On Tuesday I went to the lab to talk to radiology as I was going to have a CT scan on Wednesday concerning the uterine cancer. I was told by my doctor that I would not be having the IV contrast as I have so many allergies, but the radiologist told me I needed to have both the oral and IV contrast. He told us hardly anyone reacts and it does not really matter if you are allergic to seafood....that is an old wives tale. We reluctantly agreed....While Joel went to get the van I sat in a chair by the clergy office and as worry filled me I prayed. I looked up and there on the wall was a cross with the words above it ~ Go In Peace. I knew God would be in the details of this test too.
I started taking the oral contrast the next morning after a heavy dose of prayers. I had an appointment that morning with my GYN so we headed over to that, contrast in hand. When he saw me he asked, "Now you are having a CT today?" I said, "Yes, I am drinking the contrast now." He replied, "You are having contrast?" I said, "Yes and they told me I had to have the IV contrast too." He said..."I told them NO CONTRAST." He talked to his nurse and gave me an order that said NO CONTRAST on it. I decided to finish the oral contrast but when we got to radiology at the hospital we showed them the order. The tech was still told by the radiologist to talk to me about the IV contrast. Scare tactics were used to try to get me to change my mind. Joel said "NO". Period. We went forward with the test as is, praying nothing more would be found.
So I believe that God was in the details of this too. From the time we went to the doctor until last night we talked to 5 people who had bad reactions to the IV Contrast. One stopped breathing and had to be revived. My own GYN felt he was dying and had to have steroid shots to stop the reaction. One had hives for a year. Another said they had a terrible reaction and would never have it again. Another said hives showed up. Now, I know that most people can handle this stuff...but I am not most people. I react to fragrances, cleaning supplies, wood smoke, gas, ~ you name it! For now I could avoid this risk. This was God working in the details.
I am very grateful today for God's interest in the smallest things in my life. Grateful that He provided me with a cross on a wall telling me to walk forward in PEACE. Today as I face an unknown future, I am more aware than ever of who holds the future....
God is so good! I am praying for you Renee. God brings you to mind often...
Blessings, Dear One,
Thank you so much Patty. I am going to add you to my prayers....what a blessing being able to petition to God is..
OMgoodness! It certainly sounds like our Lord was with you throughout that ordeal.
Saying prayers now that your tests will come back without any surprises and that the Great Physician heals your body.
Thank Debi! Appreciate your prayers so much...
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