Saturday, May 18, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where everything is some shade of many shades to enjoy.  Mother's Day brought out potted flowers and hanging baskets which just added so much color to our world.  Ahhhh  just loving the views outside!  

Speaking of outside, Joel has been getting in his morning porch sitting and watching the rabbits, deer, birds and squirrels in their daily activities.  Unfortunately one of those activities is to eat our hostas.  We have one "generous" neighbor who feels it is his calling to feed the animals.  Thus the corn stalks growing in our yard....and more deer munching on ours and the neighbors hostas.  Gotta love our neighbor's' heart but sometimes the results are a challenge.  I expect without the corn calling them to graze, they would still find our hostas and lilies.  Too bad the deer and rabbits don't eat the dandelions and other weeds and leave the good foliage alone.  

Joel is off to Gabby Grandpas this morning.  He has spent the week getting the deck stained for a second time, biking some, mowing, going through old taxes, dumpster diving at the college, and taking over my "duties"  while I was sick with some nasty virus.  Thankfully he never got it.  I'm still coughing and resting more but it has run its course.  I told Joel I felt like symptoms were vying for my attention....first I danced with a bad sore throat before it left abruptly....then two days of non stop sneezing no matter what I tried.  Then the headache, muscle aches, etc. sleeping most of 2 days, and finally the coughing and what my mom would have called in her generation, "coughing spells" that would last 30-60 min.  Each symptom tapped me on the shoulder and danced with me for awhile and then left quickly to be replaced by another.  Really rather fascinating.  The cough is the one that is hanging around.  

Moving on............even though Mother's Day weekend was spent on the sofa, I couldn''t help but smile at all the love sent my way.  So grateful.  And grateful that our moms were both celebrating from Heaven!  Joel and I were talking about the ages of our moms.....they both would be well into their 100's.  They lived completely different lives.....Joel's mom growing up on a farm, becoming a teacher, marrying a farmer...then after his death, marrying a farmer again.  Staying in the same surrounding communities.  My mom grew up on a farm and wanted nothing to do with farming.  She went to secretary school in St. Paul, met my dad and married him in just a few weeks, traveled continually during her marriage from town to town and state to state never settling in one place very long.  She became a widow at age 46 and never remarried.  Their lifestyles were so different.  Joel's mom did not drink or dance nor participate in other "foolish" activities.  My mom loved to dance and drink altho also had decades in recovery living a full life.  Joel's mom had three boys, my mom three girls. Their faith journeys were different but their destinations the same...Heaven!  

At the end of all this rambling here's my point ~~~~I know that Joel and I were brought together only by the grace of God!  Such different upbringings.  BUT His plan!

I am typing this on my new laptop..  A big deal because of the crazy amount of time and energy we spent getting it set up and getting the code to download my Word program. (I wrote about it on Facebook) Now I am adjusting to the new setup and it is going well.  I am off and running...........or is it off and writing!

You may have heard me mention Joel's "dumpster diving" earlier?  He rides past the local college whenever he is on his bike and with all the work being done there they throw away a lot of usefull stuff.  He has permission to dumpster dive there..and has brought home good wood, solid wood chairs, and even a file cabinet.  He loves reusing things and loves the dumpster diving too!  Sigh..

So as I close this Scribbles, I am giving thanks that viruses have an expiration date!  Grateful for the great looking deck.  Grateful for Joel's "dumpster diving"? Grateful for our moms. Grateful for all the green and colorful flower pots.  Grateful for Mother's Day and the cards, calls, texts and deliveries that warmed my heart.  Grateful for Joel's willingness to take over at home when needed.  Grateful for a new laptop and Word for writing.  Grateful for how well Joel takes care of the yard, the house, and even me when needed!  Ha  Grateful for all the phone calls, texts, emails, and so many prayers.  Grateful for all this and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend~

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