Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Familiar of My Childhood

When I was 12 years old I moved in with my older sister (by 15 yrs) and her husband and children. They were very active in a large Lutheran church in town and it became my second home. I knew every nook and cranny in that vast space and I loved everything about it.

The Lutheran church uses a lot of liturgy and hymns in their worship services. Some people would find liturgy boring, but for me it is familiar and comforting. Do any of you remember Katherine Koob who was one of the many Americans held hostage by the Iranians for 444 days back in 1979? She said that the liturgy and hymns she learned as a child are what got her through those terrible times. It made so much sense to me. The traditional liturgy used over and over again during my childhood became deeply ingrained in me and has gotten me through many tough times. In fact, even though I listen to and enjoy all kinds of worship and singing, when I hear the liturgy and hymns from my childhood I feel like I have "come home."

I know that I was blessed to have a church home during an important part of my growing up years. Now that I am homebound and unable to attend worship services, I realize how special it is to have that fellowship of believers. At this time in my life I find that fellowship on the radio, TV or internet. What a blessing!

Liturgy is defined as a ceremony, rite, ritual, etc. We all have those no matter what church we attend, and I expect that each of us turns to the familiar of our faith during the tough times. We could loosely define Spiritual Sundays as a form of liturgy itself. A weekly ritual for a growing number of us who wish to worship and inspire others with the written word. Whether I am listening to the liturgy of my childhood, hearing familiar hymns and scriptures, or reading the inspirational writings of others, I am able to find comfort and peace in the action. Worshiping our Lord "brings me home". May it be the same for you..

Please visit Spiritual Sundays at


whidbeywoman said...

Liturgy is so important to me. I was raised Episcopalian, but have been an ELCA Lutheran for many years. Thank you for sharing your childhood memories!

Musings of A Minister said...

What a sweet, uplifting post. Thank you for sharing a piece of your life to bless our lives.

bp said...

God bless you today! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

SmilingSally said...

And what a wonderful "home" you have Renee. Thank you for sharing.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

worshipping the Lord empowers me...fills me...comforts me. Thank you for this.

Debbie said...

I do know what you are talking about as I was raised Catholic, and while I have not been involved in the Catholic churches for over 35 years now I still love to hear the old hymns and liturgy that were such impoortant memories of my childhood. I love SS, and enjoy this so much too. Have a wonderful day. Blessings, Debbie

Megs - Scattered Bits said...

I know I still return to the songs of my childhood when I want to feel that familiar comfort of God's arms around me. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post and God bless you!

Charlotte said...

I never attended a liturgical church when I was growing up but I can see how it would have made such an impression on your life. I'm glad that Spiritual Sundays is helping to fill the void in our life of not having the church experience now.

Saleslady371 said...

I can identify with the anointing on some worship songs like you said. The words are ingrained and pull me through when I feel low. Fellowship is vital, yes! Thank you for yours online.

LivingforGod said...

I also love hymns; I love worshiping the Lord. I enjoy reading others' inspirational writings via Spiritual Sundays.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.
Have a blessed week in the Lord!

Cathy said...

Very, sweet, Renee ~ When I was a member of the Moravian Church, it was similar to that. I love the old hymns too. Blessings ~

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. Thank you for sharing.


Meli n Pat said...

How sweet. I grew up in a church that was so afraid of putting the emphasis on anything other than Christ, that we had no liturgy (the formal kind!), and few practices of any ordinances. There was a time I began to attend a church with much liturgy and practiced ordinances much more often and I thought it was so beautiful. Thank you for that reminder!

Djfshop said...

I, too, find comfort in the familiar traditional church setting. In the health field, it never ceased to inspire awe when I severely brain injured person that couldn't communicate could recite the Lord's prayer, the 23rd psalm, or sign a familiar hymn. Having Lupus, I know the ups and downs of health issues. It always is a comfort to know that He is there for me. Thank you for visiting my blog. I will follow yours.

Anonymous said...

Dear Renee,Thank you so much for visiting my blog. In searching fo rmy post on Sunday, I was also in need of comfort, assurance and guidance from God. I was lead to this song, these quotes,verses and prayer. They have continued to comfort me in a very difficult time.
The support and fellowship we give each other is God's directions.
Sending you thoughts of comfort and His Love...
Hugs and Blessings,

Ms.Daisy said...

I did not have any formal church training until I was 14 years old but I made up for the time I lost! I learned many old Methodist hymns and love them best to this day - I really enjoy Spiritual Sunday and I am so glad that you have visited me today! Thank you for your nice comments.


❀~Myrna~❀ said...

I can identify in as much as I love the old hymns we sang in church when I was a child .Thanks for sharing , Renee.
Love in Christ,

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We can worship where ever we are. But, it is so nice to know that a strong back round of worship will get us through even the roughest of times.

Lily Dawn said...

What a beautiful post! Your writing is inspired. Thank you so much for sharing =)


debi9kids said...

I too am Lutheran and know exactly what it is your draw that comfort from. I do too!
Wonderful post renee!

My Slice of Heaven said...

Memories are so sweet. I'm so glad you shared yours with us. Have a blessed weekend.

Jan Lyn said...

What a kind wish. I think it so comforting of God to provide in childhood and still allow some of those memories to strengthen and encourage us today. The old hymns especially do that for me as well as a great love of scripture. Thanks for sharing some of your childhood!