Tuesday, October 2, 2018

She Said Don't Worry.

Matt, Bethany, Mark, Naomi

I can still see her sweet face as she sat with me on the sofa in our living room.  Our oldest girl was around five years old and we had just come home from Sunday School.  We attended an Interdenominational church with other military families on Clark Air Base in The Philippines.

Bethany turned to me and said, "Mommy, you don't have to worry about where I will go when I die."  I asked her why and she told me, "I asked Jesus into my heart today."  So simple, yet so powerful.

Sometimes we want to make the Gospel story so complex.  We add religious rituals, rules, and definitions to what it means to be a Christian and John 3:16 becomes complicated.   "For God so loved the world He gave His only Son....."   That is how much He loves us.

"Jesus loves me this I know......for the Bible tells me so."  Again, so simple, yet so powerful.  A few weeks ago a young woman was praying for me and said, "Oh I feel the love of God on you so strongly....."  She went on to share something personal from God that addressed where my heart was that morning.  Today Joel was sitting quietly with his eyes closed and God said to Him, "I want Renee to know how much I love her."  I hold those moments close.  He really does want us to know.  He really does want us to accept and be His children.

Sometimes we need to go back to the child that resides in us, remembering how much Jesus loves us.  How much He wants to be our Lord and Savior.  We need to step out in faith and receive Him, and let Him into our hearts to reign just like our Bethany did when she was a young child.

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