Saturday, October 5, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where fall is blessing us with so much Beauty! All the Fall colors are starting to come out and the temperatures have been lovely. Warm and dry. There is just everything to love about October!

Speaking of October,  my sister Jan arrived on the 3rd to spend a few days traveling with a friend who has a daughter in a nearby town. While I'm on the sofa she's in a nearby recliner and we are definitely enjoying each other's company. It is all good!

As I write this Joel is on his way to Rendezvous Days in southern Minnesota just 45 minutes away. He makes a yearly trek there to spend the whole day stepping back in time during those days of trapping, muzzle loading and campfires. It will be a bit more challenging today as the temperature is supposed to get up to 89°, which is insane for October! He will lstill have a good time and he'll come home smelling like wood smoke with a bag of kettle corn and stories to tell.

It was a challenging week in some ways with me spending a lot of horizontal time trying to get some energy back. Slow moving but making progress. Joel has been keeping things going at home and getting in a few bike rides. He also stepped in as nurse to take the stent out of from my kidney and bladder. There is something to be said for that "for better or worse" part of our marriage vows.   He was also able to catch up with his Bible College roommate John and his wife Joan and cousin Norma. Norma lives in town and they were able to get together on Tuesday. I hated to miss it ...they had a good time. It has been a long time since John and Joel roomed together! Somewhere around 56 years? Okay then

A short scribbles today with so much gratitiude for getting through two more surgeries.  For recovery moving forward.  Grateful for Janey being here to visit and hug on.  Grateful for Joel's help.  Grateful for the beauty Fall brings.  Grateful for porch sitting and flowering mums.  Grateful for old friends (John) and new.  Grateful for phone calls, texts, and so much more.

Enjoy yiur weekend!

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