Unfortunately, life does not always follow the rules. Evil sometimes wins, at least here on earth.
Sometimes bad things happen to good people.
A missionary and his plane went missing, never to be heard from again.
Two young girls here in our part of Iowa were kidnapped, one escaped the other is missing and evidence indicates that she is dead, even though they have not found her body. The man who is behind these horrific acts is now connected to the disappearance and death of two other young girls last summer just forty miles from here. He killed himself before police could arrest him and find out what other evil secrets he held.
The father of a nine year old child puts out a SOS while on his boat near Key West. His boat turns up grounded in Cuba with his lifeless body still tethered to it.
A man is wrongly accused of murder and spends eight years preparing to defend himself. This week, to the shock of his family and friends, he was convicted of a murder he did not commit.
Bad things happen to good people.
It is endless............the evil that permeates our world. We ask, we seek, we pray. Yet on our broken sinful planet, bad things continue to happen to good people.
We want answers. Oh yes, we want answers. We want to know the whys, and why-nots so we can put order into all the confusion. But sometimes there are no answers that bring peace.
What do we do when bad things happen to good people? To those we love? To us?
We turn to God's Word and we remember.............we remember that God is faithful. That God loves us. That He is WITH US. It is difficult at times, but we remember that God weeps when we weep. We cling to the truth that we are never alone, and with Christ, through Christ we stand strong during any assault from the enemy that comes our way. We keep our focus on Jesus and we anchor our faith in God's promises even when our experiences do not line up with what we read in Scripture. With God's help we pitch our tents in the land of hope.
"I will pitch my tent in the land of hope".
Acts 2:26