Saturday, April 10, 2010

Earthquakes And Aftershocks

Recently our world has experienced several powerful earthquakes. We have seen the devastation that occurs ~ the earth cracks open, buildings are turned to rubble, and the survivors often walk around in a shocked daze as they try to put their lives back together. The aftershocks can be just as destructive, not only on a physical level, but emotionally too. Fear often overwhelms, as the earth continues to rumble and shake. A kind of "before and after" thinking takes over. It often takes years before things feel "normal" again.

We experience personal earthquakes in our lives too. An earthquake may come in the form of a divorce, a job loss, financial ruin, an illness, the death of a loved one, or broken relationships. Our world shakes, seems to crack open, and everything around us turns to rubble. Often we walk around in a shocked daze as we wonder what exactly has happened. And the aftershocks from a divorce, job loss, death, etc. can be just as devastating. Fear grabs hold of us, and we wonder if things will ever feel "normal" again.

Where do we find the calm assurance we long for during these times of turmoil? The Bible tells us our help comes from the Lord, the MAKER of Heaven and earth. Jesus speaks to us throughout the scriptures.

Be still and know that I am God...
Psalm 46:10

Come unto me all ye who are heavy laden
and I will give you rest....

Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage
Be ye not terrified
Nor dismayed.....
For the Lord your God
is with you
wherever you go!
Joshua 1:9


No matter what earthquakes and aftershocks come our way, we have God's promise to be with us. He is our solid foundation that will never crumble. "On Christ the solid rock I stand......all other ground is sinking sand."

Please join Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays.


Andrea said...

Standing on HIS promises,

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I felt the earthquake in Baja, as I was visiting my mother in Arizona at the time. So, this really struck a chord with me.

Peggy said...

AMEN and Blessings Renee... one every month in this new year, but how true your message to us! So thankful that we can trust and go to Him for help & peace through these storms and fiery trials! Great words of inspiration and encouragement! Thank you! EnJOY a wonderful weekend and Spiritual Sunday!

Charlotte said...

It is so comforting to know we can turn to him when we have earthquakes and aftershocks in our lives. Thank you for this reminder.

Susan B said...

Thank you for the comforting scriptures, and the wonderful post. Have a lovely Sunday.

From the Old InkWell said...

Wonderful post with such comforting words!

Debbie said...

This was such a GOOD post. It is just soo true of course. Our lives are full of many such "earthquakes" of varying magnitudes. How I love that no matter how large or overwhelming the trouble He is our rock we can depend on to remain standing. Have a wonderful Sunday. BLESSINGS

Elaine said...

Earthquakes of all kinds certainly do come.....and there's never a good time for an earthquake! How wonderful to know the One who keeps us steady! Great post!

Elaine :)

rcubes said...

And there are still many aftershocks according to my friend who lives in San Diego after that major one that hit Mexicali. There is no security here but only in Jesus. God bless and may His healing and strength continue to cover you.

Susan said...

What a wonderful post and analogy.

Musings of A Minister said...

Strong, encouraging, uplifting words of comfort. Your words and the Scriptures you selected are much needed for daily living. Thank you for posting this.

michelle said...

thanks for this... and how are you feeling?

Gayle said...

I needed this, Renee. Thank you for sharing.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

What a wonderful post today. Your scripture are so uplifting to me today, thank-you.
I hope that your feeling good,
God Bless,

aspiritofsimplicity said...

A very good post. Sometimes God needs to shake us up in order to get us to really listen to Him.

Karen said...

I loved your post today. Thank you for these lovely words.

karen said...

Am following you now, sister.. Please come back to Threads of Hope, too.. that would be awesome to see you again there..

Saleslady371 said...

Building on the solid foundation of Jesus!

Cathy said...

Wonderful Words, thank you ~ Thank God He is always with us. Blessings ~

Rhodema said...

Thank you. So true. I have been thinking these things as well. These are difficult times for so many. People are struggling to have hope.

Christ still is our HOPE that can't be shaken.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these scripts are so encouraging. thank you so much. Sarah

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Amen !Wonderful, Comforting post !