Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where it is hard to define what season we are in. The temperatures continues to stay in the 50's and Monday's forecast is 66 degrees?!? It's great for now but will not help the drought come Spring.
Speaking of weather, Joel continues to ride his recumbent and has 90 miles in so far in 2024. So unusual. Joel took a trip to Minnesota on Feb 16 and came home the 18th. His oldest brother is not doing well so he headed north. Drove 15 hrs out of the 52 he was visited with a few family members in several areas. He was tired by the time he arrived home. Still, a good trip!
Speaking of Feb 16th that was our son Mark's birthday. I enjoy looking back and remembering when birthdays come around and his is no different. We welcomed him home as our son when he was 5 months old. He was a beautiful fact his birth mom gave him a Filipino middle name that means beautiful. He was and is a gift from God and we are so grateful God chose us as his parents.
Going back to Joel's trip, while he was gone my sister Janelle came and stayed with me. We had a great time visiting....talking a lot! Catching up on our lives and families, and watching Dateline together! Ha....One weird thing happened while she was here. I got up to go to the bathroom at 3:00 A.M. the first night and glanced over the upstairs landing to see the living room fireplace going. Say, what?? I was trying to process it of course and thought ...How did that turn on! If there was a burglar in the house they would not turn on the fireplace! Eventually my foggy brain connected and I went downstairs and found the remote (no one had turned it on for days) and turned it off. I checked the doors and headed back to bed. It took a long time for me to fall back to sleep...and I was extra grateful Janelle was here with me. It has never turned on by itself before or since. Of course when Joel was gone..,,right?! Ha
Lent began on February 14th with Ash Wednesday. We went to early services and gave thanks too for 57 Valentine's Days together.
As I listen to George Winston on Alexa this morning I missed hearing my older girls play the piano. They both took many years of lessons and the oldest has been teaching piano since she was 15. Often on Sunday mornings I go to YouTube and watch live our oldest on Keyboard at her church. We can be "stalker parents" at 3 of our kids churches for services they attend. It was especially comforting when we were in the midst of the pandemic. It makes us feel closer to them to "see" them livestream.
Joel and I finished watching the documentary, "You Are What You Eat" on Netflix. Of course it was biased for a plant based diet but the medical information gathered with sets of twins...some who ate a plant based diet in the study and some who ate a carnavore diet were pretty intersting. I think for us it was beneficial to see. When Janelle was here she mentioned how important getting enough protein is and where do we get it? Joel and I did about 3 hours of research so far on own about how much protein the elderly need to sustain muscle mass, etc. It has helped us to see where our protein is coming from daily. Still figuring it all out but hoping the small changes we are making help our energy levels. etc.
I am continued to walk most days, and writing a few posts on Facebook. I will be getting a new laptop soon so I can get back to this book I am writing.
Speaking of writing, I was thinking about what I do when I feel my day has no real agenda. I write. BUT I also clean. And I like cleaning bathrooms. Crazy, right? I just like making them sparkle and shine. Silly me..........
TV this week consisted of a few Murdochs from Acorn, American Idol, NCIS for Joel, Antique Roadshow, and to much HGTV. Our TV is usually off until Jeopardy comes on at 3....I keep thinking I will learn something from that show but I probably forget as much as I hear! Add a few sermons or teaching from our favorite speakers, and an audiobook and time passes!
As i said before, it is forecast to be 66 here on Monday. Amazing! Strange. and confusing to nature I am sure. Every once in awhile a day in the 30's shows up but otherwise we are breaking records up here in God's country!
Time to close this week's Scribbles. Hope you are all doing okay in youor corner of the world. Grateful for our corner. Grateful for George Winston, son Mark, TV, Ash Wednesday and Lent, Joel's safe travels and time with family. Grateful for so many Valentines with Joel. Grateful for biking, walking, and resting. Grateful for Janelles visit. Grateful for livestream, texting and phone calls. Grateful for all this and more.
Enjoy your weekend!