Monday, October 30, 2017
Prisoners of Hope
God has been sending this verse my way the past week........first in Katie Davis Majors book, "Daring To Hope", then Chris Gore's book, "Walking in Supernatural Healing Power", and then through devotionals. I have a tendency to read more than one book at a time, and so picking up both these books in one day and finding myself "coincidentally" reading chapters with the same title ~ Prisoners of Hope~ ? Hello God!
Prisoners of hope. It is where we need to position ourselves as stated in 2 Chronicles. "Position yourself, stand firm, and let God fight for you". Yeah. This verse in Zechariah is a promise I am holding tight to.
Last night we received a phone call from a long time friend, Vic. We went to The Lutheran Bible Institute together. His wife Arlene and I were roommates our first year along with two others......four of us sharing a big dorm room, and she was my personal attendant at our wedding. We have a history. They called to tell us that another man we went to college with was having brain surgery today after fighting a spreading malignant melanoma for 2 years. They had found 2 tumors in his brain. The last time we saw this man and his wife was at Luther Seminary in 1974, where he was taking classes. We went to visit them there and came away from the weekend with the desire to get an "early out" from the Air Force and head to the Sem. God had other plans, though, and we went to the Philippines for 2 years. A move by God and the Air Force that completely changed and blessed our lives.
After a brief visit with Vic on the phone, we hung up, looked at each other, and prayed. There is so much sickness in our broken world. At our age, you hear more and more about others who are in need of prayers, and we needed to position ourselves in prayer.
Another man, a retired pastor and good friend, sent us a group email a few days ago, letting us know that his wife did well with the radiation she has needed to battle an aggressive cancer that returned after one year. She will have surgery early in November to remove the tumor in her belly, and may not need the scheduled chemo after. He asked for continued prayers as they can see the results of those prayers.
Prisoners of hope. That is where we position ourselves as followers of Jesus. That is where we stand firm ~ in the promises of God's Word. There are times we fight hard, there are times we rest, and there times we let God fight for us. But in the midst of any difficulty, we remember all God has done for us. We remember all He promises, and we declare we are prisoners of hope. Held captive by Love manifest. Held captive by Jesus and the assurance that He wants to restore us double portions. Double for our trouble.....and there is this troubled world we live in.
As I have stated often, we believe fully that God wants us well. That Jesus died for our salvation....wholeness from sin and sickness that He paid the price for over 2,000 years ago. It is finished. With Holy Spirit in us we have the authority and power to pray, and it is from that position that we do pray. Prayer is a powerful weapon of God. It moves mountains.
Our friends have mountains in their lives right now. Because we live in a broken world, the enemy uses sickness and disease to kill, steal, and destroy. God uses prayer, the medical and natural world, and His Son to heal, build up, and restore. We say, "Come Lord Jesus." Because God loves us and never comes to kill, steal, or destroy, we remain prisoners of hope. And in that hope, THE HOPE, we embrace His promises and we pray.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Luther's Journey Of Faith, Courage, and Obedience
This coming Sunday our small micropolitan city will hold a joint service at the college. It is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and the 4 ELCA churches will worship as one. Joel was in Gutenburg, Germany during the 450th year......and here it is, 50 years later and we are celebrating Martin Luther and the Reformation.
We watched the movie "Luther" this week from the comforts of our living room. It is part of Joel's preparation for his sermon next Sunday. Not for the joint service here in town, but for the smallest of congregations he fills in at an hour away. A country church that worships 15-20 people on a good Sunday morning. They are unable to sustain a pastor, but wanting to keep the doors of their church open for worship. They are an active group, willing to sacrifice and serve to keep going for as long as they can. I expect Martin Luther would smile at their determination.
What Luther did was courageous, bold, crazy, and out of obedience to God. He did what he felt God was calling him to do, but it was costly, messy, and at times scary. He studied the scriptures in depth and from his studies came a rebelling of what had become at that time a corrupt Catholic church. He sought the Lord in his studies and found grace. Grace for the people. That grace led him into the Reformation and Protestantism was born.
Joel's and my histories run deep in the Lutheran church. His great grandparents gave the land and helped build a church in NW great grandparents gave the land and helped build a church in SE Minnesota. Joel's parents were active in their country church, located just a quarter mile from the family farm. My parents story is much different, but as a young child I was periodically taken to church by one sister, and eventually raised in the church by my oldest sister and family. Joel and I met at The Lutheran Bible Institute in Mpls. MN. Our children were raised in the Lutheran Church where dad preached. Definitely a foundation rooted in Jesus and the Lutheran Church.
Our journey has taken us many places and we have sat in the pews and chairs of a variety of denominational and non-denominational churches. While in Albuquerque NM (Air Force) we used to attend a Sat night Catholic Mass with a guitar playing was the 60's! In Duluth two years later we would attend and Joel even preached at a Lutheran church Sunday mornings. Sunday evenings we would head with friends downtown to The Tabernacle ~ a large Assembly type church. It is where I first heard the gift of praying in tongues. In the Philippines from 1974-76 we attended an interdenominational church on Clark Air Base, took part in a Baptist Serviceman's club off base, and I was part of a wonderful interdenominational group of women who gathered weekly in private homes. The first time I was prayed for and received physical healing was with those woman.
Once Joel went to seminary our places of worship were confined to only the Lutheran Church where Joel served. For 32 years we graced their pews, walking with the ELCA through many changes. Now, with Joel retired but still filling in, we still often sit in Lutheran houses of worship, but we also go to other non-denominational churches that embrace more of the prophetic, charismatic, and healing.
We never expected to be on such a journey, but like Martin Luther, and all of the "ordinary" people, we are trying to walk in obedience to God. Forever grateful to our great grandparents for their sustaining faith and obedience to God, forever grateful for hear the Word as children and receiving Jesus into our lives, forever grateful for our children knowing and serving God, and forever grateful for God beckoning us to more. We celebrate this weekend the foundation of the Protestantism and especially the Lutheran church through Martin Luther and the large roll it has played in our faith and the faith of so many others.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Just Stay A Little Longer
local park
It is a beautiful fall day here in our corner of the world. The trees are showing off their vibrant colors as the sun shines in a clear blue sky. The winds are bringing a chill, warning us of what is to come. Snow. I am already hearing the "B" word.... A Blizzard is a probability north of us in our homeland ~ Minnesota. We could see 1-2 inches of the white stuff here.
I am not ready for it. We were gone the month of September so it feels like Autumn was brief this year.............and yet November is almost upon us. Each of the 4 seasons has something to offer, but I will always ask Autumn to stay a little longer. We find the furnace days of Winter draining. But they come and they go......just like the seasons of life.
During our prophetic session at Bethel, one of the ministers made a statement in his prayer that made both Joel and I laugh. He said, "Lord, when they look in the mirror and see their old bodies, let them say, Thank you Lord for another 30 years ahead!" We laughed because my forever positive and energetic hubby has said that to me before. "We've got another 30 years together!". That would make me "only" closing in on 100 and Joel nearly 102.
Attitude can be everything! We know one man who speaks of how old he and his wife are on a daily basis. How the nursing home beckons them, how at their age they should expect to be sick. "Gotta die of something". Life can be fragile for sure, but I don't know if I ever will hear my husband talk like that, and I am grateful. He does not live in denial, but he does attempt to live each day with joy, finding gratitude in the small the colors of Fall....the ducks flying overhead, the squirrels burying their food for winter.
Autumn beauty
I hope you are able to take a moment to feel the leaves crunch under your feet, see the vibrant colors as Autumn shows off her beauty, smell the crisp air, and listen to the ducks and geese flying through the sky. Fall is soon leaving, and we will hold only memories as winter settles in. So for today, I am embracing Autumn and even as snow looms, I plead with her as I would a loved one who comes to visit .....stay....just stay a little longer.
our living room view
neighborhood tree
Monday, October 23, 2017
Try Again
On our first Sunday in Redding CA we spent 11 hours at Bethel church with worship services in the morning and at night, a class called Firestarters, and an afternoon prophetic session with two amazing people, Joel and Lori. Yes, another Joel!
The free prophetic session for the two of us lasted only 12 minutes but certainly gave our world a spin. We had struggled to make the appointment, having to go online at a certain time of morning to sign up ~while we were traveling. With God's whisper in my ear to "TRY AGAIN" after I was told the sessions were full, I went back online and we were able to sign up for later in the afternoon on the 10th. Yay! Some of what was said confirmed for us that these were words from God. God likes to let us know He is in the midst of our seeking. It was life changing..........did I say that already?
The prophetic is not something that is always understood in our world. Even though it is one of the gifts, and Paul tells the churches they are desire it before some others, it can be misunderstood. Prophetic words are given for wisdom, encouragement and confirmation.We are not talking about prophets here, like Elijah or Jeremiah. We are talking about those with the gift of prophesy. Prophetic words speak of the present and the future, releasing God's purposes. It is described as God speaking to us through others with pictures and words.
We have not shared with many people what we received, precious gems given to us for this season of our lives. Yet even with the trusted few that have heard our session, reactions have been from excitement to amusement, indifference and a few" uncomfortables" in between. I was pondering this when God reminded me that these specific words were not for others, they were and are for us. They would not mean to others what they mean to us. God was speaking to our hearts.
Pastor Bill Johnson from Bethel has a spiral notebook filled with the words spoken to and over him. Years of promises from God that build and encourage him daily and provide hope. It is what compelled me to listen over and over again to our recorded prophetic session when another health issue surfaced.
Have you noticed how our world seems a bit off kilter? It can be scary. North Korea alone can make us shudder. The suffering of others is heavy in the atmosphere around us....the air if filled not only with the ash of fires, but with the grief of others. Hurricanes, floods, threats, destruction, and death. It is during these times that we have a choice to focus on the "what ifs" or the "we know's".
We are given the opportunity to quiet our souls and remember what God has spoken over and to us. We know God promises to give us beauty for the ashes....We know that all things work together for good... We know that God sent His Son...........We know that Jesus came so that we may have abundant life......... We know His Word says He will give us back our health and heal our wounds......We KNOW and can stand firm on whatever promises He has highlighted and whispered into our individual lives! The promises that encourage and release hope. Keep your own list of promises from God. The Bible is full of them. Pay attention to what is spoken to you and over you. Just hearing "TRY AGAIN" opened a door to others sharing God's words for us. Be bold, listen for God's voice, and let the words penetrate deep into your heart. They bring beauty for ashes in a much needed world.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Broken and Beautiful
I have been reading Katie Davis Majors book, "Daring To Hope: Finding God's Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful". Katie is well known for her first book "Kisses For Katie" and for her non-profit in Uganda ~ Amazina Ministries~ that cares for the vulnerable in that country. And she happens to be a mom to 14 before she turned the age of thirty. Thirteen girls adopted in the first 10 years she lived in Uganda, and one son born to her and her husband.
The words, "Broken and Beautiful" brought up visions of some of the people we saw while traveling. While on our long trip to California and back, we saw some of the broken in the homeless that were on the road or in the cities. Often it appeared that mental illness played a part of their journey, if not drug addiction or worse. It was heartbreaking and to be truthful sometimes uncomfortable to be in their presence.
Two people stand out to man I expect was in his early 30's and traveling with a dog and a cat. His clothes were absolutely filthy and torn, and he sat outside of a convenience store/gas station in Park City Utah sharing food and water with his four legged companions. Park City is a very wealthy area of Utah, so the contrast was vivid. The second was a woman who was standing over some kind of vent on a street in Redding. We drove right past her, trying not to notice that she was urinating through her clothes, into the vent in broad daylight. It was very disturbing.
Broken people. So many broken people. My thoughts went to our need to see others through God's eyes, and I cannot help but come up short in my reactions concerning these two. Certainly our cities, our churches, our neighborhoods are filled with those who are broken. We all are imperfect in some way, but I have not been able to forget the two whom I mentioned above. God's children, too.
Broken and beautiful. I believe this is how God seems them. How He sees us all. And would He react the same way as His people do? Maybe with repulsion, indifference, scorn, or disgust? Would he yell, "Get a job" or look down or away from them? And how would He expect us to respond?
Katie Davis Majors tells the story of a man who was an alcoholic and dug through garbage for his food, was abusive and mean spirited to others. One day he fell into a fire while in a drunken stupor. He was taken to the doctor but they did not have the time or resources to help him so they wanted to amputate his leg if no one could care for him. Katie was called and ended up adding him to her already full days and nights ~ a drunk in need of having his dressings changed on a daily basis. She slowly nursed him back to health, quietly witnessing to him about Jesus. Eventually he stayed in the guest cottage on her property and without access to alcohol, he stopped drinking. He began listening to what Katie was saying and not only did his leg heal but so did his soul. He gave his heart to Jesus and eventually was able to get a job and his own apartment while helping out Katie and her family with chores when he could. He was so grateful.
Katie saw beyond the broken, smelly, mean spirited man and gave him the care and love that her Jesus would. She saw that he was both broken and beautiful. I have had to ask myself, "Could I do the same?" It might sound more glamorous to be saving the leg of a man in Africa vs helping out someone in our own city with the same circumstances.........but what Jesus asks in Uganda is exactly what He asks of us where we see others through His eyes and treat them with love.
Hard questions. Harder answers. We know it is easy to love the lovable, but Jesus asks more of us. To love the unlovable. To be open to loving others He brings into our lives.....whether strangers or members of our family. That love He requires is given in many different ways. Certainly not all of us called to nurse a man back to health, but no one can deny that Jesus calls us to see the broken as beautiful. The Gospels resonate with His thoughts and commands on love.
We are invited, as Katie says, to bring Jesus into the midst of our own messes and brokenness, too......and see ourselves and others as He does.....both broken and beautiful. Are we up to the challenge? Certainly not without Jesus. But then, we are not without Jesus, are we?!
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Use It For Something Good
This past week the Harvey Weinstein story has exploded onto the front page of every source of media. As it should. It has been a long time coming and it blows my mind that he got away with doing the same thing over and over again to young and often vulnerable women ~ for decades. The number of women affected by his behavior seems to be endless.
The "Me Too" movement that came from this is the "rest of the story"! The movement actually originated several years ago with a young woman named Tara Burke who was a survivor of abuse and wanted to call attention to the fact of how limited the resources were to heal in underprivileged communities. Alyssa Milano re-ignited it when she used the "Me Too" hashtag to give women a way to speak out after the Weinstein story broke. For those willing to share on public media that they too endured sexual harassment and/or assault, bless your courage. For those who have silently proclaimed their own "me too", bless your courage, too. Not everyone has to speak out.
If you read my blog often, you know I am part of the millions who have gone through sexual misconduct. I was abused as a young child by two different males at different times. I also was sexually harassed verbally and physically by a peer for throughout middle school, and at 16 WAS molested in an elevator at a Lutheran youth convention, no less. Unfortunately, my story runs parallel to so many others.
For me going through Sozo inner healing ministry to have Holy Spirit led counseling has released me from the trauma and the fears that were the result of the abuse. Together Jesus and I walked through facing the fears, forgiving those involved, and receiving the healing needed. It was not always easy, but it was powerful. That is the "rest of my story". Jesus wants us whole and healthy ~ body, soul and spirit.
I expect that the many many women speaking out are making an impact on our world. It is certainly my prayer. As they speak out against the predators they are taking back their power, and giving courage to future generations to stand against such behaviors.
Once a woman reader of my blog asked me "where was God" when I was being abused..........I told that I believed Jesus was with me, tears flowing down His loving face mixing with my own. I have asked Him to use those experiences, just like the diseases I have battled, for something good. Work all things out for good, Papa. It is never His plan for His children to suffer, but we have been given a free will and at times that free will listens to the dark side and bad things happen to innocent people. In this "Me Too" time of speaking out, use it for something good, Papa God. Be a part of "the rest of their story". Use it for something good!
The "Me Too" movement that came from this is the "rest of the story"! The movement actually originated several years ago with a young woman named Tara Burke who was a survivor of abuse and wanted to call attention to the fact of how limited the resources were to heal in underprivileged communities. Alyssa Milano re-ignited it when she used the "Me Too" hashtag to give women a way to speak out after the Weinstein story broke. For those willing to share on public media that they too endured sexual harassment and/or assault, bless your courage. For those who have silently proclaimed their own "me too", bless your courage, too. Not everyone has to speak out.
If you read my blog often, you know I am part of the millions who have gone through sexual misconduct. I was abused as a young child by two different males at different times. I also was sexually harassed verbally and physically by a peer for throughout middle school, and at 16 WAS molested in an elevator at a Lutheran youth convention, no less. Unfortunately, my story runs parallel to so many others.
For me going through Sozo inner healing ministry to have Holy Spirit led counseling has released me from the trauma and the fears that were the result of the abuse. Together Jesus and I walked through facing the fears, forgiving those involved, and receiving the healing needed. It was not always easy, but it was powerful. That is the "rest of my story". Jesus wants us whole and healthy ~ body, soul and spirit.
I expect that the many many women speaking out are making an impact on our world. It is certainly my prayer. As they speak out against the predators they are taking back their power, and giving courage to future generations to stand against such behaviors.
Once a woman reader of my blog asked me "where was God" when I was being abused..........I told that I believed Jesus was with me, tears flowing down His loving face mixing with my own. I have asked Him to use those experiences, just like the diseases I have battled, for something good. Work all things out for good, Papa. It is never His plan for His children to suffer, but we have been given a free will and at times that free will listens to the dark side and bad things happen to innocent people. In this "Me Too" time of speaking out, use it for something good, Papa God. Be a part of "the rest of their story". Use it for something good!
Monday, October 16, 2017
He's In The Waiting
Another giant surfaced and was slain for me today. At my yearly exam last week the doctor suggested I be checked by a dermatologist for an autoimmune skin disorder. I got in right away on a cancellation and went the next morning. To my surprise she took two biopsies as I lay in that awkward position that only women understand. One to see what kind of skin disorder I was dealing with and the other to see if one spot was skin cancer. The doctor's demeanor, concern and actions were hard to ignore. The word cancer sounded so loud and ugly.
I just kept thinking, "not again....not again." Throughout the week I made an effort to keep my eyes on Jesus, with worship songs and promises. I listened to the recording of the prophetic words spoken to us at Bethel, over and over. I reminded myself of God's faithfulness throughout the days. There were moments when fear still wanted to rise up and take my breath away as it brought to mind worst case scenarios.
So hearing from the doctor today, 4 days early, that it was NOT cancer....that it was benign......brought both physical and emotional relief. A giant of what if's was taken down.
I have never doubted God's faithfulness. I have countless memories of Him walking with me, with us through trials. We have faced plenty of giants in our 49 years together. I just could not muster up the courage to face one more. And the waiting was so hard.
A song from Bethel music kept coming to mind..........."He's in the waiting......He's in the waiting."
In the waiting, I gave thanks for all the good reports last week....mammogram clear, eyes good ~ pressure down lower and visual test improved. Blood work good, melanoma check good! Yeah, lots of doctor appointments. In the waiting I remembered the victories in Him. It helped keep the giant from looking so powerful.
Joyce Meyer spoke in her devotional today about how David killed the giant, Goliath. In 1 Samuel David talked about the Lord delivering him from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear. He knew he would deliver him from the hand of Goliath too. He looked back at the faithfulness of God and remembered.
Max Lucado wrote about David and Goliath in his book, "Facing Your Giants". A study we are doing for our group also is talking about David. He so often praised God for showing up in his life. Lucado says: "Focus on your giants and you stumble. Focus on God~ your giants tumble."
While I lay in that awkward position that day I was truthfully numb with fear. Too many biopsies and too many surgeries were on my mind. What I needed to remember was the many victories through Jesus! And, as strange as it sounds, it came to me during this procedure, that it was time to write the book.
Holy had been speaking to me over the past two years to write a book. I asked Him what I would write about and why? Why? God spoke clearly to me about Joshua's story of building an altar after the Jordan river stopped flowing and they were able to walk into the promised land. The altar was to be a reminder of God's faithfulness. Holy told me that each story I write will be part of the altar built to God's faithfulness. A legacy for our grandchildren and great grands to come. I still put it off............until last Tuesday night when I made the choice to walk in obedience.
We all have giants we face, whether in body, soul, or spirit. We never face them alone, but sometimes that giant seems so big, and never so much as when we are waiting.....for a breakthrough...for a test result....for financial help.....for healing. It is during these times that we make the effort to remember His faithfulness. Like the song says..........we are never alone ~ He's in the waiting!
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Our Bethel Adventure
It was a month ago last Sunday that we went to Bethel for our afternoon prophetic session we had scheduled. Just getting the appointment had been ordained by God, so we knew we were to be there. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that we are to value prophesy. The two prophetic ministers we met with were amazing and definitely valued their gifts well. God spoke through them with such clarity, insight, and love. We recorded it on our phones and refer back to it often. God was in the midst.
I think that is how we would describe the ten days we spent there sitting under Bethel's ministries. God was in the midst of everything we experienced. We opened our hearts to ALL He had for us, we said YES to everything, even that which took us out of our comfort zone and He opened up our world to the more. On our way back home I added up the hours we spent in worship services, at the Healing Rooms, Sozo, adult Sunday classes, a seniors fellowship, the House of Prayer, and classes at their school~ it was 40 hours. A significant number in the Bible and for us.
The Healing Rooms is open Saturday mornings at the church. Many many trained volunteers with a heart for healing come and meet with all those who come for prayer for healing...of body, soul, and spirit. The "encounter room" is filled with people and places to rest and wait for prayer. There is a small area for communion, there is soft music playing and while we were there children and adults were expressing interpretive dance on a stage while about six others were painting what they felt God was speaking to them on canvases in the center of the vast room. People were either quietly praying or being prayed for everywhere you looked. We were there two hours when Joel told me he did not want to leave because of the peace he experienced in the room.
Bethel has around 9,000 members, and each week at least 1/3 of the people there are from other cities, states, and countries. They are too small to accommodate them so have 4 services, a second campus, and two overflow rooms at the main church. Worship services included great music an teachings. Offerings? If you are a visitor they request you give your tithes to your home churches, not them. Often we were asked to lay hands on those around us who were in need of prayer for certain conditions, whether emotional or physical. In fact, anywhere we walked in that church you would see people praying for others. It was beautiful and powerful.
I went to a Sozo (Holy Spirit led) counseling session the last Saturday we were there. Bethel created this ministry, and they train people around the world. Joel took the training in MN and says in all his years of counseling this was the most freeing for people he has ever used. I received more insights and healing that I believe will bring more freedom into my daily life.
The House of Prayer is a separate circular building with all glass walls where people can go to quietly pray. All chairs face out the windows, although many sit on pillows on the floor to study scriptures and pray. There is a beautiful waterfall outside with more seating. Another place to connect with God.
Carolyn and Austin from Toronto
The people we met were great....a couple from Ontario who sat with us for several services. A couple from Vancouver who we had the privilege to pray over. (40 years with Lyme). Young and old who sat with or by us. We even visited with and prayed for a young couple who sat by us in church and were on their way home from their honeymoon! Another woman worked with refugees in Thailand and came to be "filled up" before flying back. People are so friendly. Kindness and openness abound! Joel was also able to talk with one of the pastors, Chris Gore, several times. We were also able to visit and get to know house guests and the host and hostess where we were staying.
Joel and housemate Chinbuzo (Nigeria)
at Sundial bridge
Renee with housemate Nancy
Joel with host George
Let me go back to the man with Lyme. When we came out of our prophetic session the man walked up to me and asked me if our sessions was impacting. Joel came up and his wife too and we visited a bit and then mentioned how we were healed from Lyme. His wife immediately covered her mouth with her hand gasping as she did so. Then she said, "My husband has had Lyme for 40 years". Well, we knew that God had brought us together, so we encouraged them with our stories and then asked if we could pray. We went after that Lyme and we still stand on His word today believing that he is free from that horrible disease.
It is hard for me to describe my feelings while we were there. I know I felt relaxed, and at home in the environment around me. I felt so comfortable and at peace, like I could really be myself. For me the atmosphere was almost palpable with the presence of God. A.m.a.z.i.n.g.
We have been watching Bethel live-stream on the Internet for several years and were very impressed with their ministry. We wondered how we would feel when we were up close and personal with the people and the leaders. We believe they are the "real deal".
We are both amused and saddened that there are those who feel this church must be a cult, or the leaders are "false prophets" because of their beliefs. There are even one or two who think we have strayed off course in our faith journey. We are certainly not naive enough to believe Bethel is the perfect church or ministry. We are all imperfect people walking out our faith in Jesus together. We just love how they do ministry. I will share that what we learned and what we experienced while there has reaffirmed where God has been leading us. Who God wants us to be.
Two weeks after returning, I am once again on a medical journey that could steal our joy, but our focus is on our Papa God. We are forever grateful, and looking forward to the "new thing" coming for us. Which leads us back to the prophetic words spoken to us. We know what was said was definitely from God. He wrapped His loving arms around us, whispered words of comfort, knowledge and insight into our ears, and filled us with confirmation and hope for the new thing He has planned.
Our Bethel Adventure was definitely an adventure with God! We are so grateful for it!
Saturday, October 7, 2017
South Dakota Beauty
After seeing Spearfish Canyon we headed south into Rapid City and then up to Mount Rushmore outside of Keystone. We have stood looking at this monument to four of our Presidents several times over the years. It never gets old. We then drove to see what work has been done on the monument to Crazy Horse. We had not been there in 30 years and were quite disappointed. There is a great entrance and museum there now, which we and others enjoyed, but the monument itself looks no different than it did the first time we saw it. That night we stayed in Rapid City, heading out the next day to see Wall Drug and then the Badlands. We drove the scenic drive on a cloudy cold day, but our amazement was the same as if the sun had been shining. So much to see!
After leaving the Badlands we drove across the state stopping to see the new Sacagawea statue outside Chamberlin SD. It really was impressive. Fifty feet high and stunning!
Lanny, Jan, Renee, Joel
Our thoughts return often to this trip together. With gratitude we recall so many beautiful sights in so many states. We look at our time at Bethel Church and see God working in and through us. We are grateful. So grateful.
Friday, October 6, 2017
History, Hills, and A Canyon
The Black Hills of South Dakota are a beautiful sight to see, and for me they hold a long family history. I was hoping to find the general area where my Grandmother had lived in a cabin in Spearfish Canyon 60 plus years ago, with little knowledge about where that would be. We stopped at a S.D. visitor's center to use the bathroom before heading into Spearfish and then the Hills. What a nice surprise when one of the volunteers behind the desk asked me if I had any questions she could answer. I paused and replied...'Yes"! Have you ever heard of the town of Elmore. I heard it is a ghost town now, but I could not find exactly where it was located." She took a map, and showed me where to find it. She let me know it was just summer homes now, but the sign for the town was still up. So off we went.
The Black Hills are so amazing, Spearfish Canyon being created by the creek that runs swiftly through it. The highway follows the creek, and we enjoyed stopping to take in the sights along the way. Joel decided it was his favorite place in all our travels. Eventually we came near the end, and I was thinking we had somehow missed the Elmore sign when up it popped. Elmore!
We stopped to take it all in the history, the beauty, the grandmother did not live in town, she lived alone up against a hill in a cabin with no running water, just a well out front. There are stories told of when my mom and oldest sister stayed there and coyotes were scratching at the door to get in. And the time a bear was trying to enter and my grandmother shined a light in his face and yelled at the top of her lungs, scaring him away. It took a lot of courage to live alone in such rugged country. The beauty was almost overwhelming. We absolutely loved it!
A couple of side notes......Much of my childhood is locked away in a vault somewhere in my head, so It often rely on my older sisters to fill me in. Finding the area where my grandmother lived gave me pause and I felt some deep connection that led us to Minnesota to her grave before going home after our trip. I had asked my sisters for any info they had on this part of our history and was given two names. One was "Whispering Pines" of which I found nothing, and the other was "Elmore", a town that no longer existed. Unbeknownst to me, my sister Jan, who lives part time in South Dakota, had been to Spearfish Canyon and the Elmore area just a few weeks before we were there! She knew where it was, but do to a lack of communication ("What we have here is a failure to communicate!") somewhere, we did not discuss this in our texts. I am grateful God sent me to the right person who was able to direct me to the right part of the canyon!
Highway through Spearfish canyon
View point at Bridal Falls
The Black Hills are so amazing, Spearfish Canyon being created by the creek that runs swiftly through it. The highway follows the creek, and we enjoyed stopping to take in the sights along the way. Joel decided it was his favorite place in all our travels. Eventually we came near the end, and I was thinking we had somehow missed the Elmore sign when up it popped. Elmore!
We stopped to take it all in the history, the beauty, the grandmother did not live in town, she lived alone up against a hill in a cabin with no running water, just a well out front. There are stories told of when my mom and oldest sister stayed there and coyotes were scratching at the door to get in. And the time a bear was trying to enter and my grandmother shined a light in his face and yelled at the top of her lungs, scaring him away. It took a lot of courage to live alone in such rugged country. The beauty was almost overwhelming. We absolutely loved it!
My grandmother Laura Lou standing by her well
at the cabin she lived in
up against a hill.
This was before I was born.
She was born in 1880 and died
in 1950 when I was two years old.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
So Many Places To Go, So Much To See
We arrived at Redding early on Friday afternoon and settled in to our lovely room at the house owned by Bethel members. We were excited to begin our adventure with God......saying yes to all He sent our way. We spent 10 days at Bethel ministries, and later when I added them up it came to 40 hours of sitting under their teachings, sessions, classes, and worship services during those 10 days. We are still processing it all, holding it close and praying over it. I will share more later..........
We did a bit of sightseeing while at Redding, seeing Whiskeytown Lake, Mount Shasta, Burney Falls, and the Sundial Bridge in downtown Redding. Whiskeytown Lake has deep clear waters great for is a reservoir covering nearly 3500 acres. We drove up north to see Burney Falls, an amazing place. Joel was able to take the steep path down to the base pool. You could see people fishing at the top further back from the powerful falls. Well worth the drive on a very hot day of 106 degrees.
Leaving Bethel behind was difficult, but it was time to head back home. The fires were closing the only road to the Redwoods from Redding, so our plans to go to the Redwood National Forest and stay in a hotel on the ocean were cancelled. We also changed our route home because of the fires in Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and more. We headed back through Susanville, passing the shoe tree once again. We stayed the first night in Winnemucca NV. Joel went out to get gas after dark and came back to the hotel telling me about the mini Vegas strip through town. Definitely not in Iowa anymore. The next day we drove through the rest of Nevada and Utah, landing that night in a very nice, friendly hotel in Evanston WY, elevation 7,000 ft. It was 30 degrees the next morning! Yikes! We saw a bit of snow as we drove through Wyoming, first East and then North. Beautiful scenery!
We did see a great place hidden from the main interstates ~ Independence Rock. A massive rock where people on the Oregon Trail passed by. Some etched their names on the surface before heading further West. There was a nice visitor's center giving the history of those pioneers.
We landed in Gillette Wyoming pretty exhausted. The miles and days seemed to catch up with us. An early night would prepare us for what was coming. Western South Dakota where my family history runs deep.
Whiskeytown Lake
We did a bit of sightseeing while at Redding, seeing Whiskeytown Lake, Mount Shasta, Burney Falls, and the Sundial Bridge in downtown Redding. Whiskeytown Lake has deep clear waters great for is a reservoir covering nearly 3500 acres. We drove up north to see Burney Falls, an amazing place. Joel was able to take the steep path down to the base pool. You could see people fishing at the top further back from the powerful falls. Well worth the drive on a very hot day of 106 degrees.
Burney Falls
Mount Shasta
Redding was an easy city to navigate, with everything we needed within 15 minutes of where we were staying. We attended a festival downtown at an organic store one Saturday where they had a booth with "pet" reptiles to "enjoy". I found that out when I glanced to my right and saw a 10 year old boy with a boa constrictor around his neck. It took me awhile to process what I was seeing, and since snakes are NOT my friend, I quickly left him to his pleasure. Shudder. We saw a lot of homeless people that burdened our hearts. In a warm California city of 96,000 you expect to see some. The drought was obvious with the yellow straw like grass and intense heat averaging 102 while we were there. The sunshine was wonderful! Cool mornings were refreshing! Redding has intense heat in summer months, and does dip to 30 degrees in the winter season.
Sundial Bridge
Leaving Bethel behind was difficult, but it was time to head back home. The fires were closing the only road to the Redwoods from Redding, so our plans to go to the Redwood National Forest and stay in a hotel on the ocean were cancelled. We also changed our route home because of the fires in Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and more. We headed back through Susanville, passing the shoe tree once again. We stayed the first night in Winnemucca NV. Joel went out to get gas after dark and came back to the hotel telling me about the mini Vegas strip through town. Definitely not in Iowa anymore. The next day we drove through the rest of Nevada and Utah, landing that night in a very nice, friendly hotel in Evanston WY, elevation 7,000 ft. It was 30 degrees the next morning! Yikes! We saw a bit of snow as we drove through Wyoming, first East and then North. Beautiful scenery!
We did see a great place hidden from the main interstates ~ Independence Rock. A massive rock where people on the Oregon Trail passed by. Some etched their names on the surface before heading further West. There was a nice visitor's center giving the history of those pioneers.
We landed in Gillette Wyoming pretty exhausted. The miles and days seemed to catch up with us. An early night would prepare us for what was coming. Western South Dakota where my family history runs deep.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
A Shoe Tree, Volcano, and Scenic Drive In California
As we drove to Susanville from Reno, we realized it was the first time we really saw any cattle or ranches visible along the roads. At Hallelujah Junction we passed a strange looking tree on the side of the road that had shoes hanging from it. We turned around and went back to get a closer look and take pictures of this phenomena. I then googled the "shoe tree in CA" and came up with quite a story behind it. Since the 1930's this has been a place where people have thrown their shoes over a tree's branches as a way to "make their dreams come true". How quirky and fun! You just never know what you are going to come across on the back roads of America! By the way.....we left no shoes behind!
Lassen Volcanic National Park Visitor Center
After doing laundry and getting a good night's sleep at the Red Lion's Inn we headed to Lassen Volcanic National Park an hour away. What a beautiful place! The views were again spectacular, and the heights took our breath away. Especially with no side rails along the way. We drove the scenic highway through the park, stopping at the Visitor's Center first. We drove by sulfur pools bubbling on the side of the road. We climbed to heights of around 10,000 ft. stopping often to take in the views. We learned that the Lassen volcano is still active with a 30% chance of erupting you our lifetime. Not that day, thank goodness! After spending three hours in the park we headed NW to Redding, CA. We were scheduled to arrive around 2 pm at the home we were going to be staying in. Seeing Lassen Volcanic National Park was a great way to end this leg of our journey.
Large rock on view point
Lassen Volcano
Upper Meadow with creek
Joel's favorite .....a creek!
Mountain view
I cannot help but be in awe of God's creation. This trip we spent most of our time in some kind of mountain terrain. Either surrounded by mountains or driving through them. More than once we had mountain views from hotels where we rested. I love mountains, and it seems, so does our new Enclave. We got the best mileage in the mountains. God used mountains to speak to Moses, for Noah's story, and so many other stories..........and certainly Jesus told us to speak to our "mountains". Mountains hold a place in our Lord's heart.............and in mine.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Mountains, Desert, and Salt
We headed through western Utah early on Wednesday morning, and drove past the Great Salt Lake and the salt flats before we crossed the border into eastern Nevada. There were piles of salt along the road with a Morton Salt sign and factory producing that which sits on our tables.
It seemed to take forever to get through those flats and the state of Nevada. Three things I remember about that day; first of all, the sign on the Interstate in Nevada that had us both just struck us funny. We did see several prisons while driving through the state on our way out and our way back. Also, we stopped at a Flying J that was a big truck stop. It. was. awful. Casinos, tough looking ladies and tougher looking truckers were watching TV, gambling, and eating. This was our second bad experience with a Flying J so needless to say, we crossed them off our list for nicer gas stations to stop at. At the top would be Mavericks and Loves! The third thing I remember about Nevada was the scenery. Mountains, desert, and endless miles of nothingness. No animals, no people, no ranches visible, and very few cars or trucks. It is definitely a sparcly populated yet vast and rugged land.
We drove through Reno and Sparks to get to Carson City where we spent the night in a spendy but very nice hotel! The city itself was clean, fresh, and nice to get around in.
Thursday morning we headed south to Lake Tahoe, driving the scenic drive around and up north to Truckee NV. It was so beautiful! A clear sunny day made the views even more stunning. At times the height would get to this lady, and even one time Joel loudly proclaimed, "Oh my gosh!" as we crossed an area with deep drop offs on both sides. Wowza. We managed to get our pictures taken at the top by a couple who did not speak English. We made hand gestures to them and through that language were able to convey that we would take their pictures if they would take ours. It was an amazing day of breathtaking views and we both were so happy we decided to take the time to go there. God was really showing us His best creation when He made this area of Nevada and California!
Morton Salt!
It seemed to take forever to get through those flats and the state of Nevada. Three things I remember about that day; first of all, the sign on the Interstate in Nevada that had us both just struck us funny. We did see several prisons while driving through the state on our way out and our way back. Also, we stopped at a Flying J that was a big truck stop. It. was. awful. Casinos, tough looking ladies and tougher looking truckers were watching TV, gambling, and eating. This was our second bad experience with a Flying J so needless to say, we crossed them off our list for nicer gas stations to stop at. At the top would be Mavericks and Loves! The third thing I remember about Nevada was the scenery. Mountains, desert, and endless miles of nothingness. No animals, no people, no ranches visible, and very few cars or trucks. It is definitely a sparcly populated yet vast and rugged land.
Nevada tunnel
We drove through Reno and Sparks to get to Carson City where we spent the night in a spendy but very nice hotel! The city itself was clean, fresh, and nice to get around in.
Thursday morning we headed south to Lake Tahoe, driving the scenic drive around and up north to Truckee NV. It was so beautiful! A clear sunny day made the views even more stunning. At times the height would get to this lady, and even one time Joel loudly proclaimed, "Oh my gosh!" as we crossed an area with deep drop offs on both sides. Wowza. We managed to get our pictures taken at the top by a couple who did not speak English. We made hand gestures to them and through that language were able to convey that we would take their pictures if they would take ours. It was an amazing day of breathtaking views and we both were so happy we decided to take the time to go there. God was really showing us His best creation when He made this area of Nevada and California!
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