Friday, December 17, 2010

Mary, Mary, Had A Little Baby

There is a song I listen to during Christmas that is on a CD by Sarah McLachlan....and one verse sticks in my head...

"Mary, Mary, had a little baby...
mmmmm...tiny little baby..
mmmmm...pretty little baby...
Glory be to the newborn king."
Mary, a young woman, having been chosen by God, gives birth to a baby that she knows is the child of God. She births a king. THE King. I cannot imagine how she felt that day, and for the years to follow. Did she understand it all? In her obedience to God, did she realize the importance of this tiny baby she held in her arms...the boy she watched grow up...the boy she found teaching in the temple at age 12....the son she saw turn water into wine...heal the sick...die on a cross... and rise again. Mary had a little baby......and the world changed.
So, here we are, and may I say we, too, are like young Mary...believers in God. Just average people. Are we open to have God use us? Use us until we are all used up? Are we open to surrender? Are we willing to be obedient to God's plan for our lives? His plan that will help further His kingdom? We will notbe favored by God to birth a King...we will not be remembered in Biblical history...but we can all do our part by glorifying God in all He asks us to do. Fulfilling God's purpose for each of our lives....As believers. As average people. As obedient children of God.
"Mary, Mary....had a little baby...
Glory be to the newborn King!"
Please stop over and visit Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays to link up or read other inspirational posts.


Charlotte said...

Good observations and good question. I hope I can and have answered like Mary did. I also love the song Mary Did You Know. I like the line that asks "did you know that this child that you delivered will soon deliver you?"
Have a wonderful weekend and Merry Christmas.

MTJ said...

Hi Renee,

To avail myself to God in such a way that I am useful, that I have purpose, and that my life is pleasing to Him.

You've addressed the issue of living my life with real purpose; God's purpose.

I pray that I live my life focused on the upward call of Christ.

Blessings and peace.


Joan Hall said...

Wonderful post, Renee. Oh that I might be obedient like Mary.

Have a blessed Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Hi Renee, Thank you for a beautiful share this evening. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hello Rene, Sarah McLachlan has a special voice. Beautiful!!
Mary was a special person, she had to be to be chosen.I often speak her words of, :My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savour..
What a humble lady.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Renee...I love this and more than anything else...I want God to use my life to reflect Him. Thanks for posting this. Have a gentle and awesome weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Renee! I shared something about Mary, too this week on Wild about Whidbey. She had the heart of a servant and was submissive even though she did not understand. She trusted God. What an example for us!! Merry Christmas.

Susy said...

Such an incredible thing that Mary accepted this awesome and mind-boggling assignment with such unquestioning obedience. May I respond with the same heart Lord.
Blessings Renee.

Vintagesouthernlife said...

I often wonder about the fear Mary must have felt and the torment of watching her son on the cross... only through God's support and know that he was still on the throne could she have done that.

Karen said...

I have tried to imagine all the emotions Mary must have felt! Merry Christmas to you, Renee

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

That is a great post! So true! Mary was just an average person. Thanks for reminding us that God can use us average people.
Merry Christmas!

michelle said...

man He just keeps speaking to me. Merry Christmas!!!

Jan Lyn said...

Oh Renee, I loved this. I can't wait to get out 'The Nativity' movie with my family again this year. I love imagining the baby Christ Child through Mary's eyes.
This post reminded me so much of Christian Quaker queries-good questions to ponder throughout the week.
Thank you for your faithfulness, I am blessed by it.
Merry Christmas,
Jan Lyn

Cathy said...

Thanks for those sweet thoughts, Dear. Merry Christmas!

Wanda said...

Just this morning I was reflecting upon how God choose an ordinary young lady to birth Christ. Angels show up to ordinary men working out in the fields to announce the birth of Christ.

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a great post! Thanks for sharing.


dunlizzie said...

This is beautiful, Renee.

Toyin O. said...

Amen, so true. We are just ordinary people that God can turn into extraordinary people when we learn to obey God.

I just also want to thank you for your visit and gracious comment. Have a blessed day Renee.

Donnie said...

Such lovely words. Our priest focused on Joseph last night at Mass and it made me really look at what the Holy Family was. May you and yours have a blessed Christmas.

Lisa notes... said...

I can't even imagine how Mary must have felt knowing she was going to birth THE King. Wow! But yes, we should think like she did and allow God to use us, ordinary us. Thanks, Renee, for sharing these thoughts with us.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I wonder how I would have been. Especially at the young age she was.