Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Just Put It To Rest

In 1984 a church member shot up his brother in law's house and then told them he was going to go kill the pastor.  That pastor was Joel.  The police called, and soon arrived and were outside and inside with guns drawn.  Our kids were frightened.  We were frightened.  Several squad cars escorted us out of town down to the Twin Cities.  It did not end there.  More threats and another arrest and 6 years of being on "high alert" because one mentally unstable man decided Joel was the cause of all his problems and needed to be dead.

We learned something very interesting during this tough season of our lives...........many people did not take the threat seriously.  The police did.  Our family did.  The psychiatrist working with him did.  The schools did.  But there was a kind of, "Oh that is just how he is" that came from people in town.

When I first started talking about the abuse I went through as a young child, the reactions were somewhat the same from some people.   Why talk about it.  It is over now.  Lots of people go through it, it's not really a big deal.  Put it to rest.  I learned late that I lived my whole life on high alert because I never felt safe.  My voice had no power as a child, but it does now even though there are those who try to silence it still.

The #MeToo revolution is in full gear right now.  I am finding it a bit overwhelming to listen to all the women who are angry and hurt, broken by what happened.  Those who are finding their voice now.  Do some have an agenda?  I'm sure they do............although it is a documented fact that only about 3% are NOT telling the truth.  That is a pretty small number.

 I truly hope and pray that the #MeToo gives not only voice to those who are part of this group but that change will actually come from it all.  That it will NOT BE OKAY any longer.  The climate of our country, of our world has fueled much of it, and more than ever we understand that the victim cannot become the suspect.  I hope and pray that each man and woman, and let's remember it is 1 of 5, will have someone as willing to listen, believe, and validate like my husband Joel has.

Even though right now the focus is on what happened, we know that Jesus provided healing for us on the cross.  For all suffering and sin.

1 comment:

Breathing In Grace said...

Oh, my....I'm so glad the police took that threat seriously...and the school system!!! What a terrible outcome it could have been if they hadn't! I understand about the #metoo movement. There was something that happened in my childhood that has marked me for life. Is it sad to say that I've blocked so much of it out that I can't even remember most of it? Maybe God's protection? Prayers for you, sweet Lady!