"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer"
Psalm 19:14
This morning, during devotions and while listening to Joyce Meyer, the same subject kept coming up over and over. How we use our mouth. What we say Who we praise Whether our words bless or curse. Even the thoughts that we tell ourselves are so very important.
I find myself in a Lyme/CFS crash. This means I am in more bone, muscle, joint, and nerve pain, weak as a kitten, struggling with brain fog, and spending most of my time horizontal under my Woolie (wool comforter) on the sofa or in bed. It can be discouraging, but I also know that my own thoughts and words will tip the scales one way or the other in how I cope with this crash. Do I tell myself this will never end...or do I remind myself that this too shall pass..... Do I lay grumbling and feeling sorry for myself, or do I pick up an inspiring book to read or catch up on my rest and my correspondence, encouraging others while bonding with my sofa... What exactly does God hear in the words that come from my mouth? Are they pleasing to Him?
I have heard one definition of meditation as being what we continually think about or focus on. Are the meditations of my heart acceptable to God? Do I meditate on what is pure and lovely, on what is positive and uplifting? Can I focus on hope and joy while under my Woolie? Well, of course the answer to those questions is up to me. It's about tipping the scales in my favor with good thoughts!
Today, you may find yourself worried about something...maybe feeling discouraged by the way your life is unfolding, or challenged by trials or suffering. Remember that you are not alone. Be kind to yourself by tipping the scales in your favor. And remember, too, that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts are heard by God and direct our ways.
Dear God, may our words and meditations be acceptable to you oh Lord, in every way. Amen.
Hi Renee, Your post is very timely and I thank you for sharing today. Praying that you are having a nice day - enjoy your afternoon.
Oh Renee, perfect timing for me and so important for me to remember after honoring my own feelings to get to the good, grace-filled words...what we know is true in Christ.
I smiled at this post as us girls here began a 100 day challenge to good habits. We each picked 3 new habits which could be serious or fun, but all of us decided on using and giving more 'grace' words in our days. Of course the girls are checking off their days, and gathering their ideas for a 100day party here. Their party is getting bigger by the minute and lists are being made. ;)
Anyways, your posts underscores to me that we do have a choice in our words and attitudes. Thank you for being an instrument of God to share that. 2011 will be ok-more than ok as God is already there. :)
Jan Lyn
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