Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sprinkle Kindness

When I look out on the back deck I see a display of fall flowers.  Two different people, members of one of the churches where Joel is Interim, have given us mum plants.  One is covered in buds not yet blooming, the other is covered in a mass of bright yellow and gold flowers.  They sit next to a very large flower container we purchased in June that is still showing off it's beauty.  Every time I get up to head to the kitchen or bathroom, when I come back to my sanctuary my vision is brightened by color.  A good reminder of not only nature at it's best, but of the kindness of others.

I have not been able to go with Joel to church since last November.  I have missed out on getting to know the people in the two churches where Joel is an Interim.  They have been nothing but kind and caring in praying for their pastor and his wife.  This past Sunday someone sent home food for Joel that lasted for 3 meals. What a blessing!  We so appreciate their prayers, cards, food, and the mum plants!

Kindness.  It goes such a long way in this world.

I ended up at the dermatologist's office Monday due to severe reactions on my chest that were not healing with what I had been told to use.  Our Dr. whom we love, and his staff worked me in and he was able to diagnose the issues quickly....two separate ones.  An ointment is already healing up a chest wall full of nasty stuff.  What Joel and I like about this doctor, is not only his expertise, but the kindness and compassion that he and the staff show his patients.

Kindness.  It goes a long way in this world.

Kindness makes us better people.  It opens our hearts to not only give, but to receive.  We have dear friends who are full time RV'ers in their retirement.  They also have a ministry to serve God where He guides and directs them.  Whether they are laying flooring, feeding the homeless, or working in shelters they are giving out of the kindness of their hearts and in obedience to God.  They combine their love for traveling and camping with their love for serving,  and the world is a better place for it.

Kindness.  It goes a long way in this world.

                                 Jesus was a good example for all of us to follow.  In Ephesians 4 we read.........

 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, 
forgiving one another as God in Christ forgives you."

Kindness.  It goes a long way in this world.

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