Friday, November 30, 2012

Yoking Up: God's Love

Then Jesus said,
'Come unto me all of you who are weary
and carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you. 
Let me teach you
because I am humble and gentle at heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.'" (NLT)
"My yoke is easy
and my burden is light.'" ( NIV)

Matthew 11:28-30

Today I watched for the second time a Biblical teaching on resting in God's love that I had first watched in September.  At that time I was in the midst of a downward spiral with my health and my heart was closed to much of what I was hearing.  Today, the title of this teaching caught my attention once again, and I opened my heart to what God had to say as the speaker talked about resting in HIS love.

The woman who spoke  had done an in depth study on God's love and its connection to our heart.  These words resonated for me:

"Whatever we think we know about God's love, there is more!"

It was nearly two years ago that a dear friend shared with me words of knowledge from God. Along with other things, she shared these words ~ "God loves you, Renee.  God wants you well."  It was 6 months later that the leader of a prayer group I belonged to told me the same words of knowledge~  "God wants you well."  I have held those words closely to me and so when they came for a third time in the the title of a teaching on healing yet another friend encouraged us to watch last January, I knew we were being led down a new path.  God Wants You Well was the teaching we watched that changed our lives forever and opened a new way of believing to us that resulted in Joel's overnight healing. 

I have shared in the past few weeks the 23+ times Matthew 11:28-30 was given to me by God, which put me on a quest of resting with Jesus....seeking the Healer more than the healing.  It has been a daily journey, with setbacks and breakthroughs, as I have struggled with keeping my focus on Jesus and His Word instead of how I feel.  Now I am hearing about rest once again~ this resting in God's love.  A matter of the heart.  A matter of trust. 

It is in God's love that we find salvation and eternal life.  It is in God's love that we find forgiveness.   It is in God's love that we find healing.  In God's love we find acceptance, assurance, worthiness, peace, and so much more.  And God cannot and will not ever withhold His love from us.

"For God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish,
but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
Resting in God's love means we trust Him with our whole lives, knowing that we know that we know He wants the very best for us.  Knowing that we can always trust Him.  Knowing that having an intimate relationship with God is His desire, too.  We find that "knowing" in His Word.  Here is where truth and Spirit meet, showing His deep love for us.

"May you have the power to understand,
as all God's people should,
how wide, how long, how high,
and how deep His love is."
Ephesians 3:18

"My child, pay attention to what I say
Listen carefully to my words
Don't lose sight of them
Let them penetrate deep into your heart
For they bring life to those that find them
And healing to their whole body." 
Proverbs 4:20-23 

 I am linking up to Spiritual Sundays today.  Stop over and read more posts or link up your own.


Anita Johnson said...

I love what you have written here, Renee. He wants us well. That is enough for me!

Kaye Swain - SandwichINK For the Sandwich Generation said...

What a lovely way of looking at total surrender to God. It is, indeed, such a sweet blessing.

Kim said...

Renee, wow. This is a true blessing of being still. I feel like this comes from the Spirit flowing through you, and I hear you so much when you talk about having our hearts closed to what He's saying versus what we hear when our hearts are open. Sometimes I wonder if that's why I'm such a slow learner. Also, this really got me because I just read Ephesians 3:18 last night and God used it to speak to me about many things. It is incredible when His word comes alive!

Susy said...

That's a powerful revelation to receive Rene. You were like a rose starting out small and tight, but eventually opening up to full bloom ~ and your testimony is the sweet fragrance. It has and will continue to make all the difference in our Christian walk. Blessings to you.

p.s. I love how He persued you.