Good Saturday to you from Northern Iowa where there is a chill in the air. It seems we're heading down below zero with wind chills around 30 below for tomorrow and Monday. It's January in the Midwest! It's very odd that we don't have any snow on the ground and I'm sure that will not help farmers come spring. Still, there's plenty of time for snow to come. Speaking of chilly weather, we traveled last Tuesday in -25 wind chills to Rochester Minnesota to see the lymphedema specialist at Mayo Clinic. She was able to tell us that my arm looks the best it has since I first saw her 3 years ago. We're being diligent with what we do and it's paying off. And I say we because even though I'm the one putting the glove and sleeve on and using the pump on my arm to circulate fluid every day, Joel is the one that has to wrap my arm twice a week to keep it tight. In regards to that we have been given 6 months off of wrapping! This was good news and we're all for good news! And speaking of cold weather my artificial eye has been acting up with matting and watering ao we head back over to Rochester tomorrow to see them and find out if it's okay. On a Sunday! On a very bitterly cold windy Sunday! Thank heavens for heated seats and good cars!
I have been walking 15 minutes a day building back up after covid. Every healthcare provider and professional that we have talked to has said it takes a long time for your energy to completely return. So we're grateful that we feel as well as we do......we take an extra nap or two if we need to. Joel has done some woodworking but not very much because his finger is still healing from that saw cut. He's been working in the office and we've gotten some cleaning done. We finally got the tree put away! We don't really miss the tree but we miss the lights. This past week we watched the movie Six Triple Eight on Netflix. It was an excellent movie and I would highly recommend it to everyone. We also started our scavenger hunt monthly adventures that are oldest daughter set up for us as part of our Christmas gift. We headed down to the local bookstore, Three Bells Bookstore, to pick up our gift card and to look around this special little place. It was fun and we were required to take a picture of ourselves on one of the sofas and send it back to our daughter and son-in-law! We look forward to more local Adventures every month. We also spoke to each of our kids this week which was nice! We're grateful for their wisdom and insights and their desire to do life well. It has really been a January kind of week here in our corner of the world. Not very boring if I look back at everything that's happened but definitely January.
I have noticed that the light sticks around till 5:00 now and for that I will add my first thing I'm grateful for! More Daylight! Grateful for a warm car that gets us where we need to go with the luxury of heated seats. How did I ever live without them! Grateful for good news from the lymphedema specialist. Grateful for a fun trip to a local bookstore provided by our oldest daughter and son-in-law. Grateful for all the texts and phone calls this week filled with insights, wisdom and joy. Grateful for a movie that makes us think and helps us learn about history. Grateful that we're at least 90% back to normal from covid. Grateful Joel's finger is healing. Grateful that I can write a blog post from my phone! Such great technology! Grateful for sunshine on a cold day. Grateful for all this and so much more.
Enjoy your weekend!
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