Monday, January 8, 2018

A Heat Wave

We're having a heat wave......a tropical heat wave........ Today Joel and I walked outside in the fresh air.  It was a balmy 36 degrees, the sun was just starting to go down, and the wind was nonexistent.  It was wonderful!  After so many days of lows in double digits below zero and highs creeping up to a few degrees above, we are rejoicing!  My bones are so happy.......and getting out into the fresh air?  There is nothing like it!

January has us taking out the Scrabble game and this year we have Bible Scrabble, a Christmas gift from one of our families.  We have spent today putting away the tree and decorations, and Joel got the outdoor lights down.  The main living area always looks a bit bare when we say goodbye to Christmas.  Now we wait for Spring.

January always brings with it a question we revisit time and time again.....Why do we live where it is cold and snowy?  The days are short and the sunshine limited.  We both like dry heat, my body smiles when heated by the sun, and Joel is ready to let go of snow blowing and the like.  It is still on our bucket list to spend at least winters in a dryer climate, but we have not felt the go ahead from God.  He has what is best in mind for us and we are saying yes to that  ~ even if it means bitterly cold winters for now. 

Speaking of what is best, the other day I heard someone say, "If God tells you that you are moving forward, but doesn't move you into your purpose in a timely fashion, maybe He is using you to do what is best for others."  You mean it is not all about us??!?  Ha....

Yet, the last prophetic words spoken were about us, over us and for us.  They spoke of God having "a new thing" for us.  That it won't look like our "formidable past" but will be new.  That God already has it in place for us and to keep walking forward.  Don't stop. Yet here we are.  Feeling a big stuck and like we may be walking in circles.  Here's the thing about prophetic words......they are for our future.  So, we give thanks for what is coming while being so grateful for each day.

Like today.....the geese were flying, the squirrels were out, the sun was shining, and the weather was amazing.  We were able to get outside and walk in the beautiful association where we live.  So grateful.  So grateful for fresh air, sunshine, pathways to walk, and of course the tropical heat wave we are experiencing here in north Iowa.  

We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave.....

1 comment:

Anita Johnson said...

Heat wave here too...I’m trying to bloom where we are planted....and being grateful too... I love your posts. So encouraging!