Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Streams In The Desert

"Then will the lame leap like a deer
and the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert."
Isaian 35:6

I have been in a desert place with my writing lately. More than once I have clicked on "new post" and started to write, only to find my mind a blank, or my words are sounding empty.  I just have not had any inspiration or felt I had anything worth sharing.   It took me awhile to realize that this has been right where God has placed me ~ in the desert, searching and reflecting on some important things that He wants to teach me.  I am still in the middle of that place, but there is now a trickle of water that is starting to refresh my soul.

When I began this blog, I was going to use it to write articles like I did for a non-profit newsletter I published for over five years.  I sent it out to around 140 Christians who were living with chronic illnesses.  It was called, "The Encourager" and that was its encourage and connect others who were mostly homebound and isolated.  I loved all aspects of this, but I became reactive to inks and could no longer continue.  Thus I started blogging.  A precious gift in and of itself!

I made a decision to write this blog without centering it on my illness.  My other blog, Renee's Reflections is where I share the ins and outs of Joel's and my journey with our health issues.   It was challenging, but I put forth the effort to make this blog inspirational without connecting my journey to our adventures with chronic illness.   What I ended up with, though, was a place where I felt limited and confined.  A place where I was not totally being myself.

Somewhere there is coming forth a place where I can be true to myself without always focusing on our illnesses.  A place that continues to feed my soul, encourage others, and glorify God.  A place of balance.  That needs to begin within me, and I don't feel balanced yet.  For several reasons, I am still in a desert place, but of course I am not alone!  God is with me, and He will lead me out of this wilderness just as He promises. For now, I wait in the desert, believing streams will flow once again.
 "A voice of one calling:
In the desert prepare the way for the Lord;
make straight in the wilderness
a highway for our God."
Isaiah 40:3


Joan Hall said...

Renee - I could have written this post. I seem to be in a desert as far as my writing (at least with my blog). I began Reflections to share devotions and inspirational articles. I deviated from that a bit, and I began a second blog in January to share some of my other writing and my photos.

However, I can't seem to thing of anything to write on either blog. Most of my posts on Reflections have been short or I've posted videos. I am working on a fiction project, so I am doing some writing.

Your post is so encouraging - even when we are in the desert God is with us and in the dry parched lands, he satisfies our thirst.


Anonymous said...

Hi Renee, Sending along greetings from Georgia to you and Joel. You are so right; we are never alone. God bless you.