Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This I Know

I went into the garden of my heart a couple of days ago while meditating...and I immediately found myself in the ocean being tossed about by the waves and wind.  In fear I cried out to Jesus, "Help me!"  I heard Him say, "Stand up."   As I stood on the ocean floor,  I realized that the storm was still raging, but I was only in water up to my chest.  My thought was, I have something firm to stand on.  Once I stood upright I still had trouble standing, but Holy Spirit, Jesus, and Papa God all surrounded me and brought me back to shore. 

Something firm to stand on. 

Just yesterday Joel said he felt we needed to hang on to what we know to be true ~ go back to the beginning and our firm foundation.  Jesus, our Savior.  Jesus our Provider.  Jesus our Healer.  Our Comforter.  Our Helper.   Our Rock.

Standing is difficult.  Literally, I mean.  In a total crash.  I am sofa material right now.  A number of symptoms I do not care to list......physical, emotional, mental. What do I know as truth?

Jesus  loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so

This I know.
This I know.
This I know.


Sharon said...

I love word pictures - and this one of you standing on the ocean floor, but in water only up to your chest - is perfect.

It is when we find ourselves in the middle of the storms of life that we discover the truth about the One Who Walks On Water - HE is the firm and unchanging Rock.

This I know, Renee. This I know.


Ginny said...

I will be praying for you sweet friend. It can be so scary sometimes when we don't understand, and for me it is so hard to trust Him even though I know I should.

Love you and hope your body finds peace soon.

Renee said...

Thank you Sharon

Renee said...

Thank you Ginny....