Saturday, June 29, 2019

Saturday's Scribbles

Back deck

Good morning from our corner of Iowa where heat and humidity are the words of the day....of the weekend.  Heat indexes are supposed to be over 100 degrees.  For us "northerners" that is way too hot and humid.  The flowers seem to love it though and are showing off their colors.  I enjoy looking at them from our deck door or the front porch.

Front garden

Our resident rabbits have little ones of course so they are often cooling off in the shade of the pine tree that edges our property.  Otherwise they live under our back deck.  Last night deer were sauntering through the yard.  They love to nibble on our flowers so we keep watch when they are around.  Our resident ducks are still sticking around too.  No babies as of yet as far as we know.  We love animals.  Sometimes we miss having a dog around.  When we were at our daughter and her family's, we were able to get to know our grand dog, Koda better.  And grand is the right word as he is HUGE.  A Newfoundland/ Poodle mix that weighs 120 lbs. at a little over a year old.  We also have to grand cats, and two miniature Schnauzer grand dogs and our newest one....a 1-2 year old short haired mix that is delighted to have a family.

Update:  I am doing well with recovery.  Both the Home Health Care Nurse and the surgeon are happy with my progress.  In fact we are down to once a week visits with D. in our home.  Last Wed. the surgeon took out 2 of 3 of the drains.  Joel said they took about 7-8 inches of tubing from inside my chest and side.  The last one will come out next week.  Unfortunately, this procedure irritated the nerve endings and I have been dealing with some nasty 24/7 neuropathy (all over) because of it.  Praying it passes soon, as healing continues.  I see the radiology oncologist and my reg. oncologist next week. for treatment plans/options. So, over all, recovery is going well thanks to all the prayers and support from family, friends, and the medical world.

A year ago today we were celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary.  It started out sticky and stormy with high winds, heavy rain, and hail, but ended with a bit of sunshine and so many good memories.  Tomorrow we will celebrate 51 years as husband and wife.   So grateful.

I often ask three of our grandchildren what they are reading as they are constantly at the library.  I am always curious about what captures their imaginations.  I am reading a non-fiction book by Brian and Candice Simmons (creator of The Passion Translation of the Bible) .  It is called "The Wilderness:  Where Miracles Are Born"  It is very good and thought provoking as they share their insights and memories of when they were on the mission field.  What are you reading?

Enjoy your weekend! 

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