Friday, August 9, 2019

The Simple Things

Our resident rabbits live behind these hostas
under our deck.  Lunch is a couple hops away!

Good Friday to you from yet another beautiful week of dry warm weather here in north Iowa.  Today we have the windows open, and a gentle breeze is pushing out the stale air and refreshing what we inhale inside the house.   I can hear a lawn mower in the distance, and crows have gathered in our backyard.  Our resident rabbits have been sunning themselves below our living room window.  A squirrel ran across the roof much earlier, which happens almost daily.  I have decided that must be his early morning routine....jogging across the roof, leaping into the trees and then scurrying across the ground.  What a workout!

Last night we took an evening stroll down to the river and walked along the road.  It had been a long time since I could manage this, and I felt like the river welcomed be back with it's rushing water saying hello!  We saw two owls flying through the near dark sky, and one lone man rose up from the river bank and walk slowly up the path behind us.  We stopped to take in the views and smells, grateful for the chance to do something so normal.

That is where my gratefulness lies lately......just doing that which is normal.  Cleaning the bathroom, making blueberry cobbler, ironing a shirt, watering the plants, walking down to the river.  Just taking in the blessings and letting go of the limitations that have held me captive for so many months.  We will delve back into the world of doctors next week, but the past couple of weeks have been mostly a vacation from all that ails me.  So thankful.

With the turmoil and heaviness in our country right now, perhaps we all need to take time "to smell the roses".  And if you don't have about petunias, violets, fresh cut grass?  Just sit quietly and soak it in.  All the beauty God has created for us to enjoy.  The simple things, uncomplicated by conflict and negativity.  Maybe you have your own squirrel who does a morning workout......or a rabbit that feeds on your hostas.  Maybe you have flowers to view that fill your world with color.  And I am sure we all have some daily "mundane" tasks to accomplish.  When you do your thing as your job, when you scrub, sweep, fold, or shine at home......give thanks that you have the energy to do so.  A privilege.

Love these flowers....purple Mexican wedding plants

Enjoy your Friday.  Seek the grace to be found in another day here on earth.  Look around, listen, and soak in this day that the Lord has made.  Abundant with the sounds and smells of nature in August.  Oh, we are so blessed!

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