Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A One Room Schoolhouse, Dyslexia And Word Power!

When Joel was healed overnight on January 24th, 2012, we were overwhelmed with joy at seeing his health return.  All neurological symptoms immediately vanished, strength returned and the Lyme was dead and gone from his body.  Those first few months we marveled at the miracles as we continued to see changes and other conditions left.  We marveled at all God was doing in both our lives.

Then in June of 2013 we went to a healing service in the Twin Cities.  When Joel went up for healing he asked for prayers for his hearing to return in his one ear and ringing in his ears to go away.  As an after thought he said, "Oh, and I have dyslexia too."  The prayer ministers prayed for him and even though there was no immediate change,  he believed it would come to fruition.  The next morning he noticed that his hearing returned and the ringing in his ears had subsided some, and he forgot about the dyslexia .......until last Thursday night.

We had been reading the book, "Healing For Today" outloud to each other.  Joel did most of the reading and while into chapter 15, his voice began to quiver with emotion.  I asked him what was wrong and he replied in a hushed voice........"I just realized that the dyslexia is gone.  It is totally gone and reading is not an effort anymore!"

 Only God!!

Joel and I then went on to talk about the difficult journey he experienced while learning to read as a child, and the power in the words we speak over ourselves and others.  Joel actually attended a one room school house until going into 9th grade and remembers the encouragement of his teacher.  He knew as an adult that if he had gone to a school in town he would have been labeled as learning disabled, but his teacher in that one room school house labeled him differently.  She spent time with Joel not only helping him learn to read, but telling him he could be anything he wanted to be when he grew up.  She labeled him smart and capable, and he believed her.     

Joel struggled with reading, but he did not let it stop him.  He has had 13 years of college....degrees in 4 different schools. He learned to speed read at seminary, which helped some, but reading still required great concentration.  His calling as a pastor demanded a lot of reading, so reading books for fun was not on his list.

And then last week.................

We are giving thanks today for the encouraging words of a teacher so many years ago who gave a small boy just what he needed to hear.  We are giving thanks for the words of a prayer minister who declared by the authority as a believer, healing into Joel's ears and brain.  We are giving thanks for the words found in the Word that tells us to ask, to speak to the mountains, to remember there is healing in God's Word.  We are giving thanks to God for word power....and Word (Bible) power!

Only God!


Jocelyn said...

Beautiful testimony Renee.

Jocelyn @ http://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com/

Anita Johnson said...

Such a powerful story and I continue to pray for strength and healing for you too.