We can go to any number of blogs in our Spiritual Sundays group, among others, and find prayer requests for those in need. I have one on my blog for a sweet little girl named Georgia who is in need of prayer for a serious heart concern, and I remember being overwhelmed with gratitude when others put my photo on their blog asking for prayers for my cancer surgery and recovery. It is hard to describe how it feels to know others are talking to God about your needs.
When a family member or friend is in need of prayer a phone call lets us know, or an email goes out with the request which pops up quickly in our email boxes, and I have even received a few in my Facebook account. In today's world we are really blessed to be able to have not only instant messaging online...but instant praying! We can all share stories on how the prayers of others brought us through a trial, a crisis, or difficult circumstances. We have experienced it here at Spiritual Sundays.
We are told in the Bible that if we ask we shall receive.... we are told that where two or more are gathered together Jesus is in the midst of them...we are told to pray without ceasing ~pray continually.
When I am having my next conversation with God, and it is not my time to listen, I am going to give thanks for the power of prayer! What an amazing gift it is to bring as many as we can to the feet of Jesus for His healing touch. In obedience to God......let us pray.
I am joining Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays this week. Stop over to http://www.bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/ and read inspirational posts or link up your own.
Hi Renee, Loved this post because I love to pray for others and count it a privilege. What a blessing to have that covering for those with Lyme disease. You sound like you also love lifting others up in prayer.
Hugs today and have a blessed weekend.
Hi Renee, A beautiful post about the power of prayer. I know John and I have certainly appreciated the prayers of many blog friends with his sickness and we daily see the Lord answering prayers. I continue to pray for you Renee. I hope you have a nice weekend.
Hi Renee - we are truly blessed to have such resources in this day and age and yes, it is such a comfort to have others lifting us up in prayer.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
This is a wonderful, uplifting, encouraging post and so needed. Thank you. This post will bless and encourage many who read it. God bless you as you live for Him.
POWERFUL! What a blessing to have so many people be on a conference call and pray.My husband and I go to pray class on Monday nights. We are only there for about 30 minuets or so. It's sad because out of 200 people from our church there are only about 8 of us who go to this prayer night. They are missing out this class as enriched my life. I have prayed for many bloggers there as well.
God Bless my friend,
HI Renee...great post...I have come to see how prayer is the best thing ever...and there's power when two or more of us agree. Have a great weekend. Sarah
A great reminder and encouragement Renee. How is it that the God who created the universe has invited us to personally commune with Him ~ at any time. But indeed He has.
Hi Renee,
I will pray for Georgia and that prayer line that you are part of is amazing...I wonder how they set that up...I would love to do a prayer line. It would mean so much to everyone.
What an awesome idea--I sure wish I knew how to do that...wow!
Wishing you a happy weekend! You inspire me!
I just found your blog and appreciate these words so! Time after time lately, I've been reminded of the need for and the power of prayer. We have just begun a ladies prayer group at our church, and God has been so very near. I agree that we have so many resources to draw us to prayer - and to hear testimonies of God's answers!
I loved what you said: ". . . when it's not my turn to listen . . . I need to do more listening. I know that He certainly listens to me!
Hi Renee,
Thanks for sharing the encouraging words in your post. It is marvelous that we live in a time when the avenues of communication have opened portals through which the children of God can respond in so many effective, efficient and productive ways.
I'm reminded of the parable Jesus told His disciples "that they should always pray and not give up."
Blessings and peace.
I agree, prayer is a privilege and I stand believing with you for your healing, Renee.
"When I am having my next conversation with God, and it is not my time to listen, I am going to give thanks for the power of prayer!"
Renee, God bless your heart. I absolutely delighted in reading this line from you.
Yes, the power of prayer from those who are so dearly led is such a blessing and reminds me that we are not meant to go it alone, but are truly connected.
Holding you and that sweet little one who reminds me of my own one daughter at that age, in prayer when God brings you both to mind.
Bless you!
Jan Lyn
What a great post, and lovely reminder that our Lord hears our crys. And such a comfort to know that others will carry the prayers to our Heavenly Father.
What a blessing the conference call praying is for you and others. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. You and all the others who share with us on Spiritual Sundays each week are such a blessing to me.
What a great call to pray for others and the opportunities we have to join with others in prayer.
Happy Sunday,
What a great reminder that God hears our prayers... and yes we are so blessed to be able to reach out to others through the internet. This is such a powerful tool that God has given us.
Blessings, Annette
Excellent post and reminder about prayer being a privilege. I'll definitely remember that as I pray throughout today. :o) New visitor from BloggerSpirit and looking forward to reading your posts. Happy Sunday! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired
Yes! Let us pray! God loves to work through prayer. May God continue to stir our hearts and quicken us to pray for those around us. God bless you and may He give continued healing for you and those with whom you stand regarding Lyme :)
You all are in my prayers. We have a prayer book in our church so people can write in their requests for prayer and they are prayed for.
Much Joy & Blessings,
I'll keep you and Georgia in my prayers. I know I myself need to spend more time in prayers. By the way, next Sunday is the International Day of Prayer (a call to pray for the persecuted Christians around the world). I'll post about it next Sunday.
Hope you will stop by to see what I posted today when you get a chance :).
i do love how many in blogland are so
ready and happy to pray for those who
request it.
i pray that the Lord will heal you from
your lyme disease.
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