It was a month ago last Sunday that we went to Bethel for our afternoon prophetic session we had scheduled. Just getting the appointment had been ordained by God, so we knew we were to be there. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that we are to value prophesy. The two prophetic ministers we met with were amazing and definitely valued their gifts well. God spoke through them with such clarity, insight, and love. We recorded it on our phones and refer back to it often. God was in the midst.
I think that is how we would describe the ten days we spent there sitting under Bethel's ministries. God was in the midst of everything we experienced. We opened our hearts to ALL He had for us, we said YES to everything, even that which took us out of our comfort zone and He opened up our world to the more. On our way back home I added up the hours we spent in worship services, at the Healing Rooms, Sozo, adult Sunday classes, a seniors fellowship, the House of Prayer, and classes at their school~ it was 40 hours. A significant number in the Bible and for us.
The Healing Rooms is open Saturday mornings at the church. Many many trained volunteers with a heart for healing come and meet with all those who come for prayer for healing...of body, soul, and spirit. The "encounter room" is filled with people and places to rest and wait for prayer. There is a small area for communion, there is soft music playing and while we were there children and adults were expressing interpretive dance on a stage while about six others were painting what they felt God was speaking to them on canvases in the center of the vast room. People were either quietly praying or being prayed for everywhere you looked. We were there two hours when Joel told me he did not want to leave because of the peace he experienced in the room.
Bethel has around 9,000 members, and each week at least 1/3 of the people there are from other cities, states, and countries. They are too small to accommodate them so have 4 services, a second campus, and two overflow rooms at the main church. Worship services included great music an teachings. Offerings? If you are a visitor they request you give your tithes to your home churches, not them. Often we were asked to lay hands on those around us who were in need of prayer for certain conditions, whether emotional or physical. In fact, anywhere we walked in that church you would see people praying for others. It was beautiful and powerful.
I went to a Sozo (Holy Spirit led) counseling session the last Saturday we were there. Bethel created this ministry, and they train people around the world. Joel took the training in MN and says in all his years of counseling this was the most freeing for people he has ever used. I received more insights and healing that I believe will bring more freedom into my daily life.
The House of Prayer is a separate circular building with all glass walls where people can go to quietly pray. All chairs face out the windows, although many sit on pillows on the floor to study scriptures and pray. There is a beautiful waterfall outside with more seating. Another place to connect with God.
Carolyn and Austin from Toronto
The people we met were great....a couple from Ontario who sat with us for several services. A couple from Vancouver who we had the privilege to pray over. (40 years with Lyme). Young and old who sat with or by us. We even visited with and prayed for a young couple who sat by us in church and were on their way home from their honeymoon! Another woman worked with refugees in Thailand and came to be "filled up" before flying back. People are so friendly. Kindness and openness abound! Joel was also able to talk with one of the pastors, Chris Gore, several times. We were also able to visit and get to know house guests and the host and hostess where we were staying.
Joel and housemate Chinbuzo (Nigeria)
at Sundial bridge
Renee with housemate Nancy
Joel with host George
Let me go back to the man with Lyme. When we came out of our prophetic session the man walked up to me and asked me if our sessions was impacting. Joel came up and his wife too and we visited a bit and then mentioned how we were healed from Lyme. His wife immediately covered her mouth with her hand gasping as she did so. Then she said, "My husband has had Lyme for 40 years". Well, we knew that God had brought us together, so we encouraged them with our stories and then asked if we could pray. We went after that Lyme and we still stand on His word today believing that he is free from that horrible disease.
It is hard for me to describe my feelings while we were there. I know I felt relaxed, and at home in the environment around me. I felt so comfortable and at peace, like I could really be myself. For me the atmosphere was almost palpable with the presence of God. A.m.a.z.i.n.g.
We have been watching Bethel live-stream on the Internet for several years and were very impressed with their ministry. We wondered how we would feel when we were up close and personal with the people and the leaders. We believe they are the "real deal".
We are both amused and saddened that there are those who feel this church must be a cult, or the leaders are "false prophets" because of their beliefs. There are even one or two who think we have strayed off course in our faith journey. We are certainly not naive enough to believe Bethel is the perfect church or ministry. We are all imperfect people walking out our faith in Jesus together. We just love how they do ministry. I will share that what we learned and what we experienced while there has reaffirmed where God has been leading us. Who God wants us to be.
Two weeks after returning, I am once again on a medical journey that could steal our joy, but our focus is on our Papa God. We are forever grateful, and looking forward to the "new thing" coming for us. Which leads us back to the prophetic words spoken to us. We know what was said was definitely from God. He wrapped His loving arms around us, whispered words of comfort, knowledge and insight into our ears, and filled us with confirmation and hope for the new thing He has planned.
Our Bethel Adventure was definitely an adventure with God! We are so grateful for it!