In the early 70's I found myself struggling with my faith. I did not feel close to God and desired a better relationship with him. One evening my husband and I went to a church service with friends and at the end of the service the pastor called people to the altar to pray. I went forward with the hope that I would find some peace of mind in my conflict. Members of the congregation were praying with all of us at the altar, so when someone took my folded hands and lifted them up in praise, I raised my head and opened my eyes to see who was with me. I was surprised to discover I was all alone, even though I still felt the warmth of someone holding my hands in theirs. I believe that someone was not an earthly being, but a messenger sent from God to bring assurance to one of His children during a time of turmoil. I have never doubted God's love for me since that night so long ago.
"Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine..... Oh what a foretaste of glory divine...."For more inspirational posts visit Charlotte and Ginger's blog at http://www.bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience. There are those (I was once one of them) who think this kind of thing doesn't happen today. I've been reading books lately that have persuaded me that I was wrong all those years. God is God and He can do anything he wants to do. He doesn't need mine or anyone else's permission.
wow! Thanks for sharing your testimony. I am strengthened by what God did for you and is doing through you. May God continue to bless you as you live for Him
I appreciate your sharing. Have a happy Sunday.
What a blessed and wonderful experience you were given. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Such a powerful testimony, bless you for sharing.
Our God is truly wonderful!
Beautiful testimony. I'm blessed.
Have a great week.
I love hearing touching stories like this. God is so good! I think that you are blessed to be able to experience something so wonderful.
God Bless,
Wow Renee - that was beautiful! Something you will never forget - God met you at your need that day!
Thank you so much for sharing - I pray that it will touch someone who needs to feel of God's loving touch on their lives today.
Blessings to you dear sister,
Isn't our God amazing. ANd it makes me realize how little we understand His great Love for us. Thanks for sharing this.
Aloha Renee, Thank you so much for your visit and for sharing your heart with me today!!! I did not see a place to comment on your post above so I did it here.
I too suffer from a Chronic illness one that has no cure, but God has truly been faithful. I love to hear of couples reaching their 40th and 50th wedding anniversaries I think it is so beautiful and rare these days.
Hugz Lorie
that is so amazing. i'm glad i was able to read this post. i am so inspired because the things i'm going through in life is weighing me down. your post just confirmed what i read a few nights back that when something troubles you, lift up your hand in praise instead of sulking.
thank you for sharing this. it lifted up my spirit.
God bless.
What an awesome experience. Thank you for sharing it.
Jan Lyn
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