Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Pitching Our Tent

It has been awhile.........Last week is a bit of a blur as I was hit hard with an intestinal flu that had me sleeping 12 hours at a time and bonding with my bed, only coming up for water and air.  What is up with that?  I was down for the count and it was not until yesterday that I felt at all normal.  Yay for normal.   This past week has had us contemplating winter.

We are in a winter season of our lives.  My health issues continue to come in rapid fire like a machine gun in the hands of the enemy.  We recently learned of the high radon we have been exposed to for the past 14 years.  It is sobering to say the least.  Our close friends have just started the greatest adventure of their lives as full time RV'ers and we are tossed by the waves of our loss and their rich blessings of a new future with Jesus at the wheel.  We were supposed to already be there to welcome them to Arizona this fall......and life intervened with breast cancer.  A shift for us that left us with a restless peace of sorts as we still call Iowa home. We just spent yet another holiday alone....family far from us and making their own memories.   Speaking of Jesus at the wheel, it seems God has clearly directed Joel (and me) to take a call as a part time Interim at two small churches south of Mason City.  It was not on our radar, nor our bucket list, but then God stepped in.  A story for another time.

We are weary of winter.

What sustains us in the winter seasons of our lives?  Hope.  Hope that comes from God's Word and His promises.  It carries us, encourages us, leads us.  Sometimes He just gives us a word.......one word that is manna for the day.  Sometimes He wakes us in the middle of the night to speak clearly.  Other times we sit is silence wrapped in His wings as we wait and believe tomorrow will be better.  Hope.  There is a verse that I found years ago in The Message.  It is found in  Acts 2: 25, 26.

"David said it all.
I saw God before me for all time.  
Nothing can shake me, He is right by my side.  
I'm glad from the inside out, ecstatic: 
  I have pitched my tent in the land of hope."

Pitch that tent in the land of hope.  Hammer the stakes in deep and climb inside.  Let it be His wings that enfold you.  Rest, weep, sing, or just breathe.  Hold on to the thread of hope...hope that may be light as a feather but also is able to carry us as we soar like eagles.  Winter will turn to Spring.

Havilah Cunnington spoke recently on the seasons of our lives.  She gave people 5 things to hold on to in the winter season.  1.  God will be faithful to you.  2.  God is fully aware of your season.  3.  God is all powerful in every season.  4.  God is working everything out for good....5.  Seasonal change will eventually come. 

Today is a good day for a miracle!  Doesn't that statement alone give you hope?  I'm all for that. There is hope that seasonal change is coming.  Hope that promises and prophecies will be fulfilled.  And always the hope of knowing the ultimate victory is ours. Hope is ours for the choosing.  Pitch your tent in the land of hope and rest in knowing God is faithful.  He is always faithful.

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