Friday, April 1, 2011

Children Of The Light

"Walk as children of the light."
Ephesians 5:8b

The Bible tells us Jesus is the Light of the world.  He is the beacon that ships sail towards on a stormy night.  He is the porch light that leads us home.  He is the streetlight that keeps us from the darkness.  He is the headlight that leads the way.  He is the Sonlight that warms our days.  Jesus is the Light of the world.

The Bible also tells us we are children of the light.  Children of God, saved from death by salvation through God's only son.  Ephesians 5: 8 says, "For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord.  So live as people of the light!" 

So, how do children of the light live?   Ephesians 4 and 5 gives us insights into this answer. We throw off our old nature, and we let the Spirit renew our thoughts and attitudes.  We carefully determine what pleases God, imitate Him in everything we do, and live a life full of love.  We are able to do this by putting on the full armor of God!(Ephesians 6)  While walking as children of the light, let us never forget where our help comes from.......our help comes from the Lord. 

Thank you Jesus for your sacrifices and your deep love for your children.  Children of the Light!

Stop over and visit Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays to read inspirational posts or link up your own.  


Patti Hanan said...

I love how Jesus is called the light of the world. May we always remember to walk as children of light.

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Renee. A beautiful post. Wishing you a blessed weekend.

Joan Hall said...

Beautiful post, Renee. I especially love this line, "He is the beacon that ships said towards on a stormy night."


Anonymous said...

A great reminder to shine for Jesus!

Charlotte said...

So true, Renee. It's so very very special to be children of light. Thank you for sharing.

Pamela said...

I love being a child of the Light. I want to live like I am -- with right attitudes and thoughts, knowing my help comes from God. A wonderful thought to enter the Sabbath with.

With joy,

Vintagesouthernlife said...

It's such a blessing to know that as children of the light our help comes from God.

Anita Johnson said...

"He is the streetlight that keeps us from the darkness." That remends me so much of growing up in Chicago and the love my earthly father had for me..."Be home when the street lights go on". Thankful for God's 24/7 protection.

Quirky Homemaker said...

Stopping in from Spiritual Sunday. I pray God helps me shine my light. Thanks for posting.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I thank the Lord that I can be a light for him.
Thank-you for this post today.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

A bit Yes to this Renee....awesome post.

no spring chicken said...

Amen! I am so thankful to have been led out of darkness. Funny thing about the dark, you don't know how dark it is until you are in the light. Blessings, Debie