Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday Thinking

Today I am giving thanks for all those who shared comments with me concerning the secondary medical problem I am dealing with. All your prayers carried me through this week of another procedure and the long wait for the biopsy results. Hopefully tomorrow the wait will be over and we will be able to take action as we make decisions concerning our options ahead.

Today I am giving thanks for scriptures giving me wisdom and comfort. Proverbs 3, :5,6 and Isaiah 30:21, 22 have come to me more than once in the past couple of days through devotionals and other resources.

I am thankful that I can trust God. Life is not always fair, but God is good and can be trusted.

I am very thankful for my husband Joel, his steady, never unwavering love for me over the years. I always say I know how much God loves me because he brought Joel into my life.

I am blessed.


Joan Hall said...

Renee - waiting is never easy and often the "not knowing" can be harder than knowing - whatever the circumstances. Praying for you, dear one and I love that verse from Isaiah.


Renee said...

Thank you so much Joan. Your prayers and words of insight are comforting...