Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Gratitude

The house is starting to smell like Thanksgiving! Pumpkin bread has been made ~ the regular kind for the family and gluten and sugar free for Joel and me. Pies are baking and the cranberry sauce is in the fridge along with a fresh turkey. The fridge has not been this full in a very long time.

Tomorrow our children start arriving from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Southern Iowa. Please pray for them as they travel~ it is a busy day on the roads and we are expecting to see freezing rain, sleet, and snow in all of these areas!

We will eat our Thanksgiving feast on Thursday and celebrate Christmas Thursday night! We look forward to having everyone under one roof again. With the kids, in-loves, grandchildren, and us, we total 20 this year.

We have so much to be thankful for. Family, fun, fellowship, freedom to worship, and an abundance of food will grace our lives in the coming days. We pray the same for you.

God bless and Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

What a blessing to have all the family under one roof this year. I wish you all a safe and blessed Thanksgiving (and Christmas).

Joan Hall said...

Hi Renee! Wishing your and your family a joyous Thanksgiving. (And a Merry Christmas). I pray for safe travels for everyone.



Kathy said...

Celebrating with all your family - truly something for which to be thankful! I pray you made many special memories to treasure in the coming days and years!

Jan Lyn said...

I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and time with all your family, Renee. There is SO much to be thankful for. I like your expression of 'in loves' much better than in-laws. How sweet.

We celebrated quietly in our home and so enjoyed the day and are enjoying the long weekend of much needed rest here. To answer your question on my blog, my youngest is doing very well. (Another blessing!) I am having a time with reactions and my husband is now ill, which is very odd for us as he has always been so healthy. God is providing us the strength to care for one another.

I so enjoy your inspirational pieces and have had fun catching up with other's blogs as I have a week off from my school. It's a pleasure, as always to stop in.

Sending love,
Jan Lyn

Renee said...

Hi Mildred....Thanks so much!

Renee said...

Hi Joan
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving too@ Sounds like you did...

Renee said...

Hi Kathy...Thanks so much! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too.

Renee said...

So glad your youngest is doing well....and that school is going so well for you Jan Lyn...good to hear from you again. Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving too...