We lived in the Philippine Islands from 1974-76 while Joel served as a meteorologist in the Air Force. He forecasted weather for the pilots flying to such places as Japan, Viet Nam, or the U.S. Clark Air Force base had a population of about 40,000 at that time. It was a small town with its own college, churches, library, etc. All our food was brought in by plane, or on big ships to Subic Bay and from there came on trucks to Clark. There was only one grocery store for the whole base and going shopping on pay day was more than a challenge! It was a waiting game. First of all it was important to get there early because it took about an hour just to get in the door to shop. With the heat and humidity it was always good to bring along something to drink....and a good book! Shopping was not so bad, but when it came time to check out, the lines were yet another hour long. And yet knowing we needed food to sustain us, it was"worth the wait". Somethings in life are worth the wait.
There are important times in our lives that require patience and remembering that "all good things come to those who wait". Times when we just need to bring along a "good book" to read while we wait in line....Those circumstances in our life when God answers our prayers, not with a yes or no, but with wait. We know that God wants what is best for us~ the "Good Book" tells us that he has a plan for us...a plan for good and not for evil....that God loves us so much he gave His son to die for us....so if we focus on what His Word tells us, we can trust that the answers to our prayers will come...and they will be worth the wait!
Renee, you wrote -
"There are important times in our lives that require patience and remembering that "all good things come to those who wait".
I had a friend who always said that we can trust the Lord up to # 99, because He is never too late. She loved the Lord with all her heart and her greatest desire was to go Home to be with Him. It was not a negative, morbid thing, but an overwhelming excitement about the Lord Himself. She was so in love with Him - she really was like the bride waiting for the bridegroom. However, she had to wait many years (fruitful ones, too, because of her love for Him) before she at last could see Him face to face.
She was at last rewarded for her patience, and she was not empty handed when it happened. I so wished I could have seen her face when she arrived in heaven!
I agree with you that we can put our waiting times to good use if we think creatively.
Thank you for your post, Renee. Waiting is never easy, but God is gently teaching me as He continues to stretch my patience in positive ways (if I'll allow). I'm so glad His patience is perfect, otherwise I'd be toast. :-)
Hi Malva
Thank you so much for sharing your friend's story with me.
We can always learn from others experiences..
Waiting is difficult. I always think for myself..."so much to learn...so little time!"
Wrapping you in prayer today.
Words of wisdom--as always! Thanks for the nice read. My husband was in the Airforce, but only for 6 years.
Hi Jan
Joel was in the Air Force 8 years and then got out to go into seminary. It was a turbulent time in the 70's.
Thanks for sharing that Renee...interesting.
Our years were in the 80's when things were much calmer. Dave felt no real risks, but did fly security that followed the Presidential plane, so I often did not know of his where abouts as many trips were classified or hit the news a bit delayed. Later he switched into a more office job to prepare for getting out. Fortunately most our married time was during that time so we were not separated. Quite an experience to look back on we took much for granted due to the time. It's an entirely different story today...
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