Monday, January 15, 2018

Unity In Diversity

It is Martin Luther King Jr. Day here in our country.  A time to remember him and his legacy.  A time to stand firm in fighting prejudice and hate against any race and gender.  A time to remember we are one in our Lord. There is unity in diversity.  We are a diverse people, not one better than another, but all equal.  All equal.

Joel's Auntie Ruth used to call us her "rainbow family".  She met all but one of our kids when we took what the family calls "The Trip" across the west to Seattle Washington and back.  In 1987 we took 6 kids, our miniature German Schnauzer, a pop up tent and a tent camper and headed west in our big station wagon.  We were gone a month exploring the new and revisiting the old, seeing friends and family along the way.   Sometimes our family drew the attention of others.  I recall one day when we were going along the interstate and a car passed us.....then slowed down so they could pass us again as they studied all of us intently.  The kids felt we should make a sign that said, "YES, we are ALL one family!"  Red and yellow, black, and white.......

Our children have been on the receiving end of prejudice statements and actions at times throughout their lives. We as a family have had our share and tried not to respond negatively to people who in their ignorance or hatred would say hurtful things.  One time in a restaurant we came in as a family and another family soon got up and left making it clear they were not going to eat a meal with the "likes of us."  I am happy to report that that was a rare experience, but it still happens to others today.  I have never understood how anyone, especially a  Christian can be okay with treating others badly.  All they have to do is open their Bible and read it.

We feel so blessed to have the family we do.  Our grandchildren are a blend of Filipino, Chinese, Spanish American, Puerto Rican Black, African American, White, Northern Cheyenne,  Mexican, and Korean,  There is Irish, Norwegian, Danish, English, German, French, Jewish, Iberian, and probably a few unknown ancestries mixed in.  A melting pot.  Unity in diversity.

There is more alike about us than there are differences.  And that expands out into our community, our cities, our countries, our world.  There is more alike about us than there are differences about us.  Unity in our diversity, whether it be in race, religion or the politics.

Unity in our diversity.  It is what makes us strong as a country.  It is what makes us who we are as a nation.  Unity in our diversity comes from extending grace and the love of God to each other.   In race.  In religion.  In politics.   I am so grateful for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all he did for our nation.  Let us never forget.......

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