Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Obedience Adventure

I have been praying for a few days for a word God would want me to meditate on this year.  While talking to Joel about it a couple of days ago I shared that I felt the word might be surrender.  At that moment the word obedience resounded in my brain.  Really?  Hmmmmm   I told Joel about that word coming through but I did not think that was a very inspirational word...so I kept praying.  I was hoping for something like....faith, joy, love acceptance.....something I was more comfortable with. 

This morning when I woke up I prayed again about the word and asked God to let me know if obedience was the word or was there another word for the year.    I turned on the TV  to Joyce Meyers and she was speaking about......you guessed it! Obedience! 

I came downstairs and decided to read a few blogs and came across a verse in Deuteronomy at Deb's blog, Jeremiah 29:11, that spoke about reading the Bible daily and obeying God's instructions.  Okay.  That was enough for me. Not only was I planning to get into some deep scripture reading on a daily basis once again, but now the obedience word was going to be a part of that.

So, I am going to be meditating on the word "obedience" this year.  I don't know where it will take me, I don't know yet what God will reveal to me, but I know that He has a plan and I am looking forward  with a bit of apprehension to what He is going to teach me through meditating and studying this word in His Word.  I plan to share it here...as part of my adventures in faithful living.  Let the journey begin!


Breathing In Grace said...

I love that we both have the same scripture at the top of our blogs. I chose those to go along with my 2012 word..."truth". Thank you so much for linking back to me. I'm so glad that God uses each of us to speak to one another. Isn't that just AWESOME?!?!? ;-) He's an amazing God!!!

Renee said...

Hi Debbie...We DO have the same verse...I read it first on your blog but did not remember it was at the top of your blog too...Yes, God is an amazing God!!!

Joan Davis (Jo) said...

Your post reminds me of the familiar song, "Trust and Obey". (It's running through my head right now!). What a wonderful truth to know that when we trust our Lord and obey His commands, we will find joy and peace.

Blessings, Joan