Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday morning to you from our small corner of the world.  Yesterday it was 74 here and we were able to open doors and windows and bring in the fresh air.  Loving Fall! The trees were singing their autumn sounds as the crisp leaves moved with the wind.  Our resident rabbit was out in the yard grazing and the squirrels kept busy in preparation, as they always do this time of year.  The doe and two fawns we have been seeing lately, are still eating corn out of the neighbor's yard.  It has been nice walking weather, but yesterday was extra nice, giving us hope to hang on to Fall.

Speaking of hanging on,  I have been doing Saturday's Scribbles for around 7 years now.  It worked so well when I was coming out 27 years of fighting Lyme Disease, and getting back into the world.  I celebrated every thing I was able to do, and for those who have known me longer than 5 years, you understand why!

Each time I ventured into a store, or went to see our grandkids, or out grocery shopping we considered it a victory.  And our trips East and celebrated with me/us that we could travel and be out in the world again.  Yay!  You have walked with me through Lyme, Uterine Cancer, Breast Cancer and Cataract surgeries.   Of course you rejoiced with me as we welcomed grandchildren, celebrated birthdays and weddings, and family gatherings, too.  But I am so grateful that you have encouraged us along our journey from Lyme to Living!

At this time it feels like I need to put to rest my usual Saturday "journaling" and move forward.  I have thought about what I could replace this weekly "scribbling" of our lives with and I am thinking......ummmm....maybe I just randomly write about a topic that comes to mind.  Or turn it into a column since I have longed to be a columnist like my favorite one~ Sharon Randall.  Oh...........she is sooooo good.  Certainly I don't need to keep a running commentary on what I am now able to do.

Today I want to thank you for following me through all the Saturday Scribbles that have graced this page.  With the two blogs I figure I have been writing them for around 7 years, although the last 5 have been more about what I have been accomplishing in the normal world! That comes to around around 365 Saturday posts give or take a few.  It just might be time for a shift......ya think?!

Speaking of thinking..........I do try to do that once in awhile.  In fact some close to me might say I over think!  Yeah, guilty of that too......but speaking of thinking, have you all noticed that the news is zeroed in on the election like a laser beam?  Around the world and around our country other things may be in turmoil, but every other word out of the mouths of every other person is Trump or Clinton.  Even in Canada.  Our friends went on a long trip through Nova Scotia in late summer and when people found out they were from the good ol' USA they wanted to talk politics.  They had great concerns about who would be elected and what that would mean for them and the world.  They were focused in on one candidate of whom I will not name.  Our country affects all countries, so it stands to reason that we as individuals affect all people.  It makes for a more intentional way to live, doesn't it. Definitely food for thought on this beautiful Fall weekend!

Once again, readers and friends, thank you for your encouragement on our journey. We continually go through change in life.  Charles Swindoll says, "If you are not experiencing change, you are no longer living!"  May the changes you are experiencing today, bring you joy.

Until next time.................


joeks said...

I know I seldom (ever?) comment on your blog, but I always read and enjoy it! I was worried for just a bit that you were stopping the blog entirely. Whew! :-) Glad you're just thinking about changing it up a bit! I always figure a blog should be and include whatever the owner wants to post, without feeling obligated to follow a certain format. That's certainly how mine is--a hodgepodge of what I want to say or post. I've kind of used it loosely as a journal, but that ended when my mom died. I couldn't bring myself to post about that event right away, so I didn't write anything at all for a couple of years. This month I've resumed my blog, but it will likely be hit and miss and not trying to cover everything going on in my life! All this to say, thanks for all the thoughts you share, and I look forward to whatever form your blog continues takes.

Renee said...

Thank you for your kind words......I think I might have been a bit misleading with this posting....I did not mean for it to sound like I was going to stop blogging.....just stop the Saturday running commentary of my accomplishments! Keep stopping by!