Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Lion Of Judah

I was getting ready to head back to the cancer center after a three week break.  With a few minutes to spare,  I turned to Facebook and this came up on my screen.  Once again, God sent me the same verse as He has countless times before.... often when I am heading to the Dr. or for a test or for surgery.......He is so faithful.

I have been focused on Exodus 14:14, but had not noticed the importance of verse 13.  Do NOT be afraid.  Stand firm.  God will deliver you.  I hang on to these verses as someone who thirsts for water.  For me, Living Water.  Jesus.

While waiting for the Dr. to come in the room, I asked Holy Spirit to be present, to bring peace, and certainly more clarity and communication than our last visit.  H. e. l. l. o.  It went pretty well.  We continue to wait for my appointment at Mayo to see what they say.  I call over there daily to check for cancellations, hoping to get in before my scheduled appointment on August 16.  Joel and I both feel peace about going there.

These verses I really began getting a couple of years ago.  The plaque on my wall with Exodus 14:14 written on it was a Christmas gift from our oldest daughter at least 2 years ago.  God has been preparing us.  With His Word, with the prophetic words given to us at Bethel, and recently with the words of a nurse who told us...."IF you have even a fleeting thought that has you thinking about going to Mayo, GO".    God speaks through many avenues.

We have two extended family members right now who are fighting major health battles. I thought specifically of them today as these verses popped up on my screen.  Do not be afraid.  (easier said than done but it is possible with God).  Stand firm and you will see the deliverance God will bring you today.  When we have done all we can, we stand firm.  We TRUST God is with us.  We trust He will deliver us.  The Lord will fight for you.  Countless places in the Bible we see God fighting for His people.  He is mighty!  He loves us fiercely.  When He says He is fighting for us, He is.  You need only to be still.  Being still does not necessarily mean doing nothing.  It means being at peace with knowing God has us and the problem.  It is knowing deep in our soul that we can trust Him.

I have come to love these verses, but more importantly I have come to a deeper understanding of how much God loves us.  I don't know what is in my future........none of us do, but we know who holds our future.   God goes before us, walks with us, and has our back.  He is not just the Lamb who was slain.........He is the Lion of Judah!! 

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