"God is as near to you as your own breath."
Father Tim
I came across this saying in Jan Karon's book, "In The Company of Others". It gave me pause and I found myself pondering these words.
Our breath is what keeps us alive. We rely on our breath to sleep, rest, move, talk, laugh, cry, to exist. It is so much a part of us that we don't even think about it, unless we live with asthma or another condition that affects our breathing.
God is interwoven with breath. We have heard such sayings as "He who gives us breath" "Breathe on me breath of life". Genesis 2: 7 says, " The Lord formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a human being." Beautiful.
Our breath comes from God. He gave man breath. He is as near as our breath.
When God feels far away.....when turmoil fills your world...... when you cry out in need with your very own breath...Remember ~God is as near to you as your own breath.
When God feels far away.....when turmoil fills your world...... when you cry out in need with your very own breath...Remember ~God is as near to you as your own breath.
Life giving
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I love Father Tim in the Jan Karon books. What a beautiful quote - so very comforting.
Renee, have you read "Tales from the Grace Chapel Inn" series (a Guideposts series of books by various authors)? I just love them and I think you would too.
Some kind soul had donated about 15 of them to my local Goodwill and I am enjoying them so much. Since then, I have seen them at Christian bookstores and on amazon.
Have a good Saturday.
I love this with God's breath. It's what gave us life. Saying that He is as close as our breath means that in those moments of panic, fear or heartache, when others tell us to just breathe, we can find peace in knowing that He is right there with us. As we breathe in, as we breathe out. Beautiful. Thanks Renee :)
I concentrated last year on reflecting on "breath" in the bible and in experience, and was constantly amazed at God's goodness in giving us life and breath and every good thing. We are blessed. Thanks for sharing this, Renee.
Hello Rene, This is so good!!
We don't think about our breath do we? I had never thought about this...breathing is an unconcious act by involuntary muscles...imagine if we had to tell ourselves breath breath breath..I can't imagine anything so awful... We are given the breath of life at birth..that is so awesome and powerful Rene. We take the wonderful gifts God gives for granted.. I am thinking on this now. xx
I have never really thought about this much,so I enjoyed reading your post.
God Bless,
this reminds me when my girls were babies...especially my oldest..I checked them so many times to make sure they were still breathing. Your words are really encouraging.
I love this post, Renee. It has become a daily habit of mine to pray what I call 'breath prayers'. I pray and do breathe calmly in and out and believe I am breathing in the Living God right down to the celluar level, to bring health.
I enjoyed the Karon series and read it with my precious mother in law a number of years back.
Really stopping in here also to with you a very happy birthday tommorrow. A little mouse put it in my ear and I could not pull up your page properly, so thought I'd leave well wishes for a joyous day for you. I celebrate the Godly woman and example you are.
Be blessed, Renee!
Jan Lyn
Such an encouraging thought that I will take with me this week. As close as breath.
Hi Renee,
Thank you for sharing such an inspirational topic; God is as near as my own breath.
Some years ago, I learned that often during times of stress or anziety, I had a tendency to hold my breath. I was unconscious of this behavior and that it created further stress and anxiety.
Now, when I'm feeling stressed or anxious, I quietly pray, and it helps me breathe. I shall remember this thought from Father Tim.
Blessings and peace.
Love Father Tim and the Jan Karon books. He really seems like a real person. Thank you for sharing this inspiration.
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