Good Saturday to you on this Sunday morning here in North Iowa. The sun is shining, all the snow is gone and the storms have passed. The high today is 44 and tomorrow close to 70 again! Every day is different. Joel and our son Matt observed that there were a lot of birds in the backyard yesterday. A male and female cardinal were joined by joncos and Joel said he saw that the robins were back too. Not too long ago there were six deer resting in the neighbor's yard. All laying down which is unusual. Spring is here or at least it is attempting to make its way in to stay.
Speaking of our son Matt, he and one of his daughters were here yesterday. We had a nice visit, ate pizza, played Scrabble, and watched Lutheran Church of Hope together before they each headed to their perspective homes. Our visiting granddog Charlie went back home with Matt. We certainly miss her but know that she was happy to see them!
Speaking of Scrabble I had not played since 2023 after I lost my eye. I don't see like I used to so it was a bit more challenging and my brain seemed to need to clear the cobwebs out or at least that's my excuse for coming in last! Our granddaughter took the game in the last seconds from her dad! I think we need to pull that Scrabble game out again more often. I have been avoiding games and puzzles where I need help and seeing things but maybe that's okay.... to need help I mean. Don't we all need help at times? Don't we all need support and encouragement?
The showings on the house are going slow which is really to be expected with the turmoil that our country is in and the unpredictability of the future. We really do feel at peace regarding whether the house sells or not. Joel has surrendered the outcome to God and I'm right behind him. If it sells it sells and if it doesn't that wasn't our door to walk through! Not at this time!
Besides his usual activities, Joel spent a few days with woodworking tools in his hands sanding and smoothing and gluing the wooden TV trays he's making for all the grandchildren. I did more baking.... cookies and bread. Still walking although sometimes hobbling, i get my 20 minutes to 25 minutes in.... we have cleaned a few closets and sorted some clothes. It's good to do that periodically whether you're thinking of moving or not! I just finished another Father Tim book and we finished the first season of Ted Danson show, A Man on the Inside. We also watch a show called, The Repair Shop that we get through Prime video and a show called Still Standing which takes place in Canada. Another show is called Handcrafted in America, and that's a good one too! It's hard to find good TV shows to decompress with.
I best get on with Sunday's business..... Listening to church, putting a pork roast in the oven, and getting my walking in today I am more than grateful that we had our son and a granddaughter come visit for a day. Grateful they wanted to stay and worship with us. Grateful for a game of Scrabble. Grateful for homemade bread and cookies that make your house smell good. Grateful for the Irish soda bread that Matt brought . Grateful for an appointment for my laser surgery even if it is months away. Grateful for the home we have. Grateful for the 3 weeks we had with our granddog Charlie. Grateful for all the snow and rain we had and that they're both gone now! Grateful for the birds coming back letting us know that spring is on its way to stay. Grateful for in person hugs and visits, for all the text messages, the pictures that come across our phone, and the emails and phone calls. Grateful for all this and so much more on this beautiful Sunday morning! Enjoy the day!
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