others are okay.  Praise God.  Grateful another Covid booster is done and the side effects are gone.  Grateful that we had some beautiful Fall weather and enjoyed viewing some tree foliage before the cold arrived.  Grateful for a hubby that helps so much.  Grateful for the power of prayer.  Grateful for bike rides and walking, laughter, tears, phone calls with family and friends, texts, emails, and pictures.  So many pictures to make us smile~  Yes, grateful for all this and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend~

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Welcome,  as we enjoy another beautiful October Saturday in our corner of the world where Fall is showing off it's peak colors.  Yesterday Joel took me for a drive around town where we were able to enjoy seeing many trees decked out in vibrant red, yellow, and orange colors.  I am able to view one tree from my living room window that is so lovely, especially when the sun reflects off of it's gold and orange leaves. The weather has been great, cooperating with some biking for Joel and porch sitting for the two of us.  

It has been a quiet week in Lake Woebegone, except for the need to replace the upstairs toilet.  When we renovated the upstairs bathrooom last year we did not replace the toilet as Joel liked it and it was working well.....move ahead a year and it stopped working and could not be fixed.  Of course it did.  So Joel drove to Home Depot in MN and picked up a toilet like the one on the main level, then asked a fellow handyman/colleague if he would come help him install it.  Of course it took some effort to get the old one out and new one in, and then  a couple of trips to a hardware store for parts , but after a few hours it was up and running...well running only when we flush it instead of 24/7!  Yay for my handyman and his volunteer helpers!

Thinking about the toilet pulled up in my memories the Thanksgiving the main floor toilet ran over ...and over....and over.  No one noticed until I walked towards the front door in my wool slippers and found myself sloshing through water....toilet water! I tried to lift the bulb inside to stop the water from running but it kept pouring out onto the floor.  I yelled for help but the men were all watching football it took awhile to get their attention.  The ladies came to help, but Joel was upstairs and I finally pounded on that bathroom door telling him what was happening.  As quickly as he could he came running dowstairs.....our son in law tried to turn off the water to that toilet but the valve was rusted open!  Joel went down and turned off the main water valve but not before water was coming through the upstairs vent and down through the furnace vents in the basement!  Water water everywhere.......Joel and the guys got it unplugged and cleaned out the furnace vents, etc.  Our oldest went and got a bucket and mop to wash the main entry floor and bathroom floor but as she was washing she noticed that water was coming out the side of the bucket~  She had not noticed that on the side it said....."BUCKET LEAKS".  She got it outside as she commented..."WHO keeps a leaky bucket? "  Well that would be her dad.  And to this day he still has that bucket!  I haven't asked him what he would use it for!?!?!  Somewhere in the middle of this water drama our oldest daughter and son got the giggles.  It was all comical!  Joel and I still chuckle when we bring this story to light.  

I can hear the winds outside today.  Sunshine but strong winds.  I expect our trees will loose more leaves.  Just a few years ago we had snow on the ground on the 21st.....but today it will be 60 degrees and sunny.....and windy.  I'm not eeady for snow.  Hold on tight Autumn, please don't leave us let~

I have been listening to a few podcasts and teachings this week by Barry Bennett, Bill Johnson, Lutheran Church of Hope and Lisa Harper.  We are into Jeremiah in the OT and James in the NT.  The last time I studied Jeremiah was in BIble College in 1967.  Professor Fageberg taught us and I confess after decades I don't remember what he taught, but I think Joel STILL has his notes on the class.  Neither of us are particularly enjoying the Old Testament but it seems more relevant right now with what is going on in Israel and the Middle East.  I am not sure much has changed.  

Speaking of change, I want to apologize for mistakes I make while writing.  My vision is challenging, especially while on the computer so I don't always catch my errors.  It is what it is! 

Speaking of change, last night as I sat on the sofa towards dark I looked out to see the moon shining brightly in the sky. With it's glow in the background of a tall pine tree it was beautiful to behold.  A bit later I looked up and it was covered by the tree and shortly after it showed up on the other side of the pine.  I was surprised by how quickly the earth moves and we don't even realize it.  I guess life goes by the same way, so quickly at times we don't even feel or notice it.  Anyway, I so enjoyed that view of the moon.

Today I am grateful for that view of the moon at dusk and the view of the vividly bright orange/yellow tree during the day.  Two different views from out the same window!  Grateful for a new toilet, and a volunteer willing to help Joel.  Grateful for stories of another time with toilets!  Grateful for Joel getting some biking in, the walking I do.  Grateful for a quiet week in "Lake Woebegone".  Grateful for podcasts, sermons, and teachings at our fingertips.  Grateful for Alexa that plays George Winston on command.  Grateful for audiobooks to pass the time.  Grateful for friends and family who pray, call, text, and email.  Grateful for all this and so much more........

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from northern Iowa where we have lived for 27 years.  We are in the midst of a beautiful Fall season where the colors, smells, and sounds of  Autumn are making us smile!  We got nearly 2 inches of rain this week too!  So needed.  Joel is still doing his morning porch meditation....just listening to nature and having his coffee.  Our home is near the edge of town and with so much green space and its proximity to the river, we see plent of nature...mostly squirrels, birds, a raccoon or two and deer.  Once in awhile a coyote makes itself heard at night.  We are blessed by our surroundings.

Speaking of Joel, after a full weekend, and Monday with me for testing, he took a day to. rest up and then got back in to Wed. nights at the church, a pastor's conference on Thursday, and Gabby Grandpas this morning before attending an ordination this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon he'll go on a church bike ride.  Love how healthy and active he is.  I would love to be half as active as him, and it is still a goal and a prayer.

Speaking of myself, I am grateful to have the CT's and contrasts over and done with AND a very good report.  Nothing found.  It has not solved my lack of energy and other symptoms,  but it has, as best we can, ruled out cancer. I told a family member, "I am STILL here" and since she is soon to be 82 and has her own challenges, we agreed..YES, we are still here and God is still God.  

I look around the area where I spend my waking hours and all the signs of Fall make me smile.  Last Sunday we drove to a small market in town and purchased pumpkins, gourds, and squash.  Mini pumpkiins and gourds are decorating our living spaces, and pumpkins welcome guests onto our porch fun.  We did not purchase mums this year as our pansies brought us color until this past week when we had to say good-bye.  We definitely will go to the same small garden center next year and pay too much again because this one pansey plant lasted over 4 months!  

Today is an old friend's birthday.  We met Corrinne when Joel was pastor at her church starting in late 1989.  We have been gone from there over 27 yrs yet she still sends us cards and words of encouragement....keeping us in prayer.   What a blessing!  Happy Birthday Blessings to a special lady!

The past week has been filled with the horrers of war once again.  This time the atrocities have sickened me in my spirit.  I had to quit watching and listening as it was so I cannot imagine living in it.  What do we do?  We pray.  As people of God we KNOW the power of prayer and we pray...we pray for Israel.  We pray for Palestine.  For the innocents. Lord, hear our prayers.  

This takes me back to one of granddaughter's confirmation statement where she spoke about something that happened to her.  She has a severe allergy and was exposed to that food....things started to go "south" and Joel and I prayed for her..  We laid hands on her and prayed as we waited for her medicine to arrive.  She shared this personal story in her statement of faith.  The power and importance of prayer.  I remember on our trip out East in 2013 we ended up in a hotel that smelled strong of chemicals.  My tongue started to swell and I had air hunger.  Joel laid hands on me and we prayed....we prayed and declared the promises of God that had been told to me regarding the trip and my healing from chemical reactions.  Immediately the air fully filled my lungs and my tongue was back to normal.  It never occurred again.  Yes, there is power in prayer.  We don't always have immediate responses to our prayers but we know God hears them.  I am so grateful for those who, a sibling texting group, our family texting group, our prayer warrior friends that are one text away.  And it is also such a privilege to pray for others.  Prayer is a powerful gift from God, our first line of defense AND offense.  

A funny story (have I shared it before?).  Joel decided to grow out his beard the past couple of months.  As we were sitting at the table eating nearly 4 weeks into his decision I looked at him and asked, "Are you growing your beard out?"  He laughed.  Yep.....for the past 3 1/2 weeks!  I could blame it on me being a one-eyed wonder now, but chances are I would not have noticed for awhile.....Now if he shaved it all off, that I would have noticed.  When I had only l one eye most people did not notice that either, unless they looked at me for a period of time.  Makes me wonder how tuned in we are to each other!  Haha

Speaking of tuned in, I am thinking you may be ready for me to end these scribbles today so will sign off by sharing some things I am grateful for.  Would love to hear about some of yours too.......Grateful for nothing found on the scans.  Grateful for prayer and the gift it is from a God who hears us!  Grateful for the Fall colors, smells, and sounds.  Grateful for the mini pumpkins and gourds that decorate the house....and the pumpkins on the deck steps.  Grateful for the animals and birds that live around us.  Grateful for a granddaughter's statement of faith regarding prayer.  Grateful for the prayers of family, friends, and acquaintances.  Grateful for all the rain this week.  Grateful for texts, emails, and phone calls.....and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from a crisp Fall day in Iowa.  It has been really windy the past two days so the ground is scattered with leaves that continue to rain down.  The temp. has gone from the high 80's to 50 yesterday.  It smells like Fall.  I have always loved this season best.  Not only for colors and smells, but that first frost that kills off the gnats, mosquitoes, and ticks.  We hardly saw a mosquito here this year while porch sitting.  Too dry I expect.  

Speaking of Fall, Joel is off to Rendezvous Days in Southern MN today.  The one day a year he puts aside for himself. He'll be home later tonight and smell like woodsmoke and grilled pork on a stick!  He managed one bike ride this week ~ yesterday, even with winds in the 20's.  He has been in the office more as he prepares for two services tomorrow.  

Last weekend we were in northern Minnesota spending time with three of our grands and their folks.  We were able to pick one grand up from college, and see another from yet a differennt family. who goes to the same school.  After arriving at the farm, nother grand came home from yet another school so we were able to see the whole family.  Visiting was the only thing on my agenda, while Joel went to see his oldest brother in a nursing home Sat. and then attended his home church and his middle brother's 80th birthday Sunday.  I rested and visited with kids while the parents took one back to school Sunday.  A grandson made Joel and him homemade pizza for supper and we did some porch sitting.  Nothing like a good view of the country to enjoy on a warm evening.  We left for home Monday.

My energy was fair on our trip, and remains a mystery to solve.   I have been walking daily though except when gone.   The chiro is still working on my knee and wants me walking on it. 

  This past Tuesday as I went up to bed I turned on the bedroom light switch.  As I went over to the bed I heard a strange popping/scratching noise.  At first I thouht it could be a bat.  Terrifed of bats.  I headed over to the bedroom door and the noise got louder.  I bent down to look at the light switch and listen closer.  Just then sparks shot out of the light switch and I let out a short scream.....which in turn brought Joel running upstairs,  I told him what happened, he turned off the switch and we monitored awhile for heat in the wall.  Nothing.  The next day he drove to Menards and bought a new switch.  He was able to find the cause and replace it.   It has been working perfectly since.  It is nice to live with a handyman! He has fixed our old clothes dryer many time before it completely gave out.  He fixed the garage door into the house just a while ago.  He made steps for the back deck this summer.  Like I said, it is good to be married to a handyman.  

Speaking of bats, in 1976 we bought a big old house in St. Paul, MN while Joel was attending Luther Seminary. This house had an apartment upstairs which brought in some extra income.  We soon came to realize that the house attic held over 200 bats as the inspector told us.  They were protected and we did not exterminate over the 2 years we lived there Joel killed 25 bats that came into the house through cracks and the basement.  Joel sat down the basement a few evenings with a BB gun and shot them as they came out of the walls.  Seriously.  When he figured where they were coming out he stuffed the areas with insulation.  One in our bedroom was as big as a squirrel and Joel said wen he killed it with a tennis racket his knees buckled.  When we decided to take an Internship in Montana we sold that house and I walked out of there never looking back.  No regrets at leaving~ 

True story:  our niece was visiting us one time.  We had 4 kids ages 2-6 and one day a bat swooped down into the living room and I screamed BAT and ran out the front door....leaving all my kids behind!  She was so upset with me and scolded me for leaving my kids behind.  Nothing I was proud of......just a gut reaction!

Speaking of kids, adults now with kids of their own.....Our granddaughter A. had a birthday this week.  She is all grown up, has her college teaching degree,  and is now teaching children with special education needs.  She has been volunteering with kids for many years so it was not a surprise to us she wanted to be a teacher.  She will be amazing. 

So ending this Scribbles today with all things Fall that I am grateful for....the colors, the smells, the sounds, the cooler weather.  All so nice!  Grateful for a trip up "North" into Minnesota to see family.  And grateful Joel could see his brothers and other family.  Grateful for my knee getting better.  Grateful for meds when needed.  Grateful for houses without bats!  Grateful for phone calls with family, grateful for Joel's day to step back into the past of fur traders, muzzle loading, outdoor cooking, and more.  Grateful for the family farm porch sitting and visiting, seeing 4 of our grands last week. Grateful for photos, texts, and emails.....and so much more...

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where much needed rain arrived yesterday! More is expected for tonight.   Fall is officially here now and I'm loving it.  It is a time to gather and harvest.   

Speaking of loving it,  Joel has gotten some good bike rides in this week including one 30 mile ride on the wapsi trail up to the Minnesota border. A  beautiful ride!  He has done some woodworking and office work.   He went to Wednesday Night Alive at church and went to his coffee group, Gabby Grandpas, this morning.  Last Sunday we went to church, 1st time for me in weeks.  We watch Lutheran Church of Hope Saturdays at 5 also.  We are still doing their Bible in a Year program which includes podcasts at noon on Wednesdays and their Sunday services which connect with where we are at in scriptures.  Just finishing up the first 40 books of Isaiah and the book of Philemon in the NT.  Still hold the view that the OT is d.a.r.k.  for the most part.

Wednesday I saw my oncologist for a check up.  All was good including blood work.   Will have a CT soon rule out anything else though.  She IS thorough...I have been walking daily and today made Joel some oatmeal cookies.  I called a family member who has Covid and we had a nice little visit.  She is doing better finally.  Yay!  There is just a lot of Covid going around again.  Ugh.  

This past week we pulled up a series we started this past winter, Darby and Joan on Acorn TV.  It is pretty good I guess.  One of my favorites, although dark, is Vera on Britbox.  We are still hanging in there with America's Got Talent although I mute most of the screaming that goes on.  Good grief.  I think we watched a couple of Hallmark Movies too that we hadn't seen.  They are usually about a B- rating in our eyes, BUT they are relaxing and calming before bed. A good thing.  

Speaking of relaxing, that is the best way to describe our porch sitting.  Joel goes out first thing in the morning, and then we sit out later in the day or early evening.  We are so thankful we added this porch on to our house in 2008.  It was Joel's outdoor space when we had Lyme and it was a comfy place to enjoy nature.  It still is.

Today is our oldest granddaughter's birthday.  She graduated from Pharmacy school thi Spring and has a job as a Pharmacy manager in Iowa.  Lots of new exciting adventures for her.  I still remember laying with her on the loveseat reading a book to her when she was just a little thing.  And now, all grown up with a career that helps others.  Nice. Our son-in-law had a birthday this past week also.  He just turned 54 and I think back to where we were when I was 54...just 21 years ago~ Yikes!  Or even our turned 25 and another 24 in September.  When I was that age.............  yeah.........I was married with 2 kids and soon 2 more on the way.  We were in the military living overseas. None of our grands are married or close to thinking about it.  It is a different time...

Thinking I will close this Scribbles today.  Grateful for Joel getting in that long and fun bike ride this week.  Grateful for much needed rain.  Grateful for FALL and all it's beauty.  Grateful for a good Oncology report.  Grateful for being able to make Joel cookies.  Grateful for phone calls with a daughter and a sibling.  Grateful for texts, pictures, and emails and phone calls that keep us connected to each other.  Grateful for birthdays to celebrate.  Grateful for all this and so much more........

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this typical September weekend.  Temps in the 60's to low 70's during the day and 40's to 50's at night.  We turn the furnace on each morning to take the chill off.  It is Fall!  We live just across the river from the High School so we get to "hear" the games and band playing on Friday nights.  It is kinda nice......We noticed this week that the flowers are starting to fade out....especially our pansies that have graced us with beauty so long.  We still have 1 hummingbird hanging around, trying to get nectar from our petunias,  

Last Sunday Joel preached at two churches south of here.  He leaves before 8 and gets home around 12:30.  So many churches are without pastors....our synod has something like 38 churches without pastors and one of our daughter's synods has 40.  It is the same most places.  Joel has 700 miles on his bike so far this summer/fall.  He managed a few 10 mile rides this past week.  Thursday he went to his pastors conference meeting which was less than two miles from here.  He has been going to those gatherings around the area for 26 years.  He spent time outside doing woodworking...building a few more boxes.  He is trying to finish 3 for the fill-in postman who liked them.  I look at his energy and shake my head.  He is so active and I am so grateful that he is!

My week has been spent close to home.  The trigeminal is acting up which affects my balance more. It is an ebb and flow problem out of my control.  I have managed to clean some and write a little.  I still walk 20-25 minutes a day.  God continues to give me the verse, "Those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like eagles...They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:31.  I continue to stand firm, believing...What choice do we have?  Believe what the world says, or believe what God says?  The God who created the universe...the galaxies....the stars.....the earth we walk on.  HE wants to have a relationship with us...little us.  AND He makes promises we can hang on to.  Do we see them all come to pass?  Not in our lifetime.  BUT that does not take away the promises in His Word that are for us.

I have been listening to George Winston play piano this morning on Alexa.  Piano music reminds me so much of our two older girls and their years of piano playing at home.  Both went to the McPhail Center of the Arts in downtown Mpls. MN.  What a special time it was.............The oldest plays piano and flute at her church and accompanies for the local High School competitions.  She teaches piano and has since high school.  Do I play?  Only in my dreams!  My mom was very musical and played piano, though.

We finished watching a 4 part documentary on Netflix, "Live to be 100:  Blue Zones" the other night.  It really was interesting as it showed how America has turned to the fast food world and in doing so become the most obese unfit country in the world.  More importantly it revealed some of the "secrets" to longer lives...good food choices, exercise and activity, friends and family, rest, and attitude.  I don't plan to live to 100 but Joel certainly has it in his genes and body to do so.  His two aunts on his mom's side lived to be 108 and 109.  It wasn't the goal of most of the people in the Blue Zones to live a long life, it just happened because of how they lived.  

We enjoyed phone calls this week from two of our grands who are off at different colleges,  and also a daughter.  Such FUN to talk to all three of them.  It makes our day when the phone rings and family is on the line.  Having a cell phone makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it.  Wayyyyy back cost so much to call "long distance" so calls were few and far between and after 7 at night when it was cheaper.  Now, we can call anywhere, anytime and yet it seems to us that calling becomes less and less as people text more.  We miss hearing when we do?  We celebrate!  Cell phones also make it easier for kids to be away at college or jobs.  They can connect so easily with those they miss......a good thing!

Speaking of good things, so grateful today for cell phones, phone calls, voices of loved ones.  Grateful for Fall weather, a lone hummingbird hanging around, flowers still sharing theiir beauty.  Grateful for porch sitting, naps, good food, and the ability to walk and ride.  Grateful for Bible verses that come from God is threes.  Grateful for texts, photos, prayers, piano music, and so much more.  

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this beautiful Fall day in Iowa.  Yes, it is early Fall, but it is FALL and I am loving the cooler temps we have had the last few days.  Nice!  The squirrels are busy storing their acorns, etc. and one decided to store them in our purple pansies on the back deck.  He dug them up so much they died.  Not cool!  The yellow ones up front are still going.  We'll have to add some mums to the landscape soon.  

Once the cooler temps came back Joel was able to do more biking.  He gets in a minimum of ten miles each ride.  He sticks to a route that avoids roads.  In fact, our river road has been paved and baracaded so that only bikers and walkers can use it now.  So great!  He continues to do some woodworking and this week he did our windows on the main level,  Our house does not have any roof overhangs so they seem to get more dirty.  They look good now, although of course he went out to do them when the heat index was 96.  Really? Hmmmm

I headed back to the chiropractor this past Tuesday and then the grocery store Friday.  In between I was in the house and not accomplishing as much as I would like.  The trigeminal nerve is acting up which means the balance is off too.  Are we having fun yet?  I have listened to a couple podcasts, livestream, and audiobooks.  I finished Laura Bush's book and am looking for another memoir to enjoy,  Any ideas?  I have written on my book a tiny bit, and am reading The Way Out a little at a time.  I have started doing Lymph Massage for the ears and sinuses.  It seems to be helping!  Joel brought me home a surprise decoration for fall this week.  What a sweet thing to do!  It even says "Welcome Fall!"  

Yesterday our youngest stopped for a visit and this morning our granddaughter L. called us from college to chat.  We had a great visit, leaving both Joel and I smiling!  Just love hearing from our grands.....our two youngest are both sophomores this year.  How did that happen?

Speaking of time going by,  I was talking with L. and told her that her grandpa grew up in a solid home and community like the Waltons........or Lake Woebegone.  Me?  Not so much.  She had never heard of either.  Yeah.  I am that old!  

Speaking of old, I heard Joel say he plans to live to 110.  Two of his Aunts lived until 108 and 109 but he plans to live over that to 110.  I do not think that way.  If this body continues to cjomplain so loudly I am thinking 110 is too old.  Give me Heaven and a NEW body by then.....ha

Speaking of age, we have been watching a documentary on the Blue Zones and what keeps people in certain areas living past 100.  For sure, healthy eating....we in America consume 220 lbs of meat yearly but in these areas they eat only 20 lbs of meat a year.  That is kinda a big difference. Lots of grains, freshly cooked veggies, beans, some fish, tofu, etc.  About a year ago we cut out eating meat twice a day......but I am thinking we need to add protein.  I do eat a lot of yogurt, plain, with fruits and nuts or oatmeal at night.  Whole grain cereals and oatmeal for Joel for supper.  Sometimes eggs and cheese.  We tried recently to go back to meat meals twice a day and it just doesn't feel right now.  Interesting.  I read an article this week written by a woman who moved to Ireland and said she is so much healthier now...lots of walking and biking there and fresh healthy foods available.  That was another key in the blue zones....staying fit.  AND fellowship with friends and family.  It is an interesting documentary on Netflix.  We can all do some small thing to live healthier and hopefully longer lives.  

We watched another silly movie this week.  My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.  It had us laughing and that is a good thing,    We have managed some good porch sitting.  A hummingbird has been visiting our petunias and that has been fun to see...and of course the pesky squirrels trying to store up food for winter.  We always enjoy people they use our street to get to the river road from our association.  Mostly we like to watch their dogs!  They each have their own personality which comes out as they walk. Big or small they are each unique.  Just like people!

Time to stop this rambling scribble.  So I am grateful for my old laptop that keeps old IPad that does the same.  Grateful for dryer, cooler weather that makes porch sitting so enjoyable.  Grateful that we had have very few mosquitos this year!  Grateful for silly movies that make us laugh.  Grateful for lymph massage that helps drain our bodies, grateful for a granddaughter reaching out to call us.  Grateful for a Wordle connection, texts that keep us communicating, phone calls, surprise gifts from my hubby, colorful pansies, a hummingbird's visits, the beginning of my favorite season, open doors and windows and fresh air, clean windows, documentaries that make us think, a daughter's visit, Amazon deliveries!  Grateful for all this and soooooo much more.

Enjoy your weekend~

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this first weekend in September.  I think we need a reminder that it IS Sepember since the temps this weekend are supposed to be in the high nineties.  What?  Or as our oldest questioned....Why?!?! The animals may be a bit confused too....I am happy to report that my yellow pansies are STILL blooming and that has never happened. They always die out by mid summer so it is fun to have them around.  Our red geranium is blooming too.  Nice!  

Speaking of nice, it has been a week to seek out with gratitude all things good, cuz things have been off. Monday we went to our chiropractor with my back out.  By Monday evening Joel was feeling funky.  Tuesday was a day of 3 one hour naps and alot of Castle reruns for him.  By Wednesday he was up and running!  I took over his spot on Thursday evening and Friday.  A bit better today.  Yesterday I listened to books or read on the IPad.   It is all getting old.... like us!

Speaking of getting old, I used to bee able to read several books at a time, switching back an forth......or listen to two conversations at the same time, etc.  Not any more.  I am reading 4 different books right now....two on audio and 1 on an old IPad and 1 in my hands.  It's too much.  I am enjoying Laura Bush's audio book, "Spoken From The Heart".  It is written from her journals I expect.  As a teacher and librarian she is quite orderly and detailed.  I do like getting the perspectives of first ladies on their times in the White House.  

Joel spent a couple days riding, doing woodworking, and doing our floors.  When it is floor time?  THIS is when we say we need a smaller house!  He went to Gabby Grandpas this morning to coffee and chat with some guys.  He just helped me get a large tray full of veggies and chicken thighs ready to roast in the oven.  It should last us 4 meals.....we like leftovers so it works for us!

A dear friend sent me a text and shared she had been praying over my/our lives while outside and a shadow came over her.  She looked up and two eagles were flying over.  Later she shared a few words with me and I felt so touched by God.  You see, without her knowledge...only God's,  He had given me 2-3 times this week,  Isaiah 40:31 that says "Those who wait upon the Lord with soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  God connected the dots for me through this friend.  It happens often.....and I am richly blessed by it.  He hears.....He cares.....He is so good.  

Joel and I were talking about past Labor Day weekends.  We spend them mostly alone but when the kids were young we spent them getting ready for school and doing work, like clearning the garage, etc.  Not exactly fun times!  Looking back, Joel and I were good at working and overworking but not so goot at the fun stuff.  It brings us joy to see our kids do things differently.  Life is just too short to not throw fun into the mix~

Today I am grateful for some porch sitting and blooming pansies to gaze at.  Grateful for sofas when necessary, reruns of Castle, walking and riding, and cleaning and woodworking.  Grateful for clean floors and veggies roasting in the oven.  Grateful for reminders from God through eagles and friends.  Grateful for phone calls, texts, and emails.  Grateful for all this and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend.  

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this last weekend of August!  The oppressive heat and humidity has left, no more tropical climate here in northern Iowa.  I have noticed that our flowers have been loving the humidity......but not so much the people! There has not been much porch sitting or outdoor work when the "feels like" temperature was 112!  

Speaking of tropical climates and flowers, when we lived in The Philippines, Poinsettias grew wild on big bushes. There were plenty of beautiful flowering bushes there but I was always fascinated wih the "Christmas" plants growing year round in such heat and humidity.  

We had a bit of "drama" here Thursday night.  When I was getting ready for bed and doing my nightly routine for my artifical eye, I noticed it was not where it should be but  appeared to look like it was more in the corner.  Joel tried to move it with the soft tool we were given but he could not.  He took the eye out 2 times but when he put it back in I was feeling a lot of discomfort and it would slide back to the corner.  Finally we got the papers I had been given which had very few instructions.  We tried again....Ouch!  So.....when all else failed I googled "How to put an artifical eye back in"!!!  All kinds of instructions and videos came up.  Turns out the eye had swiveled and was upside down.....we took it out, lubricated it and got it in it's proper place.  Ahhhhh   Of course all this happended as I was getting ready for bed so sleep was slow to come.  We have it all figured out now so if it happens again (this was the first time) we now know what to do!  Who would ever think I would google such a thing.....but....we did ....We got this!!?!

Speaking of that, I am happy to report that the trigeminal nerve symptoms were much less and the blanace issues about 80% gone.  A dental appointnent and the eye drama raised the bar, but it was exciting to have improvement for the last two weeks.  The ear infection seems to be gone and Benadryl is temporarily helping me sleep at night and get rid of fluid in the ears.  Progress is such a good thing~  Still walking 20-25 minutes, worked on the book a bit, and managed to balance rest and activity. is still a four letter word for me....Too many sofa years with Lyme makes it hard for me to find it posiitve to "have to rest".

Speaking of resting, Joel's recumbent has been doing so.  Joel has not been able to ride or do any outdoor projects due to the thick heavy air, heat and humidity.  He spent time in the office....a lot of time actually.  Tomorrow he has services here at a church in town so he has gotten ready for that.   

I was talking to my sister Jan and told her when I go to Heaven I plan on working in a Bakery.....where I can eat all the caramel rolls I want.  I haven't had one for decades.  I have eaten some of a cinnammon roll a couple times but sugar and gluten are not my friends.  Anyway I love the idea of working in a bakery.  AND having a new body with all my working parts again.  sigh....Yeah "Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and grace"......and maybe bakeries and other fun places to enjoy.  You never know!

Today is International Dog Day which had us thinking about our two dogs, Jake and Levi, both Miniature Schnauzers,  "Sir Jacob Manchester Sackett" was with us for nearly 15 years.  That dog came at a highly stressful time in our lives and spread his love over everyone in the family.  He was protective but friendly.  He slept on our bed for years and comforted anyone who needed it. "Levi The Little Guy" was with us nearly 13 years....came from a puppy mill, and did not have the confidence or breeding Jake had.  He was always a bit anxious but loved to snuggle with us.  Those two dogs were such a joy.  We miss having a pet for sure.....and yet Joel holds back from having one we enjoy our grand dogs when we get to see them.

Last night we watched the movie '80 For Brady".  We didn't know if we would like it so waited until it was free on Prime Video..turns out it was a pretty clean movie, and very funny!  I didn't realize it was based on a true story! We enjoyed the acting by Jane Fonda, Rita Marino, Sally Field and Lily Tomelin.  

Today I am grateful for laughter, movies that carry a message, memoires wih our two little dogs, google for "how to's", artifical eyes, cooler weather, porch sitting again, beautiful flowers the end of August, bakeries in Heaven?  Grateful for phone calls, texts, pictures from texts, emails, and just so much more.......

Enjoy your weekend~~

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where August weather is upon us.  The next few days will be in the mid to high nineties with heat indexes in the low one hundreds.  Okay then.  Yay for air conditioning and early morning porch sitting. Our flowers are happy and in full bloom once again.  So lovely.  I expect they like the humidity.  

Joel has been riding between 10-15 miles most days.  Still doing some woodworking but had another accident with the power saw.  This time it kicked back a jpiece of wood, hitting his thumb first and then chest.  He has quite a bruise on his chest, so we are grateful the wood hit his thumb first.  It's sore and bruised also, but it would have been so much worse if it had hit his chest first!  Then yesterday he was changing out something on his pedals and riding really slowly in front of the house when the bike just tipped over and down he went on the street.  It's a recumbent so lower to the ground.  He bruised right away and got a stiff back, but all minor and is a-okay.  I'm just thinking he needs to sit in his recliner for a few days!!  

Monday we headed to Rocheser for a check up of my artifical eye.  All is well....they took it out, cleaned it and polished it, and put it back in.  Go back in 6 months.  Afterwards we went to Trader Joe's...yay....and then stopped at a family member's house half way home for a short visit.  Nice day.  The woman we visited has very limited vision but is so courageous in her journey through life now.  She makes me more brave!

Today our youngest daughter stopped by for a visit.  She came into our lives at age 2 just as our oldest graduated from high school.  Now she is 36 and has a teen of her own.  The years go by so quickly....

I made cookies for Joel this week, plus a gluten free snack for myself.  I have been walking 20 minutes daily and done a little cleaning, but for reasons we don't understand, energy has been low.  One of my favorite things to do when needing a boost is to go to Julie Meyer's Facebook page where she sings the Psalms and prays over people.  So soothing and inspiring.  Singing the Word of's so good!     I have been listening to audiobooks and finished Barbara Bush's book.  Now I am reading Laura Bush's book, "Spoken From The Heart".  I am a curious person and so these kind of books are very interesting to me.  Especially getting different perspectives from people then what appears on our screens or phones.  

Maui.  What can be said about the tragedy that has swallowed up Lahina.  It is shocking and so sad to see it all unfold.  We need to if so led.  Lord have mercy.

This week one grandson has beenn working at the Iowa State Fair, sharing his stories with Papa Joel.  Another granddaughter has stepped into the world of teaching as she embraces young children with speical needs.  Another recently moved to new city to start her pharmacy career.  And today another granddaughter is setting up a new place to call home in her college dorm.  Two more will go back to their own college rooms in a couple of weeks.  My much motion and change is happening in our family.   

Today I am so grateful for all our grands and how well they are doing life.  Grateful for a good report with the ocularist.  Grateful for a cool house and car.  Grateful for audiobooks.  Grateful for those helping the people of Maui.  Grateful for Joel fairing well with the "accidents".  Grateful for being able to walk inside when needed.  Grateful for phone calls with family and friends, texts, emails, laughter, tears.  Grateful for Julie Meyer's music and ministry.  Grateful for homemade goodies, plenty of food and Trader Joe's good deals!  Grateful for all this and so much more.........

Enjoy your weekend~

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from North Iowa where the weather has been good, the corn is tasting sweet, and the flowers are still showing off all their beauty.  To repeat myself, our pansies are still blooming!  Wonderful!  Last night we sat on our covered porch enjoying a thunderstorm.  The rain smelled so good.  So have enjoyed our porch this week.

Speaking of this week, Joel has been focused on reaching a milestone on his recumbent bike.  10,000 miles.  And he accomplished it!  This is his second odometer.  The first one held 8,000 miles, this one 10,000.  So happy for him!  He has ridden the same bike throughout it all, having had it rebuilt a couple of years ago, and keeping it maintained throughout the years.  He started with this odometer in 2008, but Lyme disease kept him off his bike for 3 years.  When he hops on his bike now, he rides 10-15 miles spending little to no time on roads, but paths that we are blessed to live close to.  
10,000 miles!

Joel was at Gabby Grandpas this morning when a man we have known for years said, "I want you to know how much the class I took from you meant.  I learned so much.  It was a class on God wanting us well that we taught several years ago.  Then he said, "When I came to your home and you and Renee prayed over me, I had electricity going up and down my body and the back pain left.  I was able to travel on vacation for two weeks without pain.  Another man who was listening said, "They prayed for me too.  I was having some symptoms that were concerning and they went away and never have come back.  In fact, I sweat so much during their prayer time it dripped off me and soaked my shirt."  THIS was Holy spirit at work healing these two men. (Both these stories are in Joel's book, "A Little To The Right of Crazy".) It was so nice for Joel to hear those stories again.  Me too.  GOD does heal.  He is our Jehovah Rapha....The God who heals.

I can smell homemade bread in the oven as I type this. I enjoy making it for Joel. He does so much around here~it is a way to say thank you and enjoy something good too!  I have Been walking daily 20-25 miniutes and have done some house cleaning.  Thing is, I LIKE cleaning, especially making bathrooms shine.....and kitchens too.   I am still on medications for the ears but seeing improvcement. 

Joel will be off doing services for two churches tomorrow again.  Last week he did one here in town.  He keeps busy for sure.  We have been enjoying outdoor church this summer too.  Hoping to get back to it, but Joel is booked for 3 Sundays this month elsewhere so we will see.  He finished building new back steps on our deck this week.  They are stained too.  He'll stain the rest of the deck this fall I expect.  As you can tell, he is not one to sit around.

Today I am thankful for those healing stories that were shared.  Grateful for the book Joel wrote regardinghealing and his story.  Grateful for the healing I have experienced in the past and expect in the future!  Grateful for new steps made from refurbished wood.  Grateful for Joel reaching his 10,000 miles mark on his bike.  Grateful that he can ride!!  Grateful I can walk daily.  Grateful for homemade bread and it's wonderful smell.  Gratefufl for beautiful weather, a porch for sitting, rain to nourish the land. Grateful for texts and pictures from Europe.  Grateful for phone calls, and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend.