Saturday, August 1, 2020

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of the world where the weather has been great!  Partly cloudy skies, temperatures in the low 80's and no humidity to complain about.  The low 70's are forecast for this coming week, a lovely way to welcome August~ with September temperatures!

We had to put our pitiful garden to rest this week.  No sunshine, no growth, no veggies.......We tried but we failed.  So it goes.  I think next year we are going to put climbing flowers that like the shade in the structure Joel made.  My black eyed Susan ivy died this week too.  That was another learning curve.  It was dying so I trimmed it back where it was dead and the next day, literally the next day my favorite plant was mostly dead.  Note to self:  Don't trim back the Ivy! When Joel took it out of the hanging pot he said he had never seen such a root bound plan before, so that added to it I am sure.  I will say, our many sturdy geraniums are doing well and keep blooming.  Thank heavens for geraniums!

Speaking of thanking Heaven, I was able to visit this week with a friend I have known for 61 years.  She is walking through the death of her husband after 50 plus years together.  She and all of us take great comfort in knowing he is in Heaven now!  Her faith, courage, and determination were inspiring, and don't we need some inspiration now days?  It reminds me of a simple song we learned with our kids while living in the Philippines decades ago.........."Heaven is a Wonderful Place".

Heaven is a wonderful place for sure, yet here we are on earth embracing each day, right?  So, besides spending too much time talking with my Mayo doctor about the "after Zometa" life I am living, it has been a good week here.  Joel has been busy doing projects including, to my excitement, getting the windows washed!  Love to see them sparkle.  He is riding his bike 10-15 miles most days and has over 800 miles in.  I am doing a little baking since our #10 of blueberries arrived from the Mennonites. Physical therapy is going well.  Always enjoy visiting with my therapist.  I finished a 1,000 piece puzzle that had been a bit challenging and have now started another.  We discovered a "new to us" show on Amazon Prime that originated on public broadcasting, "Frankie Drake Mysteries".  Takes place in the 20's and is about two women detectives in Toronto.  Quite light and enjoyable!

Our oldest son turned 49 last week.  My goodness!  Just seems like we were 49 ourselves.  Our oldest is 50, our youngest 33.  We are so grateful for how well they and their families are all doing ~~sure love and miss the grands!  It has been way too long since we have seen any of them.  We did some reminiscing with our oldest son this past week as he has an amazing memory.  As he brought so many things back to us, it was great to remember and reflect on good times......

Speaking of good times, we kind of need to look back and remember good times as we face this uncertain world.  Division reigns.  Conspiracy theories stink up the air. Facts and lies get blended together and confusion rises.  People spend a great deal of time on social medias pointing the finger at each other, ripping each other apart.   It is all exhausting.  Sometimes we just need to sit back, take a deep breath and remember when............remember when people could have different opinions and still be friends?   And then there is the coronavirus that continues to kill, steal, and destroy.  It seems we are all flying on the seat of our pants (an old saying) on this one.  What is right changes, what is wrong changes, and what we know for sure we don't know for sure! When things look dark, scary, confusing, irritating, and all those other adjectives, it may be time to take another deep breath, be still, and remember that everything else may change but Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Yes He is.  He is our Healer.  He is our Protector.  He is our Provider.  He fights our battles.  Just be still in His Presence.

So on yet another weekend in a season where we can lose track of the days, we give thanks.  So grateful for our too far away families, for great weather, projects getting done, puzzles to distract, long time friends, new TV shows to get lost in, God's Word at our fingertips, sturdy geraniums, and of course delicious blueberries!

Enjoy your weekend!

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