Sunday, May 26, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles

Good "Saturday" to you on this Memorial Day Weekend where we find ourselves in South Dakota spending time with my sister Jan.  The weather has so far been a bit wild.  On Thursday, after nearly a 7 hr drive (with stops) we arrived just ahead of a storm which brought 15 minutes of hail!  Friday's high was 48...with a wind chill in the 30's.  Sustained winds of around 30.  Saturday we had sunshine and a forecast of 73 degrees.  

We headed south to Jan's husband"s grave an hour away.  He is with Jesus now after a 6 yr battle with lung cancer. On our way back we stopped at a small town cafe for lunch but mostly Joel and Jan wanted to have their homemade pie. Yum!  Today after church we'll visit the graves of my mom and Jan's 2nd husband Los who died many years ago.   It's what people often do on this weekend.  We stand at the foot of graves, remembering,  missing,  honoring.   Of course we know it is just their shells that are left here on earth.  Their spirits, their souls are in Heaven.   

Yesterday Joel was also able to get in a 12 mile bike ride while Jan and I napped!  We brought along his recumbent.....After supper a woman who is like a daughter to Janey stopped by for a visit.  Today after going to church and the cemetery we will go to the birthday party of Jan's great grandson.   The cycle of life goes on.  

Grateful today for my sister Jan and spending time with her.   Grateful for safe travel.  Grateful and remembering the lives of those who have gone before us.   Grateful for being able to connect to those we love and care about with phone calls,  texts, and emails.   Grateful for all this and so much more..

Enjoy your weekend!

Jan and I, taken in Arizona a few years ago

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