God likes to speak to me in "videos" that play out in my mind. When I sit back, close my eyes and ask God to be present, ask Holy Spirit to speak to me in a "vision", He often does so. Sometimes it is just one snapshot and other times I see scenarios that play out. This is one of the ways He speaks to me. I love it.
A few weeks ago Joel and I sat quietly and asked God's presence to fill the room.....for Holy to show us what He wanted us to see and know. I immediately saw a big horse with an unusual coating of gold, like caramel. This horse was not the Palomino that I see at times, it was more like a Clydesdale draft horse. In the vision I walked up to the horse and then walked around it. As I did so I noticed a chariot....very ornate and covered in gold. I walked around the chariot pondering how it looked. Immediately I saw a Roman type soldier covered in armor and head gear which was shiny and gold in color. I then heard "Some trust in chariots and horses (but we trust in the Lord our God)." I immediately knew that the chariots, horses and soldiers represented the doctors, treatments, and procedures, tests, surgeries, etc. that were filling up my daily life. What did it mean? Certainly we had seen healing come through the power of prayer alone, and we have seen healing come from surgery in the past. What was God saying here........
I googled the words I had been given and up came Psalm 20:7 so I began reading this verse in several translations. In the NIV it says,
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."
Psalm 20:7 NIV
One translation that stood out for me was from The Passion Translation of the Bible......
"Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom,
but my miracle deliverance can never be won by men.
Our boast is in the Lord our God
who makes us strong and gives us victory."
Psalm 20:7,8 TPT
At first I wondered if I was to let go of all those tools available to me in the medical world, but after thinking about it and praying over it, I did not feel that is what the vision meant. I reached out to a dear friend who hears from God in many ways, and she shared with me her/their thoughts on what God had showed me. It confirmed what I felt Holy telling me. The chariots, soldiers, and even the horses were coated in gold....God's color. They are valuable to my recovery. BUT I cannot trust in them alone. We trust in God who uses men and their "tools". That is where our strength and miracles come from! Jesus the Healer! Jehovah Rapha!
Some pretty tough words have been spoken over and to me by my doctors here and now I will be heading to Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN for appointments Friday with first a medical oncologist and then an oncology radiologist. I expect we will hear more words that could discourage us or bring fear into the equation. We are hoping for the best of course, but preparing for the other side of the coin also. What we need to remember is that God walks with us...He fights for us!
I don't begin to understand why God healed the Lyme through prayer and the cancer through doctors. I don't begin to understand why a completely different cancer invaded my breast or why it was in the nodes when the turmor was drastically reduced from the meds. I don't begin to understand this battle for my life when prayer has been our most important tool in our toolbox. I don't have answers for any of those questions, but I do have God speaking to me continually about fighting my battles. I do hear Him telling me to trust Him in this season of my life. And if He wants me to use "chariots and horses and men in armor I will do so, but never without prayer and the knowledge of where my healing comes from. I will be trusting the outcome to Him.
We would love your prayers as we head to Mayo Clinic........for the doctors to have the wisdom.....for us to have the courage..... for however God directs you to pray. Recently I heard Kris Vallotton say that we need to P.U.S.H. forward with prayer.....Praying Until Something Happens. I also heard another pastor say that every time we pray something happens! Prayer is a mighty weapon as we fight the battles that come. We thank you for yours!
So many prayers going up for you renee’ and for joel, for the doctors and nurses to be guided also by God and for you to feel God‘s presence and peace! You are loved by so many!
you have touched so many lives you will keep touching the lives of many with your exquisite knowledge and tender feelings !!
I have been thinking about you, Renee and wondering how you have been doing. I am glad I came here to see your latest entry. I will be praying for you and Joel as you head to the Mayo Clinic.
"The Lord will fight for you,
and you shall hold your peace."
Exodus 14:14 NKJV
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